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Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species.

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1 Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species

2 Phylum Protozoa top of page 45
“animal-like” Simple, yet diverse Eukaryotic Unicellular Shells made from calcium carbonate, which becomes an important part of marine sediments Heterotrophic Fresh/salt Example: foraminiferans, radiolarians, ciliates

3 Phylum Porifera bottom of page 45
“Pore bearer” Multicellular Structurally simple Animals Sessile: attached to the bottom Ostia: pores that allow water to enter and circulate, filter out plankton—filter feeders Found from the poles to the tropics, mostly in shallow tropics Examples: sponges

4 Phylum Coelenterata/Cnidaria
“stinging cells” Phylum no longer recognized Now known as Cnidaria Animals Multicellular Evolutionally important because they have tissues that perform specific functions Swim Radial symmetry (same on all sides) Carnivores Discharge nematocysts to capture and handle food Examples sea anemones, jelly fish, corals

5 Phylum Coelenterata/Cnidaria

6 Phylum Ctenophora “comb-bearing” Not jelly fish Animals multicellular
Do not have stinging tentacles Use cilia to move 8 rows of cilia Examples: comb jelly, sea gooseberry, venus girdle

7 Phylum Platyheilminthes
Flat worms animals Structurally simple Bilateral symmetry (cut in ½ same on both sides) Tissues organized into real organs and organ systems Dorsoventrally flattened: Flat on back and belly Central nervous system Simple brain Carnivores/parasites Examples: flukes, tape worms

8 Phylum Annelida Segmented worms Parapodia: stiff bristles Animals
Multicellular Tube worms, earthworms

9 Phylum Mollusca Basic body plan but differ: “soft”
Octopuses lack shell Squid and cuttlefish have internal shell Clams, snails, cuttlefish octopuses, squid, chambered nautilus “soft” Largest group of marine animals multicellular Soft body, shell, radula (ribbon of small teeth used for feeding)

10 Phylum Mollusca

11 Phylum Arthropoda “Jointed appendages” Animals, multicellular
Most species Segmented and bilateral Exoskeleton small Made of chitin Molt Examples: crabs, shrimp lobster, barnacles, horse shoe crab

12 Phylum Echinodermata “Spiny skinned” Animals, mutlicellular
Pentamerous Radial symmetric Symmetry based on 5 parts Endoskeleton regeneration Examples: sea star, sea urchin, sea cucumber

13 Phylum Chordata Dorsal hollow nerve cord Gill slits Notocord
Fish, birds, reptiles, mammals Classes Cephalaspidomorphs (formerly Agnatha ) (lamprey) Myxini (formerly Agnatha) (hagfish) Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, skates) Osteichthyes (boney fish) Amphibia (amphibians) Reptilia (reptiles) Aves (birds) Mammalia (mammals)

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