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Creating Disciple Making Communities

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1 Creating Disciple Making Communities

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4 Outline Programme Jesus, 21st Century Britain and the Church: Colliding Cultures? Refreshment break Session 2: Fivefold & Disciple Making Lunch break Sizes, structures, habits and rhythms: finding a way through the possibilities Closing worship with commissioning

5 Session 1 Jesus, 21st Century Britain and the Church: Colliding Cultures?





10 2 Timothy 2v2 “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others”

11 “If we cannot reproduce disciples we will never reproduce leaders, if we can’t reproduce leaders then we’ll never reproduce churches and if we can’t reproduce churches then we’ll never see a true movement” Neil Cole

12 If we cannot reproduce disciples we will never reproduce leaders, if we can’t reproduce leaders then we’ll never reproduce churches and if we can’t reproduce churches then we’ll never see a true movement” Neil Cole

13 What is a disciple? How did Jesus make disciples?

14 A disciple is one who learns
as they follow” Andrews Roberts

15 “Discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if He were you”
Dallas Willard

16 Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Jesus
Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Jesus. It’s the process of having more and more of his character which, in turn, allows us to do the things Jesus did. It’s about BEING (the inside of us, our heart and our character) and DOING (doing the Kingdom things Jesus could do out of his relationship with his Father)”

17 How did Jesus make disciples?
A small group of twelve.

18 How did Jesus make disciples?
A small group of twelve. Doing life together in community

19 How did Jesus make disciples?
A small group of twelve. Doing life together in community Watch me… then do it yourself

20 How do people learn?

21 How do people learn? Socialisation

22 How do people learn? Socialisation Formal

23 How do people learn? Socialisation Formal Non-Formal

24 How do people learn? Socialisation Formal Non-Formal When did Jesus use any of these?

25 In 2’s or 3’s Taking the ways in which Jesus made disciples and the connections with formal, non-formal and socialisation: Where is this happening in your context? Do you use all three or do you give greater weight to one or another? Why might this be so? Is there anything you need to adjust and how might you do that?

26 Fivefold Ministries Ephesians 3v20-4v16

27 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen….. ….He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

28 Ephesians 4:7,11 However, He has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ. Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.

29 Ephesians 4:7,11 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,

30 Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle Pastor Evangelist Teacher

31 Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle Apostle

32 Apostle - Definition Apostle comes from the Greek word apostolos meaning ‘one who is sent out’ The apostle is visionary and pioneering. They might establish new churches or Kingdom initiatives. They provoke others to seek vision and start new things

33 Jesus the Apostle Jesus is the Sent One
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world…” John 3:17 “…fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.” Hebrews 3:1

34 Understanding Apostles
Apostles enjoy: Dreaming dreams and making them happen Strategizing Causing breakthroughs New Things & Change!

35 Understanding Apostles
Words that describe an Apostle: Imagines Initiates Excites Envisions Challenges Stretches Pioneers

36 Understanding Apostles
The Apostle in everyday life: Entrepreneurs Explorers Innovative business people

37 Apostles The Sent Ones Carry the DNA of the Gospel

38 Apostles The Sent Ones Carry the DNA of the Gospel
Guard the DNA of the Gospel

39 Apostles The Sent Ones Carry the DNA of the Gospel
Guard the DNA of the Gospel Create an environment within which the other Ministries can emerge

40 Potential Weaknesses in Apostles

41 Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle Prophet

42 Prophet- Definition One who listens to and hears God
They foretell and tell forth revelation from God They understand the times and what people should do Prophets can stand back from the immediate and see creative solutions

43 Jesus the Prophet The ultimate Revelation of God
Jesus is prophetic in his pronouncements (Mt. 24 & 25) and in his actions (Mt. 21:12 & 19). He prophesies his own future in Mt. 17:12 He fulfills OT prophecy (Is. 53)

44 Understanding Prophets
Prophets enjoy: Being alone with God Waiting on God Listening to God

45 Understanding Prophets
Words that describe a prophet : Waiting Retreating Seeking God’s heart Hear from God Challenging Confronting

46 Understanding Prophets
The Prophet in everyday life: Visionaries Futurists People who speak out their perceptions Often the creative types

47 Potential Weaknesses in Prophets

48 Putting the Two Together
Ephesians 3v20 & I Corinthians 12v28 Apostles & Prophets lay the foundation

49 Putting the Two Together
Ephesians 3v20 & I Corinthians 12v28 Apostles & Prophets lay the foundation The pattern in Acts: Paul & Barnabas Paul & Silas

50 Putting the Two Together
Ephesians 3v20 & I Corinthians 12v28 Apostles & Prophets lay the foundation The pattern in Acts: Paul & Barnabas Paul & Silas In Church History




54 Putting the Two Together

55 Evangelist - Definition
Evangelist means “bearer of Good News” One who brings good news and shares the message readily. Evangelists seek out and love spending time with non Christians. They know the gospel and make it relevant to non Christians. They provoke other Christians in their witness and give them boldness.

56 The Samaritan Woman in John 4
Jesus the Evangelist The Good News The Samaritan Woman in John 4 “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did’… And because of his words many more became believers.”

57 Evangelist - Bible Example
Philip in Acts 8:12 “But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptised, both men and women.”

58 Understanding Evangelists
Evangelists enjoy: Building relationships beyond the church Being with people Discussion and sharing their point of view Leading people to Christ Encouraging others to witness

59 Understanding Evangelists
Words that describe an evangelist : Enthusiast People gatherer Persuasive Sower Reaper

60 Understanding Evangelists
The Evangelist in everyday life: Salesperson Enthusiastic story teller Journalist Politician (some!)

61 Potential Weaknesses in Evangelists

62 Pastor Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle

63 Pastor - Definition One who shepherds the people, cares for others with a tender heart and sees needs. They confront as well as encourage. Pastors long to see Christians grow to their full potential. They can easily and patiently empathize with others and stimulate them to care.

64 “I am the good shepherd” John 10: 11
Jesus the Pastor The Good Shepherd “I am the good shepherd” John 10: 11 “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.” 1 Peter 5: 4

65 Pastor - Bible Example Barnabas in Acts 15:36-39
“Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him... They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus.”

66 Understanding Pastors
Pastors enjoy: People! Seeing others grow One-to-one chats Showing hospitality Speaking the truth in love Listening (and they’re easy to talk to)

67 Understanding Pastors
Verbs that describe a pastor: Caring Sensitive Loving Confronting Supporting

68 Understanding Pastors
The Pastor in everyday life: Counsellor Social worker Nurses Care-giving professions Parent!

69 Potential Weaknesses in Pastors

70 Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle Teacher

71 Teacher - Definition One who grasps Truth and is excited by it.
They hold Truth out for others to receive, explaining, enlightening and applying. The teacher provokes others to explore the Truth.

72 Jesus the Teacher Often called “Rabbi” or “Teacher”
The Sermon on the Mount “They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority.” Luke 4:32

73 Teacher - Bible Example
Apollos in Acts 18:24-28 “He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervour and taught about Jesus accurately… He vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.”

74 Understanding Teachers
Teachers enjoy: Reading and studying the Bible Helping others understand the truth

75 Understanding Teachers
Verbs that describe a teacher: Trains Coaches Instructs Inspires Explains Enlightens

76 Understanding Teachers
The Teacher in everyday life: Lecturer Trainer Coach Demonstrator …even Teacher!

77 Potential Weaknesses in Teachers

78 Pastor Evangelist Teacher Prophet Apostle Pastor Evangelist Teacher

79 In Two’s Who are you? (or Which of these gets you out of bed in the morning?) What are the implications for this on the health of the church? Who do you have on your team? Who do you have in the Church?

80 Sizes, structures, habits and rhythms: Finding a way through the possibilities

81 Every church needs to ask 2 questions: a
Every church needs to ask 2 questions: a. What is our plan for making disciples of Jesus?

82 Every church needs to ask 2 questions:
a. What is our plan for making disciples of Jesus? b. Is the plan working? Dallas Willard

83 Three Broad Areas to Address:
How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit?

84 Three Broad Areas to Address:
How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit? How do they consistently encounter Christian Community?

85 Three Broad Areas to Address:
How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit? How do they consistently encounter Christian Community? How do they express their following of Jesus in everyday life?

86 “The Shaping of Things to Come”
From Acts 2v42-47 Communion: in relationship with Christ Community: in relationship with one another Commission: in relationship with the world

87 Neil Cole The DNA of a missional community is: 1. Divine Truth: “the presence of the Spirit of Jesus and His Word” 2. Nurturing Relationships: “Lovingly living out the many one another’s found in the NT” 3. Apostolic Mission: ”being sent ones, individually and as a community”

88 The Triangle “A life of balance”
up in out

89 The Triangle “A life of balance”
UP with God where we develop in intimacy with Him IN with other believers where we look to be a community OUT with non-believers where we seek to make an impact for the Kingdom of God


91 “When God wanted to act on his promise to save the world, he started with a family and gave them a mission. It seems the Holy Spirit is moving us away from the destructive dichotomy of Family OR Mission (where we can only do one or the other), away from the sticking plaster fix of Family AND Mission (where we keep them separate and manage boundaries and margins), toward the integrated life of Family ON Mission, where we wholeheartedly embrace being part of a covenant community AND with those people play our part in God's kingdom mission”

92 Three Broad Areas to Address:
How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit? How do they consistently encounter Christian Community? How do they express their following of Jesus in everyday life?

93 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people

94 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people The Leadership Team: 4-7 people

95 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people The Leadership Team: 4-7 people The Family: people

96 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people The Leadership Team: 4-7 people The Family: people The Team: people

97 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people The Leadership Team: 4-7 people The Family: people The Team: people The Network: people

98 “One can gather a crowd but not form disciples in groupings of this size or larger. Because we are seemingly compelled to make disciples this way, we have wandered from the relational context that is clearly prescribed in the New Testament and resorted to the belief that if we simply pass on information and run programs people will become godly disciples on mission together. This is fallacy and foolishness… and it is killing us”.

99 Neil Cole on Group Sizes
The Inner Circle: 2 or 3 people The Leadership Team: 4-7 people The Family: people The Team: people The Network: people Occasional Public Gathering: people


101 How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit?
How do they consistently encounter Christian Community? How do they express their following of Jesus in everyday life? In your story: Where and how are any of the three worked out? What do you notice about group sizes?


103 In your situation: Where and how do these things currently happen? Is the group size right? What can you adapt to serve these? What is not fit for purpose? How do they grow in their personal relationship with God as Father, Son & Holy Spirit? How do they consistently encounter Christian Community? How do they express their following of Jesus in everyday life?


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