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Simpson Executive Coaching

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1 Simpson Executive Coaching
“Unlocking Potential” The 4 Roles of All Great Leaders Michael K. Simpson June 1, 2018 ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

2 Great Leaders Are Different in 4 Ways

3 See-Do-Get Mindset / Paradigms Desired Speak / Results Behave
Alignment to Principles Desired Results Speak / Behave (Source: Dr. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.) ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

4 What is a Paradigm? Paradigms can be… Paradigms can be a:
Accurate (principle-based) Inaccurate (false-narrative) Incomplete (limiting) Paradigms can be a: Pattern Framework/lens Perspective Viewpoint/belief Model to interpret the world ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

5 Mindset—Emotions, Words, Behaviors
Judger Self Problem-focused Rational Inflexible Reactive Blame Judgment Exclusion Defend Know it already Direct or tell Afraid of change Win-lose Yes, BUT… Learner Self Solution-seeking Possibilities Open Proactive Explore Acceptance Inclusion Discovery Inquiry Active listening Embrace change Win-win Yes, AND… What is our default positions? Be very intentional in which role we are in. Where is the client landing on one of these ways of behaving. SEE, Do, and Get. It reveals the how our words, phrases, and questions are landing on the client. Most of us have a default position, help them reflect – help them listen Think about those who have listen best to you in your life and the yearning to have more of theses people show up. How is this serving you? Build our questioning from a L/J mindset on thinking, feeling, etc. Coach – amplify the learning mindset. Help Source: Marilee Adams, Change Your Question, Change Your Life.

6 Leadership Power and Influence
Industrial Age Management vs. Knowledge Age Leadership Industrial (Control) Knowledge (Release) Empower people with authority to make decisions at all levels. Manage self-directed teams in win-win ways. Unleash talents toward the key goals and priorities. Create high-trust systems, structures, and policies. High-trust behaviors. Boss-centered paradigm. Tell people what to do. Tell people how to do it. Make every decision. Control System: Top-down bureaucracies. External controls: carrot/stick rewards. Fear-based, micro-managed behaviors. Source: Michael K. Simpson. Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills That Transform individuals, Teams, and Organizations (2014), pg ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

7 Moving the Middle 70% 10% 20% (Source: Michael K. Simpson, Unlocking Potential. Tap into Talent, Move the Middle, (2014) Ch ) ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

8 The 4 Roles of Leadership

9 How Much Time Do You Spend In Each Area?
Examine 4 Roles of Leadership Competencies How Much Time Do You Spend In Each Area? STRATEGY % Knows the marketplace, competition, and customers needs. Envisions the future desired state vision yrs. Establishes clear strategic plans with goals and targets. Engages the org./team in a shared mission, vision, strategy. EXECUTION % Sets compelling and realistic goals with clear measures. Scales, grows, sustained significant business results. Aligns the organization’s roles/structure/capabilities. Builds a culture of accountability, discipline, high trust. TALENT % Recruits, promotes, rewards top talent. Coaches, mentors, and develops great leaders. Effectively communicates, collaborates, and empowers people with authority to act at all levels. Rewards the right values/behaviors, and results. TRUST % Models high trust behaviors and conversations. Has high credibility with all key stakeholders. Knows how to build, extend, and restore trust with others. Builds a sustainable culture of high trust.

10 How Much Time Do You Spend?

11 The 4 Cores of Credibility
COMPANY PERFORMANCE 4. Results COMPETENCE 3. Capabilities 2. Intent CHARACTER 1. Integrity COMPANY VALUES (Source: Leading at the Speed of Trust, Stephen M. R. Covey.) ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

12 Stakeholder Assessment Tool
Stakeholders Rate (1–5) Needs/Issues/Counterfeits Practice Which Trust Behaviors? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

13 Most leaders under-communicate their change vision by a factor of 10.
Vision Statement Most leaders under-communicate their change vision by a factor of 10. —John Kotter – Professor Harvard Business School —JOHN KOTTER

14 Health Systems Vision Examples
Every person feels safe and is connected with a strong family and a healthy community. To be the trauma informed provider of choice positively impacting the lives of children, families, and communities. We will leverage our expertise in serving children and families at risk to form strategic partnerships in order to improve the lives of people. We envision a day when abuse, neglect, violence, disease, and crime are so diminished that when they do occur, the response is available effective and immediate. We will maximize human potential through the advancement of health and wellness.

15 Vision Statement Why is a clear and compelling vision so important?
Where are we leading our organization or team? Is our vision shared at all levels? How can we best engage others in a clear vision? What is our organization’s or team’s vision?

16 Strategy to Execution To: From: Specific Goals X to Y (Targets)
and Finish-lines (Dates) Improve Guest Sat From 42 to 55 Problem Resolution From 47 to 60 Arrival Experience From 50 to 60 F & B Quality From 43 to 58 Room Availability 65% to 90% Luggage Delivery 112 min to 15 min Ave Check-in 12 min to 6min From: Strategic Intent What Where Why How ? ?

17 Strategic Direction Questions
What is our core purpose and reason for being? Where can we win and differentiate ourselves against the competition? Where are the biggest growth and market opportunities? What are our greatest strengths and opportunities for success? What critical steps or actions do we need to take to achieve our strategy over the next 2-5 years? How can we dominate, compete, and win? How can we leverage our core capabilities? Where can we add the greatest value to our customers and the marketplace?

18 The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Focus on the Wildly Important Characteristics (3Fs) Narrow the Focus (1-2) Formula (X to Y) Finish Line (by When?) Counter Intuitive Must say “No” to Good and Great Ideas at the Same Time! Barrier Too Many Goals WIG D2 Discipline 2 Act on Lead Measures Characteristics (PIM) Predictive Influence-able Measurable Must focus on the Lead Measure, not fixate on the Lag Measure! Know the Actions Lead Measures D3 Discipline 3 Keep a Compelling Scoreboard Characteristics Simple Visible Lead and Lag Measures Winning or Losing? Must have a Players Scoreboard, not only a Managers Scoreboard! Lack of Engagement Discipline 4 Create a Cadence of Accountability Barrier Whirlwind Commits Strategic Bet Execution Bet Engagement Bet D4 Scoreboard Accountability Characteristics Weekly WIG Session: (Past) Report on Commits (Present) Update Scoreboard (Future) Make New Commits Counter Intuitive Can’t tell someone their 4DX Commitment, even if they ask you to! Source: The 4 Disciplines of Execution, C. McChesney, S. Covey, and J. Huling

19 Strategic Goal Definition
What is the most strategically important or wildly important goal that must be achieved this year or nothing else matters?

20 How to Fully Engage Your Team Talent
® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

21 3 Essential Leadership Conversations
® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

22 “Coaching 5 Dimensions of The Whole-Person” What Are Levels of Individual Engagement & Success?
What Are Your Job Performance and Career Development Goals? What Is Your Life’s Purpose, Mission, Service, or Contribution Goals? HP & IBM – Cyber Jaya Billy Wang and Walter Levy – Billy leaving China NCH What Are Your Personal, Family, and Professional Relationship Goals? What Are Your Personal Health, Fitness, and Financial Goals? ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

23 Exercise: The Whole-Person Assessment
Assess Whole-Person Needs Rate (1–5) Define Needs/Gaps/Development Big Opportunity/Desired Goal Define Action Steps? 1. Physical 2. Financial 3. Social & Emotional 4. Professional Development 5. Spiritual ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

24 “Whole-Person Goal Planning”
What are your needs, opportunities, and goals? How can you design a fulfilled life as a Whole-Person? 1. PHYSICAL 2. FINANCIAL 3. EMOTIONAL 4. INTELLECTUAL 5. SPIRITUAL GOALS / ACTIONS GOALS / ACTIONS GOALS / ACTIONS GOALS / ACTIONS GOALS / ACTIONS A. Maslow, F. Hertzberg, C. Alderfer, and SR Covey ® Simpson Executive Coaching. All rights reserved.

25 How Can I Be a Great Peer Coach?
Be a guide on the side. Give your partner a safe place to practice and get better. Coach and mentor others on their journey. Listen and maintain ongoing support. Ask great questions? Test assumptions, role play, check for stakeholder support. Balance courage (honest feedback) with consideration (be respectful). Focus on the right mind-set, trust behaviors, key actions, and results. Practice, practice, practice.

26 Simpson Executive Coaching
Contact Information Michael K. Simpson – CEO Simpson Executive Coaching My Coaching Contacts: c

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