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Liver Cancer Around the World

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1 Liver Cancer Around the World
Swingna Xiao David Dyck

2 Hypothesis It is an accepted fact that standard of living influences overall health and that higher alcohol consumption is a risk factor for liver cancer. With this in mind, we think that the number of liver cancer cases will be greater in eastern countries than western and that liver cancer cases will be more numerous among men than women. We believe this because many eastern countries have lower standards of living, and that men tend to drink more than women

3 Background Info The liver is an essential organ in the body
Its main role is to filter the blood Other roles are to synthesize proteins, and biological chemicals that help with digestion Liver cancer Regular heavy alcohol use can damage the liver leading to inflammation which raises the risk of liver cancer Alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde (a known carcinogen) in the body As damaged liver cells try to repair themselves, mistakes can occur in their DNA leading to cancer

4 More Info It is the 5th most common cancer among men and 7th among women Primary Cancer is where the cancer begins in the liver but may spread to other organs Metastasized cancer comes originally from another source within the body cancer cells can travel easily from the affected organ (the liver) to other areas in the body because of the livers main function of filtering the blood.

5 Sampling Techniques We used Stats Canada and Gap minder as our main sources for our data We used Microsoft Excel to create the Graphs, and Microsoft Word to make the report

6 Bias Non-response bias

7 Swingna’s Part Female Liver Cancer Around the World

8 Liver Cancer Cases of the World
Table 1: Data for Female Liver Cancer Cases Interval Frequency Relative Frequency Culmulative Frequency x-x̄ (x-x̄)² Canada 360 0.0121 UK 1049 0.0353 1409 France 1284 2693 South Korea 1369 0.0460 4062 Germany 1387 0.0466 5449 USA 1791 0.0602 7240 Indonesia 2334 0.0784 9574 -641.2 North Korea 3256 0.1094 12830 280.8 India 4477 0.1505 17307 1501.8 Japan 12445 0.4183 29752 9469.8 Total 1.0000 Mean 2975.2 Median 1589 Mode N/A

9 Histogram 1. Female Summary
Displays the number of cases among the female population of each country The general trend is western, eastern developed, eastern developing The data has a strong positive trend

10 Line Graph 1. Female Summary
Again displays the number of female liver cancer cases, except in line graph format The regression that best fits the data is a polynomial to the degree of six The coefficient of determination is

11 Female Cumulative Frequency
Summary The mild slope from Canada to Germany indicates no major change in the number of cases Form USA to Japan shows the slope increasing, meaning higher numbers of cases

12 Female Box and Whiskers
Summary Gives you a better view of the range, and Japan as an outlier Highest datum is 12,445, lowest is 360

13 David's Part Male Liver Cancer Around the World

14 Number of Male Liver Cancer Cases Around the World
Data for Male Liver Cancer Cases

15 Histogram 2. Male Summary
Displays the number of male liver cancer cases Again the general trend is western countries, then eastern developed, and then eastern developing It is a strong positive trend

16 Line Graph 2. Male Summary Displays the male data in line graph format
The regression that best fits the data is a polynomial to the degree of six The coefficient of determination is This type of regression doesn't fit the male data as nicely

17 Male Cumulative Frequency
Summary Between Canada and North Korea shows an gradual positive curve up This means a steady increase in the number of cases per country The jump to Japan is still clear distinguishing it as an outlier, however it is not as large a difference as with the female cases

18 Male Box and Whiskers Summary
Gives you perspective on the difference between the other data and Japan Highest datum is 27271, lowest is 855

19 Questions for the Class ^_^
David’s Question Questions for the Class ^_^ 1. Find the probability that the number of male cases will be less than 8000.

20 Two Variable Statistics
Summary Displays both male and female data in line graph format There are two distinct lines male line starts and climbs higher faster The two lines never touch or cross Light blue is male Dark blue is female

21 Two Variable Scatter Plot
Summary x-axis represents the female cases, the y-axis represents the male cases The data shows a strong positive correlation The regression that best fits the trend is a quadratic The coefficient of determination is

22 Questions for the Class ^_^
Swingna’s Question Questions for the Class ^_^ 2. Predict the number of male liver cancer cases if the number of female cases is 14,000 using the two variable scatter plot.

23 Conclusions 1. Eastern Vs. Western Causes: Population Dietary Habit
Eastern countries do have a greater number of cases Causes: Population Dietary Habit Economy

24 More Conclusions 2. Men Vs. Women
Men have a greater number of liver cancer cases than women Causes: Diet Population

25 Liver Cancer Rates The liver cancer rates are a comparison of the total number (both male and female)of liver cancer cases to the population of each country This gives you a better perspective on the amount and location of liver cancer cases around the world

26 Liver Cancer Rate data Country Population Total Liver Cancer Cases
India 13630 1.10E-05 Canada 1245 3.61E-05 USA 11991 3.82E-05 UK 2638 4.20E-05 Indonesia 11489 4.74E-05 Germany 4230 5.17E-05 France 6051 9.25E-05 South Korea 6373 1.28E-04 Japan 39716 3.11E-04 North Korea 14425 5.90E-04

27 Live Cancer Rates Summary
This graph shows the liver cancer rates for each country This is a more accurate representation of liver cancer around the world India went from the second highest to the lowest

28 Bibliography


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