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1 Welcome


3 Chapter 13 – Explains the Wicked Rulers
Revelation 12-14 Chapter 12 – Explains Important people / spirits who are involved in the tribulation Chapter 13 – Explains the Wicked Rulers Chapter 14 – Triumph of Jesus Christ in the end times Chapter 14 contains a series of announcements and visions. It begins with the declaration that Jesus WILL come again; He will save his people; and He WILL win, in the end. The wicked will be judged. We see a picture, assuring the readers, that Jesus will join the 144,000 on mount Zion at the beginning of His 1000 year reign. In Chapter 7, the 144,000 are seen at the beginning of their calling, and Chapter 14 is a picture of the end of their journey.

4 The Harvest of the Earth God’s Program
1st Part – 144,000 Jews on Mount Zion with Christ 2nd Part – The Gospel message to those living on the earth 3rd Part – The Fall of Babylon 4th Part - Punishment of those who worship the beast and his image 5th Part – The martyred saints are blessed 6th Part – Process of Harvest 7th Part – Amount of Destruction-unbelievable

5 An introduction to the final
Chapter 15 An introduction to the final Judgements of God On the earth before the 2nd return of Christ Bibles must be banned during this time 1st Angel: Flying in mid-heaven to proclaim the gospel. What is the ‘good news’ that is proclaimed? That Satan loses and Christ wins. Ch 14 is an outline for the end of the world 2nd Angel: Babylon is fallen: is Babylon a real city, a religious system, or political system? It is prophetic because neither the entire political system, nor the city of Babylon fall at this time. It is not a religious system. Why not? Because the religious system was replaced by the worship of the beast at the beginning of the great tribulation. 3rd Angel: The mark of the beast of 13:17 is the doom of all who received it. This is an announcement that confirms the testimony of the 2 witnesses, the 144,000 and all of the Christians who have made that same declaration up to that point. It seemed to be the right decisions up to that point. It promised blessing, and there seemed to be no reason NOT to take the mark and every reason to do it.

6 Antichrist Revealed Today’s Lesson

7 Time Line Continues Revelation Story Line Chapters 5 - 9
Chapters 11.b – 12 Chapters 15 – 16 Chapters 19.b – 22 Revelation Descriptions 10:1 – 11:14, 13-14, 17-19

8 Today’s Study Though simply introduced, the seventh seal is obviously the most important development up to this point. Contained in the seventh seal are all the subsequent developments leading to the second coming of Christ, including the seven trumpets and the seven bowls of the wrath of God. Scroggie, after a careful discussion of the chronological order of the book of Revelation, concludes: The trumpets, therefore, do not double back over all or some of the Seals, but lie under the seventh seal, and proceed from it. For this reason it is equally incorrect to speak of the Trumpets as following the Seals. They do not follow, but are the Seventh Seal.176 In like manner he holds that the bowls constitute the seventh trumpet: Therefore the Bowls do not double back over the Seal and Trumpet Judgments; neither is it correct to say that they follow the Trumpet visitations. They do not follow because THEY ARE THE SEVENTH TRUMPET CONTENTS The Sign of the Seven Angels with the Plagues (15:1-2) 15:1-2 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, standing, as it were, on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

9 The Full Strength of God’s Anger
Un-Mixed (Full Strength) Wine that is unmixed, means “it is full strength.” it doesn’t have any water mixed in to make it weaker. This is the picture of God’s wrath / anger shown here. Before this time, his holiness was always mixed with mercy and grace. (missing the mark….) and the concept of weakened anger Grace added = salvation Sin + delay = mercy Jesus uses term: HELL or HELL FIRE 12 out of the 19 times that it is used in the new testament. In the past, all suffering was temporary. It was stopped either because the tormentor stopped, or the person died. Either way the pain stopped. Interesting Concept: God’s love is neutralized by man’s choice against His son Jesus Christ.

10 Sea of Glass – Chapter 4 Reflects God’s Glory

11 Reflects God’s Judgement
Sea of Glass – Chapter 15 Reflects God’s Judgement

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