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Published byAshlee York Modified over 6 years ago
Sessions 81 - 83: Overview of the Westminster Confession of Faith
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NEW YORK, NY—Taylor Swift finally broke her long-standing unspoken rule of theological silence by coming out in support of amillennialism on her Instagram page Sunday. Fans have long clamored for Swift to take a stand on eschatology, and they finally got their wish as the singer posted a lengthy defense of amillennial beliefs. “I always have and always will support the eschatological system which best preserves the overarching theme of God's covenants throughout the Bible,” she wrote, further decrying the “systemic church bias toward premillennialism” as “terrifying, sickening, and prevalent.” Dispensational scholars quickly condemned Swift for her position, calling her “just another elite, out-of-touch Hollywood liberal who denies the clear meaning of Scripture.” “Once again, we see how far outside the norm these wealthy libs are,” said Pastor David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. “They don't understand politics, and they clearly don't understand theology.” Several prophecy experts even came forward to identify Taylor Swift as one of several demonic symbols in the book of Revelation, making new end times charts available on their online stores right away. After public outcry, Swift clarified that her position also includes some preterist leanings. taylor-swift-finally-breaks-theological-silence-comes-out-in-support-of-amillennialism
WCF Purposes Establish a reasonably comprehensive confession of Biblically sound doctrine, and Refute Roman Catholic and other erroneous doctrine.
Truth of Scripture (Ch. I)
Westminster Confession Structure Truth of Scripture (Ch. I) All Other Doctrine (Ch. II-XXXIII)
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
I - The Holy Scriptures The Holy Scriptures are:
ordinarily necessary for salvation, the 66 books contained in Protestant Bibles, not the apocrypha (or pseudepigrapha), the testimony and Word of God, personally witnessed by the Holy Spirit, complete, perspicacious (clear), inspired in their original Hebrew, Greek (and Aramaic), used to interpret themselves infallibly, and the supreme authority for all religious issues.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
II – God and the Holy Trinity
God is: living; true; infinite in being and perfection; a most pure spirit; invisible; without body, parts or passions; immutable; immense; eternal; incomprehensible; almighty; most wise; most holy; most free; most absolute; working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will; working all things for his own glory; most loving; gracious; merciful; long-suffering; abundant in goodness and truth; forgiving of iniquity, transgression and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek him; most just and terrible in his judgments; hateful of all sin; and by no means willing to clear the guilty.
II – God and the Holy Trinity
God is complete. All life, glory, goodness blessedness is in and of Himself. He is alone in and unto Himself all-sufficient. He does not need or derive any glory from any of His creatures. He only manifests His own glory in, by, unto and upon His creatures. His is the only fountain of all being, of whom, through whom, and to whom are all things. He has sovereign dominion over all things, to do by them, for them, or upon them whatsoever He pleases. All things are open and manifest in His sight. His knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent of His creatures. Nothing is contingent or uncertain to Him. He is most holy in all His counsels, works and commands. To him is due from every creature whatever worship, service and obedience He requires of them.
II – God and the Holy Trinity
God is three persons: The Father – of none, neither begotten nor proceeding from the Son or the Holy Spirit The Son – eternally begotten of the Father The Holy Spirit – eternally proceeding from both the Father and the Son
III – God’s Eternal Decree
From eternity, God ordained everything that has happened or will ever happen. This includes “contingent or Second Causes” (things caused natural forces or the free will of creatures). Because creatures have free will, God is not the author of sin. God foreordains; He does not merely foreknow. God knows everything that could happen under all possible sets of circumstances, but decrees everything that actually does happen.
Not Foreknowledge of Occurrence Decree But Decree Occurrence
III – God’s Eternal Decree
God predestines some men and angels to everlasting life. He foreordains all others to everlasting death. The numbers of these men and angels are unchangeable. God predestined out of only grace and love, not based on foreseen faith, good works or perseverance. God also foreordained all of the things that need to happen to the elect to achieve salvation: saving faith, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification.
III – God’s Eternal Decree
God foreordained everyone else to dishonor and wrath. Predestination is a high mystery and best thought of in the context of assurance of election. Can be a source of unrighteous pride, Can be misinterpreted as cruel, and Complex and should be handled with great care.
IV - Creation God created the world and everything else, visible and invisible, in six days, and it was good. God created men with reasonable and immortal souls after His own image and with the law of God written on their hearts, yet capable of transgressing due to their will.
V – Providence God upholds, directs, disposes and governs all creatures, actions and things. All things come to pass immutably and infallibly through the “First Cause” (God’s initial decree); things occur in order according to “Second Causes” (in time, as a result of action by creatures and natural forces). God typically uses Second Causes, yet is not bound to do so. He can operate supernaturally.
“Eternity” God’s Eternal Decree(s) a/k/a the “First Cause” Space and Time God’s Providence Free Will Cause and Effect – Things “fall out” a/k/a “Second Causes”
V – Providence God foreordained the Fall and all other sins of men and angels, not by merely permitting their sins, but by bounding and ordering them. Yet the creature is the one who sins and is fully responsible. Sometimes God temporarily turns His elect over to temptation and corruption to chastise them, teach them the power of sin or humble them, and ultimately bring them closer to Him.
Not a Maze
But a Labyrinth
V – Providence God blinds and hardens the nonelect.
He withholds His Grace. Sometimes He withdraws gifts He has given them and exposes them to temptation, triggering their own lusts and allowing the power of Satan to rule their lives. God’s providence reaches all creatures, but He especially takes care of the elect, disposing everything to the good.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
VI – Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment
By God’s permission and for His glory, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and sinned. They then fell from righteousness and communion with God and became dead and wholly defiled in sin. Because Adam was the federal head of all men, his corruption and sin were imputed to everyone descended from him. This original sin, which causes us to do evil and oppose good, is the root of all actual sin.
VI – Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment
The corruption of original sin remains after a person is regenerated, causing that person to keep sinning. This is true even though the person has been regenerated, forgiven and released from slavery to sin. Every sin brings guilt to the sinner and subjects him to the wrath of God and death.
The Reprobate Mind The Regenerate Mind The outer remnants of
man’s paradise nature The outer remnants of man’s fallen sinful nature The new center of man’s nature in Christ The new center of man’s fallen sinful nature The Reprobate Mind The Regenerate Mind Williamson, The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes, p. 67
VII – God’s Covenant with Man
Only God can bridge the separation between Him and man. He condescends to by means of covenants. God first revealed His Covenant of Works, conditioned upon Adam’s perfect obedience. When Adam disobeyed, God next revealed His Covenant of Grace, conditioned upon Christ’s perfect obedience. The Covenant of Grace is often called a testament, because Jesus’ death puts the Covenant into effect.
Works (7.2) Grace (7.3) Covenant Testament/ Dispensation Old New The Lord Jesus Christ Testator
VII – God’s Covenant with Man
In the Old Testament the covenant of grace was administered through promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the Passover lamb and other types and ordinances that looked forward to Jesus Christ. In the New Testament (and today), the covenant of grace is administered more simply, deeply and efficaciously, through the preaching of the Word and the sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper).
VIII – Christ the Mediator
God chose His son, Jesus Christ, to be: the mediator between Himself and mankind, Prophet, Priest and King, Head and Savior of the Church, Heir of all things, and Judge of the world. God also gave Him a people to be His seed and redeemed. Though fully God, Jesus Christ also became fully man, except without original sin. The product of the Holy Spirit and Mary. Two natures, God and man, in one person. Without conversion, composition or confusion.
The Lord Jesus Christ One Person Divine Nature Human Nature
VIII – Christ the Mediator
The Holy Spirit especially anointed the Lord Jesus beyond measure. God the Father called, empowered and commanded the Lord Jesus to execute that office. His office called Him to be made under the law and suffer torments to His body and soul. He was crucified, died, was buried, rose, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, where He intercedes for the elect and waits to return to judge men and angels.
VIII – Christ the Mediator
Jesus Christ was perfectly righteous and obedient. He fulfilled the covenant of works and the law. He also died, satisfying His Father’s justice and purchasing reconciliation and an eternal inheritance for the elect. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to the elect. The elects’ sins are imputed to Christ. Christ’s work of redemption spans all time for every one of the elect.
Active and Passive Fulfillment of the Law
Christ’s Active Obedience Christ’s Passive Obedience Imputed Righteousness Imputed Sin Believer
Active and Passive Fulfillment of the Law
Christ’s Active Obedience Christ’s Passive Obedience Imputed Righteousness Imputed Sin Believer
Christ’s Lifelong Active and Passive Obedience
Active and Passive Fulfillment of the Law Christ’s Lifelong Active and Passive Obedience Imputed Righteousness Imputed Sin Believer
VIII – Christ the Mediator
Scripture sometimes refers to one of Christ’s natures in lieu of the other nature. Human Nature → Divine Nature “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28) Divine Nature → Human Nature “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.” (John 3:13)
VIII – Christ the Mediator
Christ applies and transmits redemption to the elect. He intercedes for them. He reveals to them the mysteries of salvation through the Scriptures. He persuades them to believe and obey by the Spirit. He governs their hearts by the Word. He overcomes their enemies by His power.
IX – Free Will God created man with the natural liberty to do either good or evil. In the original state of innocency, man had the freedom and power to do good and please God, but could do evil. In the state of sin after the fall, man was dead in sin and unable to please God or save himself. In the state of grace following salvation, man regains the freedom and power to do good and please God, but is still corrupt and liable to sin. In the state of glory, man is made perfectly free to do only good.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
X – Effectual Calling God effectually calls every elect person when the time comes. He gives them a heart of flesh, allowing them to see and repent of their sin and drawing them to Christ. An effectual call is an act of pure grace in which the Holy Spirit enables an elect, who is purely passive, to answer God’s general call and embrace the grace God offers. The Holy Spirit regenerates the elect who are unable to respond to the ministry of the Word (e.g., dying infants). A nonelect person may appear to be saved but is not, and those not professing Christ cannot be saved, no matter how good their conduct may be. It is detestable to say they are.
General Call Effectual Call Response “New Creation” Non-Elect Elect
- Repentance - Belief and trust “New Creation” Non-Elect Elect Regeneration - Holy Spirit indwelling - Rebirth from spiritual death to spiritual life
XI – Justification God justifies those He effectually calls by imputing Christ’s obedience and satisfaction to them, accepting them as righteous and giving them the gift of faith. While justification is based on faith alone, faith is never alone. Other saving graces always accompany it. Christ fully satisfied God’s justice for the elect by His obedience and death. However, He did it only to glorify God, and not because the elect deserve it.
XI – Justification Though God eternally decreed the justification of the elect, they are not actually justified until the time the Holy Spirit applies Christ to them. The elect cannot lose their justification, but God can discipline them to repentance. Justification is the same in both the Old and New Testaments.
Justification Over Time
Eternity Decree of Justification Act of Justification Act of Justification Act of Justification Act of Justification Act of Justification Act of Justification Elect 1 Elect 2 Elect 3 Elect 4 Elect 5 Elect 6 Space/Time
XII – Adoption God adopts those whom He justifies, giving them His name, becoming their Father, and making them heirs of His everlasting salvation.
XIII – Sanctification God sanctifies those He has justified through God’s Word and the indwelling Holy Spirit to reduce sin and increase holiness progressively. Sanctification is a lifelong war between the Spirit and the flesh and does not end until this life ends. Though the flesh may prevail a long time, the Spirit provides the strength to grow in grace.
XIV – Saving Faith Saving faith is the work of the Spirit of Christ through the ministry of the Word, the sacraments and prayer. Saving faith causes a believer to take the Word as true, obeying its commands, fearing its warnings, embracing its promises, and resting on Christ along for salvation. One’s faith may be stronger or weaker than another’s, and faith may vary in strength over time, but it always gets the victory, and often leads to full assurance of salvation.
XV – Repentance Unto Life
Repentance unto life is an evangelical grace, and every minister of the Word should preach repentance and faith. A sinner repents of (turns away from) his sin out of a sense of the danger and filth of it and the holy nature of God. Repentance is required for a pardoning of sin, but God forgives sin as an act of pure grace. No sin is too small to deserve damnation, but no sin is too large to be forgiven if the sinner repents of it. Repentance should be for particular sins, and not general. While private repentance is always necessary, public repentance and reconciliation are necessary for sins that hurt others.
XVI – Good Works Good works are only those God has commanded in the Word, and not those man may have invented. Good works are evidence of a true faith. They show thankfulness, strengthen assurance, edify each other, adorn the profession of the Gospel, hush adversaries and glorify God. The Holy Spirit is the source of all good works, but the believer should be diligent to stir up the Spirit.
XVI – Good Works Even those who perform the most good works fall short of what God requires. Our good works can never merit God’s pardon of our sin. We are only doing what God requires. Nonetheless, God accepts our good works due to Christ’s righteousness. God never counts works done by nonbelievers as good, though they are useful, yet it is a sin not to do them.
XVII – The Perseverance of the Saints
The elect can neither totally nor finally fall from the state of grace. They will persevere, because faith is God’s gift. Perseverance is not based on free will, but instead on God’s decree of election and the work He does to apply it. Still, a believer may fall into such sin that the resulting temporal punishment feels like he has fallen from grace.
XVIII – The Assurance of Grace and Salvation
Though nonbelievers may fool themselves into thinking they are saved, believers can, in this life, reach a true assurance that they are in the state of grace and saved. This true assurance is based on promises in the Word and the testimony of the Spirit in the believer’s life. Assurance is not essential to faith, so it may take a long time to attain. Nonetheless, a believer can attain it through ordinary means and should be diligent to try. Assurance may be shaken, reduced or interrupted, but it can always be regained.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XIX – The Law of God God gave Adam and all mankind a moral law as a covenant of works. Perfect obedience brought life; anything less brought death. Adam’s state of innocency empowered him to keep it. God gave the same law again, as the Ten Commandments. Besides the moral law, God gave Israel ceremonial laws, which were done away with in the New Testament. God also gave Israel civil law, which expired when Israel dispersed, except as general equity may require. The moral law still binds everyone, including believers.
XIX – The Law of God Believers are not under the law as a covenant of works, but it remains of great use to: serve as a rule of life, inform them of the will of God, emphasize the gravity and ugliness of sin, discover, repent of and mortify their own sin, reaffirm their need for Christ, and contemplate the blessings God offers to those who follow it. Obeying the law is not a sign of being under the law. This use of the law is not contrary to the Gospel, but instead, actually complies with it.
A Mirror “Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin.” Romans 7:7b
A Bridle “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1
A Lamp “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105
XX – Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
Christ purchased: freedom from the guilt of sin, the wrath of God, and the curse of the moral law; delivery from this world of sin, bondage to Satan, the dominion of sin; and free access to God, the sting of death, victory over death, eternal life, liberty from the ceremonial laws, boldness of access to God, and a personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
XX – Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
God alone is the Lord of the conscience. Man’s doctrines and commandments with respect to faith and worship betray not only the liberty of conscience Christ purchased, but reason also. Practicing sin in the name of Christian liberty destroys the objective of Christian liberty. Opposing lawful power in the name of Christian liberty opposes God, destroys the peace and order Christ established in His Church, and are worthy of censure.
evangelicals-believe-god-accepts-worship-of-all-religions-study-shows /
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XXI – Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
While the light of nature shows that God exists, the Word of God alone dictates how mankind is to worship Him. Only the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are to be worshiped, and only with Christ as the Mediator. God requires humble, reverent, fervent, loving prayer with thanksgiving in a known tongue: according to the will of the Father, in the name of the Son, and with the help of the Holy Spirit. One should never pray for the dead or those who have sinned unto death.
True Worship: Only What Is Commanded
View A View B True Worship: Only What Is Commanded What Is Commanded Plus Anything Not Expressly Forbidden T r u e W o r s h i p: False Worship: Anything Outside What Is Commanded False Worship: Only What is Expressly Forbidden
XXI – Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
Ordinary worship includes: reading Scripture, preaching, careful hearing of the Word, singing, and administration of the sacraments. Special occasions include religious oaths and vows, fastings, and thanksgivings. Worship can and should be done everywhere, including in secret, by families and in public.
XXI – Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
The Lord’s Day, also called the Christian Sabbath, is the first day of every week. The Lord’s Day should be a day of holy rest from worldly employments and recreations, a day for worship and duties of necessity and mercy.
XXII – Lawful Oaths and Vows
A lawful oath is an act of worship in which a person asks God to witness what he says to another and judge him based on the truth of it. A person should only swear by God, and only with fear and reverence. Swearing by another or rashly is a sin. Whoever takes an oath should be sure that what he says is the truth, good, and just. An oath should involve plain and commonsense words. It should not promise a sin, but otherwise should be binding, even if made to a nonbeliever.
XXII – Lawful Oaths and Vows
A vow is made to God and is just as serious as an oath. A person should only make a vow to God, voluntarily and for an acceptable reason. A person should not vow to commit a sin, hinder a good work or do something that is outside his power. Vows of chastity, poverty or regular obedience are sinful snares.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XXIII – Civil Magistrates
God has ordained civil magistrates to act under Him, for His glory, over the people, and for their good. They wield his authority. Believers can be civil magistrates and wage war when just and necessary, but should retain Biblical standards. A civil magistrate should not administer sacraments, or otherwise interfere with the Church, but should protect it. Believers should pray for, pay taxes to, and honor civil magistrates, even when they are nonbelievers or oppose God. The Church does not have civil authority.
XXIV – Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is between only one man and only one woman. God ordained marriage to help the spouses, to produce covenant children, and to avoid adultery and fornication. All sorts of people can marry, but a believer should only marry another believer.
XXIV – Marriage and Divorce
People who are too closely related to one another should not get married, and incestuous marriages are not lawful. Adultery or fornication during engagement is good cause for ending the engagement. Adultery during marriage is good cause for ending the marriage. Adultery and irreparable desertion are the only good causes for ending a marriage. A public, orderly divorce proceeding is still required.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XXV – The Church The catholic “invisible church” includes all elect of all ages. The catholic “visible church” includes all professing believers alive at a given point in time, and their children, outside of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation. God has given the visible church the ministry, oracles and ordinances of God for gathering and perfecting the saints. Christ and the Holy Spirit make them effectual.
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XXV – The Church The visible church is sometimes more visible than others, and particular churches are sometimes more pure than others. Even the purest particular church is subject to error, but some churches are so filled with error that they are synagogues of Satan. There will always be good churches. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the church. The pope is certainly not.
XXVI – The Communion of Saints
All saints are united to Jesus Christ in His graces, sufferings, death, resurrection and glory. All saints are united with each other in love and their gifts and graces. They have duties to one another to act for their mutual good, both inwardly and outwardly. Saints must maintain their fellowship and communion in the worship of God and spiritual service to each other to edify and help one another. This communion does not make them part of the Godhead, and it does not require them to share their property.
XXVII – The Sacraments Sacraments are holy signs and seals of the covenant of grace: immediately instituted by God, representing Christ and His benefits, confirming our interest in Him, contrasting those in the visible church from outsiders, and that motivate believers to serve God in Christ according to the Word.
XXVII – The Sacraments A sacrament involves a spiritual relation (“sacramental union”) between a sign and the thing it signifies. Names and effects of one are attributed to the other. The sacraments themselves have no power; the Holy Spirit works through them. They do not depend upon the piety or intention of the one administering them. Christ has ordained only two sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Only a minister of the Word can administer them. The Old Testament contained sacraments that signified the same things as baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
XXVIII – Baptism Christ ordained baptism to signify admission into the visible church and as a sign and seal of: the covenant of grace, the ingrafting into Christ, regeneration, remission of sins, and walking in the newness of life. Baptism is to continue until the end of the world. The outward element is water, and the person is to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
XXVIII – Baptism Dipping is not necessary. Pouring or sprinkling is proper. Baptism is for those professing faith and their children. It is a great sin to despise or neglect baptism, but it is not necessary for salvation. While the Holy Spirit confers grace during the baptism, its efficacy may occur at some other time. A person should only be baptized once.
XXIX – The Lord’s Supper
Christ ordained the Lord’s Supper as a sign and seal of: each believer’s participation in His sacrifice, all benefits to believers resulting from that sacrifice, believers’ spiritual nourishment and growth, believers’ duties to Christ, and the bond of communion that ties each believer not only with Christ but all other believers. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration, not a sacrifice. A minister uses words of institution to set both bread and wine elements apart for their holy use. Both are given to each communicant present, but none to those who are absent.
XXIX – The Lord’s Supper
Private Masses and eucharistic adoration are contrary to the nature of the Lord’s Supper. The elements are so related to Christ and his sacrifice that Scripture sometimes refers to them as the things they represent. Transubstantiation is unbiblical, violates common sense and reason, and is the cause of superstition and idolatry. Worthy receivers do spiritually receive and feed upon Christ crucified and the benefits of His death. There is no consubstantiation. The Supper is not a memorialism. Unworthy receivers not only receive no benefit, they are damned for participating unworthily.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XXX – Church Censures The Lord Jesus has appointed officers for His church who are separate from civil magistrates. He has given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to these officers, giving them power to: retain and remit sins, keep the impenitent out of the Kingdom, open the Kingdom to the penitent by ministering the Gospel, and issue censures as necessary.
XXX – Church Censures Church censures are necessary for motivating repentance, deterring and purging bad behavior, vindicating Christ’s honor, professing the Gospel and avoiding God’s wrath on a church by failing to defend God’s covenant and its seals. Censures include: admonition, suspension from the Lord’s Supper, and excommunication, depending upon severity.
XXXI – Synods and Councils
Assemblies (a/k/a synods or councils) are appropriate better to govern and edify the church. Officers can appoint such assemblies at their discretion. Synods and councils are suitable for settling controversies of faith and cases of conscience, establishing standards for worshiping God, and handling complaints of unbiblical conduct. Biblical decrees of assemblies should be received with reverence and submission.
XXXI – Synods and Councils
Synods and councils may err (and many have) and therefore should not be made the rule of faith or practice. However, they are a help to faith and practice. Synods and councils should handle only church, not civil, matters. In extraordinary cases, they can express concerns of conscience and render advice if a civil magistrate asks.
God and His Eternal Decrees
God and the Holy Trinity (II) God’s Eternal Decree (III) Creation (IV) Providence (V) Sin and the Savior Law and Liberty Civil Government and Family Last Things Salvation Worship The Church Man’s Fall, Sin and Punishment (VI) God’s Covenant with Man (VII) Christ the Mediator (VIII) Free Will (IX) Effectual Calling (X) Justification (XI) Adoption (XII) Sanctification (XIII) Saving Faith (XIV) Repentance Unto Life (XV) Good Works (XVI) Perseverance of the Saints (XVII) Assurance of Grace and Salvation (XVIII) The Law of God (XIX) Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience (XX) Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day (XXI) Lawful Oaths and Vows (XXII) The Civil Magistrate (XXIII) Marriage and Divorce (XXIV) The Church (XXV) The Communion of Saints (XXVI) The Sacraments (XXVII) Baptism (XXVIII) The Lord’s Supper (XXIX) Church Censures (XXX) Synods and Councils (XXXI) The State of Men after Death, and the Resurrection of the Dead (XXXII) The Last Judgment (XXXIII) The Holy Scriptures (I) The Foundation
XXXII – The State of Men after Death and the Resurrection of the Dead
Upon death, our bodies return to dust, but our souls return to God. Believers’ souls go to Heaven, and nonbelievers’ souls go to Hell. Purgatory does not exist. At the last day, Christ reunites the souls of the dead with their (changed) bodies, and changes the bodies of those still alive. The bodies of the nonbelievers are raised to dishonor, and the bodies of believers are raised to honor and conformed to the body of Christ.
XXXIII – The Last Judgment
God has appointed a Judgment Day for the world, fallen angels and all persons. The angels and persons will have to account for what they have thought, said, and done and will receive corresponding reward or punishment. Judgment Day is for the glory of God: His mercy in saving believers to eternal life and justice in damning unbelievers to eternal destruction. Though God has appointed a Judgment Day, mankind does not know when it will happen.
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