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"Where the Blame Lies," Sackett and Wilhelms Lithograph Co

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1 "Where the Blame Lies," Sackett and Wilhelms Lithograph Co
"Where the Blame Lies," Sackett and Wilhelms Lithograph Co., April 4, 1891. Credit: Library of Congress The flood of immigrants into the United States in the late 1800s and labor wars that racked the nation for decades mobilized a national movement to restrict immigration. In this 1891 political cartoon, a judge scolds Uncle Sam that "If Immigration was properly Restricted you would no longer be troubled with Anarchy, Socialism, the Mafia and such kindred evils!" After he resigned from the Supreme Court in 1880, Justice William Strong became president of the National Association to Secure the Religious Amendment of the Constitution, which sought to restrict the influx of Catholic and Jewish immigrants and to declare the United States a “Christian nation.”

Contrast “old” immigration with “new” immigration. Include problems of assimilation. New Nativism

3 Padrone system “birds of passage”


5 Compare and contrast the working and living conditions of middle-class and working-class families (include women and children). Middle –Class Working - Class Working Conditions Living Women Children

6 The City Tenements: Jacob Riis Modernization: Louis Sullivan

7 Lewis Hine’s 1910 photograph of a tenement alley in New York City

8 Jacob Riis’s photograph of a class on Lower East Side in New York City

9 Jacob Riis’s Immigrant Family, 1889

10 Jacob Riis

11 Jacob Riis, Bandit’s Roost

12 “Social Gospel” Washington Gladden Dwight L. Moody

13 Settlement Houses Jane Adams, 1889 founded Chicago’s Hull House

14 Louis Sullivan

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