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One Book Values Include:

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1 One Book Values Include:
Building community (on and off campus) Creating opportunities for Social and Academic Engagement across the campus and across disciplines Building bridges between literacy and engagement Building partnerships through inquiry Deepening the ways we experience a text by being inclusive and honoring multiple perspectives: “Reading the world always precedes reading the word, and reading the word implies continually reading the word” (Paulo Friere) ???

2 Where We Have Been Fall 2016-Spring 2017
1) Invitation to be part of FIG sent out to faculty, and staff 2) Looked at Models of One Book: Pasadena City College and Cal State Chico 3) Survey Outreach to campus: Do you have any suggestions for how to involve the whole campus (staff, faculty, students, administration in One Book? If you are faculty, do you have any thoughts on how you might incorporate One Book into your class?

3 Where We Have Been 4) Survey sent out for developing selection criteria for One Book: Mirrors the diversity of the community Relevant and appealing to college students and general community Relevant themes and issues suitable to group discussion, analysis, activities, etc. Broad appeal across the disciplines Available in large quantities and formats (paperback, audiobook, etc.) Affordability 5) Submissions sent in and winnowed down (based on criteria) and sent out to campus (with descriptions of books) 6) Selection of title!

4 A Window Into One Book One Book ~ Many Perspectives ~ One Community

5 DREAMS What might One Book look like on our campus? Speaker Series
Poster Expos Graffiti Walls Photo contests around themes Film Viewing and Discussion Open Mic/Performance (poetry, prose, drama, etc.) Debates/Inquiry question activities or events Cross discipline partnerships Campus-Community partnerships (Libraries, book stores, book clubs, etc.)

6 Resources 200 books purchased with Equity money for students
Can I participate without having read the book? Themes Gavilan One Book web page

7 Bridges How might you use this in your class/ on our campus (possible activities/lessons)? How can we support you?

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