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APD, Introduction Victor Rykalin

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1 APD, Introduction Victor Rykalin
11/7/2018 APD, Introduction Victor Rykalin Victor Rykalin

2 Content APD Electronics Power supply Box Final table Recommendations
11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

3 APD and PMT advantages disadvantages Compact
Insensitive to magnetic field Higher QE over wider spectral range faster, shorter transit time cheaper simpler gain calibration Smaller sensitive area still noisier than PMT need smart preamplifier larger temperature dependence optical coupling nontrivial !!! 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

4 APD (Classics) 100um .5 MRS, Si PM 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

5 Vendors 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

6 General S/N(150) ~ 1.5 real Gain 1.1 - 10E(6) QE 12% - 85 % (500 nm)
11/7/2018 General Gain E(6) QE % % (500 nm) Gain Temperature Coefficient (-15°to +40°) %/°C Bulk current TC ( ) %/C Noise SQRT(I bulk) Signal/Noise S/N= {(N2sig * G2 )/(Noise)2} (Noise=Noise(T,C,G,time,F) Noise2=Noise2(electronics)+Noise(bulk)2 MIP, QE=80%, Nsig= 40 PE, G=150, =100 ns, T=25 C Ib = 1nA Noise(electronics)=2000e rms, S/N(150) ~ 2.7 est. S/N(150) ~ 1.5 real 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin Victor Rykalin

7 HAMAMATSU Gain 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

8 Hamamatsu ~500 80 % 500 nm 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

9 RMD 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

10 RMD 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

11 MRS or Si PM (there is no commercial information)
Gain 106 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

12 MRS or Si PMT and VLPC 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

13 Electronics CMS(HCAL) = 0.4mV/fq
60 channels, 150 ns (base), ENC(20pF)~1000e rms 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

14 Electronics QP02 k = 7mV/fq
32 channels, 40 ns (base), ENC(20 pF)=2000 rms 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

15 Circuit suggestions for APD
1 Preamp. - HV Ground 2 +HV Preamp. 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

16 Power supplies Ripple (5 mV and less) dIk=dU/R dIk=5 mV/5 k dIk=1uA dIb(signal)=50*0.8*500*q/10ns=>dIk(signal)= =320nA*B=32uA, 1/32*100 = 3% J4-2p, J4-2n HV, S7001 low voltage seems to be an appropriate approach. 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

17 HV power supply J4-2P and J4-2N from Matsusada Precision Inc.
2P – positive 2000V, 2N – negative 2kV. Ripple of 2mV. 2mA output current. Voltage regulated by multi-turn built-in potentiometer or remotely. Recommended for APD. Non-standard size. Current price as of 3/26/2003 is $ (on picture it’s the left unit) 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

18 Low voltage power supply
S7-001 Herbach&Rademan power supply ( 0 - ±30V (positive and negative simultaneously, 0.5mV ripple RMS. Current limit 5A. Regulated. Dual Panel meters. Current price is $238.95 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

19 Box Low-cost – about $35 per each element or less
Allows good temperature control, as precise as 0.1 degree at around 20oC, Performance and precision somewhat degrade at negative temperatures because the element will require a large current ( 5A) in that range, which is not easy to control. #13 This is an “artistic” representation of the box that will have APD inside and the box with pre-amplifier (which is not being cooled as of current scheme but the ability to do this has been integrated into this particular design). 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

20 Final table * B. Dolgoshein An Advanced Study of Silicon PM ICFA IB **A. Bross et all. Fermilab FN *** Rykalin V. NICADD presentation 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

21 Recommendations HAMAMATSU QP02 S/N ~ 3 RMD QP02 S/N ~ 10
MRS or Si PM CMS(HCAL)S/N ~ 6 J4-2P,2N High voltage,S7-001 low voltage Box with Peltier pads cooling Circuit is our choice 11/7/2018 Victor Rykalin

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