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High Performance Walls for Energy Efficiency & Disaster Resilience
October 8, 2014 Bob Clark, APA Matthew Brown, APA
Whole Building Design Balancing Cost, Structure and Energy
Burden is on the builder to produce structures that are: Cost-effective to build Strong and safe Energy efficient Balancing Cost, Structure and Energy
Whole Building Design In new home construction, the walls of a house present a great opportunity to prevent energy loss
Whole Building Design In new home construction, the walls of a house also present a great opportunity to protect the house from the forces of nature
High Performance Walls for Energy Efficiency & Disaster Resilience
AGENDA 8:00 – 9:00 Walls That Work & Advanced Framing Bob Clark 9:00 – 10:30 Energy Efficient Wood Walls Matt Brown 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 Disaster Resilience and Durability 12:00 Adjourn
APA-The Engineered Wood Association
Non-profit Trade Association representing manufacturers of engineered wood products: Structural Panels: Plywood and Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Glulam I-joists Structural Composite Lumber (SCL): Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), Oriented Strand Lumber (OSL)
APA Web Site:
Connecting building and design professionals with timely technical information and recommendations. JOIN TODAY.
CAD Details
Wood – The Sustainable Choice
Wood – The Sustainable Choice
Environmental Facts Wood is a renewable building material and is a good choice for the environment, for green building, and for long-term life cycle performance. The manufacture of wood products requires substantially less energy than the production of other building products such as steel and concrete. Wood product manufacture results in fewer greenhouse gas and other air-polluting emissions, and wood design compares favorably on the solid waste scale. Its environmental attributes make wood the natural choice for sustainable design.
2x6 Advanced Framing The Concept of Advanced Framing
Advantages of Advanced Framing Advanced Framing Details Strength and Bracing with Advanced Framing Examples of Advanced Framing
The Concept of Advanced Framing
Any techniques that: Optimize building material usage Minimize thermal bridging Increase cavity insulation volume to provide maximum energy efficiency Withstand all design loads
Optimum Value Engineering (O.V.E.)
Advanced Framing a.k.a Optimum Value Engineering (O.V.E.) In-Line Framing a.k.a. Stacked Framing
Advanced Framing APA Construction Guide APA Form Number M400
Free download at
Suite of Framing Techniques
Advanced Framing is not a “take all or leave all” concept. Using any or some of the techniques is still “Advanced” The more holistic the approach, the more savings.
Phasing In Advanced Framing
Switch to 2x6 studs to increase cavity insulation depth and R20 energy code requirements. Change wall framing module from 16" o.c. to 24" o.c. Retain the use of double top plates to avoid in-line framing. Incorporate intersecting wall techniques and energy efficient corners, beginning with three-stud corners, that allow for greater insulation volume. Implement energy-efficient headers and single-member framing around openings. Eliminate double top plates.
Advantages of Advanced Framing
Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Structural Integrity Sustainability
Energy Efficiency Maximize space for cavity insulation Minimize
insulation voids Reduce thermal bridging
Energy Star 3 Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist
Reduced thermal bridging at above-grade walls separating conditioned from unconditioned space (rim/band joists exempted) using one of the following options: 12, 13 Continuous rigid insulation, insulated siding, or combination of the two ≥ R-3 in Climate Zones 1 to 4, ≥ R-5 in Climate Zones 5 to 8 14 ,15, Or; Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), OR; Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs), OR; Double-wall Framing 16, OR;
Energy Star 3 Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist
4.4 Reduced thermal bridging at above-grade walls separating conditioned from unconditioned space (rim/band joists exempted) using one of the following options: 12, 13 Advanced Framing, including all of the items below:
Energy Star 3 Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist
4.4 Reduced thermal bridging at above-grade walls separating conditioned from unconditioned space (rim/band joists exempted) using one of the following options: 12, 13 Advanced Framing, including all of the items below: a All corners insulated ≥ R-6 to edge 17, AND; 4.4.5b All headers above windows & doors insulated 18, AND; 4.4.5c Framing limited at all windows and doors 19, AND; 4.4.5d All interior/exterior wall intersections insulated to same R-value as the rest of the exterior wall 20, AND; 4.4.5e Minimum stud spacing of 16" o.c. for 2x4 framing in all Climate Zones, and in Climate Zones 5 – 8, 24" o.c. for 2x6 framing unless construction documents specify other spacing is structurally required 21
Cost Effectiveness More resource efficient than conventional framing
Optimizing lumber usage reduces material costs Reduced framing labor Increase efficiency of other trades: Fewer studs for plumbers and electricians to drill Fewer cavities to fill Less waste and dumpster costs
Structural Integrity Stacked Framing provides direct load path
2x6 24" o.c. are 2-1/2 times stiffer than 2x4 16" o.c.* Wall Bracing Solutions Siding Attachment Solutions * Moment of Inertia Comparison
Sustainability Wood has long been a successful green strategy
Renewable resource Less energy to manufacture Less pollutants to manufacture Performs well on life-cycle analysis Advanced Framing delivers greater environmental dividends Optimizing material usage Reducing construction waste building
National Green Building Standard ICC 700
Up to 9 points may be claimed for Advanced Framing Techniques. Minimum certification requires 222 points with 45 in Resource Efficiency. Multiple opportunities for points using wood, certified wood, engineered wood products, etc. Practice # Chapter 6: Resource Efficiency Points Available Points Claimed Required Documentation 601.2 Material usage. Building-code-compliant structural systems or advanced framing techniques are implemented that optimizes material usage. NOTE: Indicate structural systems or framing techniques in the Additional Info box below. Examples: floor, roof, exterior walls, interior walls, single top plate, no headers in non-bearing walls, ladder blocking at wall intersections, 2-stud corners, right-sized headers sys = 3 pts sys = 6 pts sys = 9 pts 9 List advanced framing features shown on plans 9
Advanced Framing 24" o.c. Member Spacing
APA plywood or OSB roof sheathing (omitted for clarity) Roof trusses (energy heel roof trusses shown) 24"o.c. Single top plate Framing members “stack” to create direct load path APA plywood or OSB wall sheathing 2x6 studs 24"o.c. supporting one floor, roof and ceiling. Height limitations per code requirements. APA Sturd-I-Floor® minimum 24 o.c. APA Rim Board® APA wood I-joists or SCL 24"o.c.
Conventional Framing 16”o.c. Member Spacing CONVENTIONAL FRAMING:
2x4 Studs at 16" o.c., Double top plate, 3-Stud corners, 2-Stud ‘T’ junctions, Double 2x12 header on jack studs, Redundant cripples at ends of window sill plate
Advanced Framing 24”o.c. Member Spacing ADVANCED FRAMING:
2x6 Studs at 24"o.c., Single top plate, 2-Stud corners, Ladder junctions, Wood structural panel headers, Single studs at sides of openings, Redundant cripples omitted
Wall Frame Comparison Single top plate
Wood structural panel box or single-ply header Single studs at sides of opening Ladder blocking (optional) Advanced Framing Conventional Framing Advanced/ Conventional Framing 2x6 studs, 24"o.c. Redundant cripple studs eliminated Two-stud corner or California corner
Three-stud Corners Insulated Three-stud Corner (California Corner)
Traditional Corner Difficult to insulate Outside corner
Two-stud Corners Two-stud Corner (with Drywall Clips) Alternatives
Outside corner Alternatives 2012 IRC, Figure R602.3(2) FRAMING DETAILS Note: A third stud and/or partition backing stud shall be permitted to be omitted through the use of wood back-up cleats, metal drywall clips, or other approved devices that will serve as adequate backing for facing materials. Drywall clip to hold drywall in place
Two-stud Corners Corner stud 2x Ladder Blocking at 24"o.c.
or Drywall Clips Outside corner 2x Ladder Blocking at 24"o.c. or Drywall Clips
Interior Wall Intersection Options
Ladder Junction Single top plate 3" x 6" x 0.036" galvanized steel plate Interior wall 2x ladder blocking at 24"o.c. Install blocking with wide face vertical for maximum backing to wall finish and for maximum insulation in exterior walls.
Interior Wall Intersection Options
Junction for Continuous Drywall Application Single top plate 3" x 6" x 0.036" galvanized steel plate Drywall Interior stud set in ½ inch (or more) from exterior wall studs Detail courtesy of NAHB Research Center
Single Top Plate Connections
Longitudinal Top Plate Splice Prescriptive Connection 3" x 12" x 0.036" Galvanized steel plate 12- 8d (2-1/2" x 0.113") Nails each side* *Plate size and number of fasteners required is greater than 2009 International Residential Code.
Single Top Plate Connections
Longitudinal Top Plate Splice Alternate Connection: Wood Splice Splice Joint Single top plate Splice joint 8-16d (3-1/2" x 0.135") nails each side of splice.
Single Top Plate Connections
Intersecting Wall Connection Prescriptive Connection 3" x 6" x 0.036" galvanized steel plate 6-8d (2-1/2" x 0.113") nails each side IRC, Section R Alternate Connection 2x6 lumber splice 2-10d (3" x 0.128") nails each side 2012 IRC, Table R602.3(1), Item 19
Single Top Plate Connections
Corner Framing Prescriptive Connection 3" x 6" x 0.036" galvanized steel plate 6-8d (2-1/2" x 0.113") nails each side IRC, Section R Alternate Connection 2x6 lumber splice 2-10d (3" x 0.128") nails each side 2012 IRC, Table R602.3(1), Item 19
Trusses or floor joists at 24"o.c.
Single Top Plate Offsets 2012 IRC Section R Top plate. Wood studs shall be capped with a double top plate... Exception: A single top plate may be installed in stud walls…provided the rafters or joists are centered over the studs with a tolerance of no more than 1 inch… Prescriptive Member Placement for Single Top Plate Wall Construction Common/repetitive members supporting uniform loads applied to single top plate Trusses or floor joists at 24"o.c. 1" 1" Studs at 24"o.c.
Single Top Plate Offsets
2012 IRC Section R Top plate. Wood studs shall be capped with a double top plate... Exception: A single top plate may be installed in stud walls…provided the rafters or joists are centered over the studs with a tolerance of no more than 1 inch… Prescriptive Member Placement for Single Top Plate Wall Construction Rafter Ceiling joists 1" 1" Studs at 24"o.c.
Double Top Plate Offsets
(2x4 Framing) 2012 IRC Section R Bearing studs. Where joists, trusses or rafters are spaced more than 16 inches o.c. and the bearing studs below are spaced 24 inches o.c., such members shall bear within 5 inches of studs beneath. Prescriptive Member Placement for Double Top Plate Wall Construction Trusses spaced > 16"o.c. Max. offset = 5" 2x4 top plate maximum offset, Studs at 24"o.c.
Double Top Plate Offsets
(2x6 Framing) 2012 IRC Section R Bearing studs. Where joists, trusses or rafters are spaced more than 16 inches o.c. and the bearing studs below are spaced 24 inches o.c., such members shall bear within 5 inches of studs beneath. Exception: 1. The top plates are two 2x6 inch or two 3x4 members. Prescriptive Member Placement for Double Top Plates with 2x6 Walls Truss No Maximum Offset 2x6 top plate no maximum offset Studs at 24"o.c.
Openings in Non-Load-Bearing Walls
Conventional Headers Not Required Single top plate Cripple studs as required Opening top plate may be doubled for openings wider than 8' Single opening top plate Opening in non-load- bearing wall Note: Use jack studs as required.
Engineered Wood & Lumber Headers
Single-Ply Header at Top Plate Top plate Single-ply load-bearing header (flush outer face of header with outer edge of studs) Outside of wall Cavity insulation space (to stud depth less single header thickness) Header bottom plate (to complete rough opening at header) For many openings 4 feet wide or less in one-story buildings, single studs at sides of rough openings may be adequate IRC Table R502.5(1). Jack stud or approved framing connector 2012 IRC Tables R502.5(1) & R502.5(2) 2012 IRC Section R
Engineered Wood & Lumber Headers
Single-Ply Header with Cripple Top plate Single-ply load-bearing header (flush outer face of header with outer edge of studs) Outside of wall Cavity insulation space (to stud depth less single header thickness) Header bottom plate (to complete rough opening at header) For many openings 4 feet wide or less in one-story buildings, single studs at sides of rough openings may be adequate IRC Table R502.5(1). Jack stud or approved framing connector 2012 IRC Tables R502.5(1) & R502.5(2) 2012 IRC Section R
Engineered Wood & Lumber Headers
Approved Framing Connector Option Single or Double-ply Headers Cavity insulation space Header hanger (such as Simpson Strong-Tie HH or equivalent) Single stud at sides of rough openings (most openings up to 48" wide) outside of wall Alternate Header Connection: Where the number of required jack studs equal one, the header is permitted to be supported by an approved framing anchor attached to the full-height wall stud and to the header. 2012 IRC Section R
Wood Structural Panel Box Header for Load-Bearing Walls
One-sided Wood Structural Panel Box Header Single top plate Cripple studs on stud layout Cavity insulation space (to full width of wall studs) Min. 15/32 Performance Category wood structural panel Drywall interior finished Single stud at sides of rough openings to 48" wide, jack stud required span > 48" Header top plate to complete rough opening at header
Wood Structural Panel Box Header for Load-Bearing Walls
Two-Sided Wood Structural Panel Box Header Insulation Cripple studs on stud layout Min. 15/32 Performance Category wood structural panel or thicker (sanded or MDO plywood may be used on inside surface in lieu of drywall) The top plate of the wood structural panel box header shall be continuous over header. For construction details and maximum spans, see 2012 IRC Section R , Figure R and Table R Note: Framing fastening per code.
Wood Structural Panel Box Header for Load-Bearing Walls
Nail Pattern Single top plate Wood structural panel face shall be single piece of 15/32 Performance Category or greater sheathing Slant nail if necessary Cavity insulation space behind wood structural panel Single stud at sides of rough opening to 48" wide Jack stud required if span > 48" 3" 3" 3" 9“ or 15” depth Strength Axis NAIL PATTERN 2012 IRC, Table R 8d common nails minimum 3"o.c. spacing stagger nails ½"
Wood Structural Panel Box Header for Load-Bearing Walls
TABLE R * MAXIMUM SPANS FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL BOX HEADERS HEADER CONSTRUCTION HEADER DEPTH HOUSE DEPTH (feet) 24 26 28 30 32 Wood Structural panel – one side 9" 4' 3' - 15" 5' Wood Structural panel – both sides 7' 8' 6' * Spans are based on single story house with clear span trussed roof or two-story with floor and roof supported by interior-bearing walls.
Rough Opening Placement
The placement of openings in load-bearing walls and the layout of framing members above openings have significant impact on header sizing for advanced framing. Minimum required materials to frame rough opening Structure above imposing tributary loads on header Potential increased header size - increased load from structure above Excess materials due to inefficient opening placement 24" wide tributary load 24" wide tributary load 48" wide tributary load Best Placement 36" wide opening 36" wide opening 36" wide opening Note: Jack studs may not be required if using wood structural panel headers.
Ceiling Frame – Attic Insulation
Typical Attic Insulation with “Regular Heel” Minimum 1" space between insulation and roof sheathing R-49 = 15" R-38 = 12" Insulatable depth R-30 = 10" at rafter heel
Ceiling Frame – Attic Insulation
Typical Attic Insulation with “Energy Heel” Minimum 1" space between insulation and roof sheathing Insulatable depth R-49 = 15" R-38 = 12" at truss heel R-30 = 10" 2009 IRC, N or 2009 IECC, Ceilings with attic spaces. When Section N1102.1 would require R-38 in the ceiling, R-30 shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement for R-38 whenever the full height of uncompressed R-30 insulation extends over the wall top plate at the eaves. Similarly, R-38 shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement for R-49…….
Energy Heel Truss to Wall
Wood Structural Panel Overlap Energy heel truss Fastening per design Optional rafter-tie or tension strap inside or over wall sheathing per manufacturer recommendation Ensure correct fastening of sheathing to top plate per shear wall, wall bracing, or combined shear and uplift requirements.* Plywood or OSB wall sheathing *See rafter-tie manufacturer’s instructions for installation of strap over sheathing and into framing.
Use of Wood Structural Panels for Energy-Heel Trusses
Provides a prescriptive method of bracing energy-heel trusses through the use of wood structural panel wall sheathing.
Wood Structural Panel Wall Sheathing Used to Resist Wind Pressures
Excerpt from 2012 IRC Table R602.3(3) Minimum Nail Panel Span Rating Nominal Thickness Category Stud Spacing Max. Wind Speed (mph) Exposure Category Size Penetration B C D 6d 1.5" 24/0 3/8 16" 110 90 85 8d 1.75" 24/16 7/16 130 105 24" For panel nail spacing 6” o.c. at edges and 12” o.c. in field of panels Designed shear walls may be used for higher wind speed areas and should be designed in accordance with the IBC or other engineering standards
Recommended WSP for Stucco Exterior Finish
Stud Spacing Panel Orientation APA Rated Sheathing Performance Category Span Rating 16" Horizontal 3/8 24/0 Vertical 7/16 Structural 1 OSB 24/16 15/32, 1/2 5-ply or OSB 32/16 24" 7/16 19/32, 5/8 5-ply or OSB 40/20 Blocking recommended between studs along horizontal panel joints
Wall Sheathing Installation
Recommendations for 24" o.c. studs Fasten panels as recommended with 8d nails 6" o.c. at all panel edges 12" o.c. in the field Space panels 1/8" at all panel ends and edges Use minimum 7/16 category panels Some OSB panels alter strength-axis orientation to allow vertical placement with strength axis across studs
Oversize Wall Sheathing
Sized for 8, 9, 10 ft. walls Eliminates blocking Easy to inspect Less air infiltration More direct uplift and lateral load-path
Using WSP for Combined Shear and Uplift
Resist combined uplift and shear Lower Cost Reduced Construction Time Reference: APA SR-101 Design for Combined Shear and Uplift from Wind
Braced Wall Panels Intermittent Bracing Methods Method Material
Max. Stud Spacing LIB Let-in-bracing 16" DWB Diagonal wood boards 24" WSP Wood structural panel SFB Structural fiberboard GB Gypsum board PBS Particleboard sheathing PCP Portland cement plaster HPS Hardboard panel siding R
Winchester/Camberly Homes
New Construction Test House D.C. MetroArea Built in partnership with NAHB and US Department of Energy Building America Program Completed 2011 Three Story + Basement
Winchester/Camberly Homes
New Construction Test House D.C. MetroArea
Murray Residence St. Johns County, FL Built 2009
Murray Residence St. Johns County, FL
Other Efficient Wood Wall Systems
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) Double Stud Wall System
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