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at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

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1 at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Workday Merit Process at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

2 Course Overview This course will show supervisors and managers how to enter and submit merit. This course will also demonstrate how to approve merit for organizations downstream. Dean’s will approve department head’s submissions. VP’s will approve each submission under them, etc…

3 Timeline May 31st – Approved budgeted promotions must have positions restrictions entered into Workday. May 31st – Performance Evaluations must be complete. June 8th – Any compensation actions in routing will be canceled. NOTE: All compensation changes approved for FY19 should be entered, completed routing, and marked effective 9/1 with NO changes to compensation.

4 Timeline, Cont. June 11th – Merit Business Process Launched.
July 13th – Merit for each division must be approved by each Vice President.** **internal due dates may be set to achieve this deadline. Late-July – Presidential Approval.

5 Parallel Events Workday does not allow compensation or job changes to employees who are part of an active merit process. Examples: Job Change Request Compensation Change If you receive this error please contact so the employee can be taken out of the Merit Business Process. After launch…

6 Eligibility Full-time Budget Faculty or Staff position
Must receive a Meets Expectations or greater overall rating on their performance evaluation. Must have been employed by the university before March 1st. Employees who take a job elsewhere on campus are not eligible for merit. More detailed guidelines will be sent out soon. No student workers, no adjuncts, no GAs, etc… I’ll talk later about what that looks like in the merit system for both faculty and staff.

7 Merit Pools Merit pools will be calculated based upon a percentage of the eligible employee’s salary no matter their funding source. Each Vice President will determine how their pool will be distributed. If an eligible employee leaves, their calculated pool contribution will be removed. Workday is NOT a financial system and will not ensure adequate funding at the time of merit assignment.

8 Merit Pools, cont. Workday assumes the current costing allocation will fund the proposed merit. It is up to the department to ensure adequate funding on self-supporting accounts. The budget office will work with Business Managers to address any funding issues.

9 Merit Process Launch

10 Merit Process Launch, cont.

11 Merit Pools, cont. Before Assigning Merit After Assigning Merit
Merit Pools Distributed Merit Pools NOT Distributed

12 Merit Process Launch, cont.

13 Performance Ratings Staff Performance Ratings are pulled from within Workday Individuals with a performance rating below Meets Expectations will not be included in the merit process. In addition, the performance selected will be verified against official records. Faculty will need to have their overall performance entered

14 Merit Process Launch, cont.

15 Assigning Merit Merit can be assigned by Percentage or Amount
and will show current budgeted salary and forecasted budgeted salary

16 Submission

17 Errors Critical Errors that will not allow submission of merit.
Warnings but will allow submission of merit. You can click on the error/warning and see why are you getting the message. The critical error at the top is because I assigned merit for someone with a Does Not Meet and the warning is for someone that does not have a Performance Rating on file. If there is no performance rating on file the employee’s merit will be removed prior to final approval.

18 Submitting If there are no critical errors you will be able to submit and receive the box above. Once submitted you will not be able to pull back your submission, you would need to ask your manager to return the submission back to you, which I will go over later, or make any necessary changes for you. We have set up the system to allow pool overages without a critical error because of the multiple organizational structures that exist in workday, however, each overall Division is expected to stay within their pool.

19 Merit Process for Approvers

20 Approver’s Inbox For managers you may have a single inbox item or it is entirely possible that you may have multiple merit processes to complete if there are multiple supervisory orgs you supervise. (reminder about pool overages) From the inbox if you select the merit item you will see the scn to the right.

21 Approver’s Inbox, cont. From the top the pool presented will show all allocations, even if they aren’t submitted yet.

22 Approver’s Merit Pools
Approvers Merit Pool consists of the sum of their supervisory organizations In this case the manager pool wasn’t distributed down, however, that did not impact the totals presented for the higher level approver. Any org that an approver is reviewing will reflect the total pool available to the approver, not just the org he/she is reviewing. Manager’s View of the Pool Approver’s View of the Pool

23 Approver’s Inbox, cont. Choosing the sub org will list the org structures under this supervisory org which is where we will focus moving forward.

24 Approver’s Inbox, cont. Edit Ready For Review Flags Potential Issues
View Only The pencil will allow you to edit and make changes to any submitted merit recommendation. Choosing the magnifying glass will bring up a list of all employees in your supervisory organization no matter their organization. However, if the organization is over 100 people the system will give you an error. Status provides you a quick look at the current status Activity will allow you to make a comment and even tag someone. The person you tag will receive a notification (not in their inbox) Errors will just show you that you have errors but no details. Actions allow you to search by employee, return items, etc… Percentage of Merit Pool used Multiple Sub Orgs Allows you to see or make comments Not ready to approve

25 Approver’s Inbox, cont. Activity will allow you to make a comment and even tag someone. The person you tag will receive a notification (not in their inbox)

26 Make sure warning and error flags are addressed
Notes for Approvers Make sure warning and error flags are addressed Approvers be careful, the submit button will be available at any time and you will receive this error only if all your subordinate organizations haven’t submitted their merit recommendations. Along with the same errors Remember you have merit to enter for your direct reports. If you click submit without assigning merit to your direct reports your next level supervisor send back your submission or enter merit on your behalf.

27 Delegation The Merit Business Process can be delegated
Retain Access allows the delegate to add/edit while you retain final approval authority. If this box isn’t selected they will be able to approve.

28 Complete on Behalf Of The Merit Business Process can be completed on behalf of a manager within your supervisory org Complete on Behalf Of may be needed for supervisors who maybe on leave.

29 Approved Promotions and Equity
Promotions: a Position Restriction BP must complete routing prior to May 31st with an effective 9/1 WITHOUT salary compensation changed. The Promotion increase should be entered in the “Promotion Amount” column to the far right on the merit task. Equity: the amount will be entered into the “Additional Adjustment Amount – Monthly/Hourly” column. NOTES: These amounts are monthly/hourly Promotions Amounts do not effect your merit pool Any Promotions submitted that were not approved will be removed Approved Equity Items as part of the budget will be added by the budget office. Equity entered by the department will use funds in the merit pool.

30 Approved Promotions and Equity, cont.
The Promotion Reason and Position Auto-Fill

31 Demo

32 Questions

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