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I-BEST: The History & Data Update Creating Pathways to College & Careers for Washington’s Emerging Workforce AEAC Fall 2018 Jon M. Kerr, Director Basic.

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Presentation on theme: "I-BEST: The History & Data Update Creating Pathways to College & Careers for Washington’s Emerging Workforce AEAC Fall 2018 Jon M. Kerr, Director Basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 I-BEST: The History & Data Update Creating Pathways to College & Careers for Washington’s Emerging Workforce AEAC Fall 2018 Jon M. Kerr, Director Basic Education for Adults State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

2 Team Teaching: the Heart of I-BEST
I-BEST pairs a basic skills instructor and a career and technical instructor in the same classroom to jointly plan, teach, and assess students’ learning and skill development. This allows students to earn college and workforce credentials at the same time as mastering critical basic skills identified by employers.

3 I-BEST Defined I-BEST is team-taught
One faculty member teaches college professional-technical content One faculty member teaches basic academic, employability and English language skills I-BEST is contextualized English, math and employability skills are taught in context to a career pathway I-BEST provides wraparound services Students are assisted with financial aid and other crucial supports

4 I-BEST Defined Contextualization

5 I-BEST Defined Integration
Integration of academic and technical skills instruction brings the Tipping Point within reach for students.

6 I-BEST Defined Wraparound Support

7 The I-BEST Revolution! Here is a look at the heroes of the IBEST revolution None of the students you see imagined that they would be in college level classes for at least two more years. All of them have earned a college certificate in a high demand job, credits towards a college degree

8 How did this I-BEST thing begin?

9 Washington State’s Perfect Storm
Drivers for Change Research Data Policy Program Design Practice

10 Success Defined The Tipping Point 1 year of college level credits + a credential
After 6 years, students with 1 year of college credits + a credential had the most significant future earnings bump: $7,000 more/year for ESOL students $8,500 more/year for ABE students $2,700 more/year for workforce students entering with a GED® $1,700 more/year for students entering with a HSD

11 The Ugly Truth Entering Classes:
Almost 1/3 are made up of prime working age (25-49) - with HSDs or less or non-English speaking. 8 out of 10 ABE/ELL – modest skills gains, at best earn a high school equivalency … but go no further 7 out of 10 workforce and transfer students who enter with a high school equivalency credential – leave with less (many, a lot less) than 1 year of college and no credential 2 out of 3 who enter with high school diploma – also leave with less (some, a lot less) than 1 year of college and no credential

12 I-BEST 2005: No Turning Back!
2005: 10 I-BEST Pilots Established with Startling, Positive Results 2006: I-BEST Goes to Scale Funding Model Proposed Identified a need for a funding model that was simple 1.0 Career Technical faculty salary 50% overlap required ½ faculty salary 25% for increased wrap around services Enhanced 1.75 FTE Funding Model Adopted College presidents approve 1.75 differential funding model Legislature allocates $5 million dedicated to I-BEST FTE $ 5 million folded into annual allocation Opportunity Grant Established by Legislature Funds tuition, fees, and materials to 45 credits

13 Student Achievement Points for i-best and comparison groups
Program Total points per student HS 21+ 2.1 I-DEA

14 Beda target population 2017-2018

15 Basic Education for Adults at a Glance 2017 -2018
Funded Providers 34 CTCs 7 CBOs Students 46,870 (35 St. Decrease) 53% ELL, 47% ABE 56% Female, 44% Male 67% Students of Color Funding Federal $10,032,011 Non-federal $46,696,742* *Reported for MOE Faculty 21% Full Time 79% Part Time Allocation Methodology Funds distributed based on a prorata share among providers for the following (3-yr average of data): 50% Performance based 10% Transitions 20% Total Student Achievement Points 20% SAI points per student 50% FTE Enrollment

16 Program funding

17 Enrollment (46,835)

18 Participant ethnicity or race 2017-2018

19 Participant age

20 Employment status

21 WIOA Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) 2017-2018 (Duplicated)

22 questions

23 "Better Jobs. Better Futures. A Stronger Washington."
Contacts "Better Jobs.  Better Futures.  A Stronger Washington." Jon M. Kerr, Director Basic Education for Adults V (360) E _________________________________________ Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges 1300 Quince St SE | PO Box | Olympia, Washington 98504

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