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Presentation on theme: "Employability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employability

2 Skills- are something you have learned to do well
Skills- are something you have learned to do well. They are the things you CAN DO. For example: write neatly, score goals, word process on a computer, tell the time. Year 8

3 Year 8

4 Qualities- are personal characteristics, things about your personality
Qualities- are personal characteristics, things about your personality. They are the things you ARE. For example: caring, determined, hardworking, funny! Year 8


6 Citizenship Identity- your identity is formed by a number of different things such as your likes, dislikes and beliefs. It is influenced by where you are from, your community, your family and your church. Year 8

7 Cultural Identity- this is the aspect of identity that we share with others.
For example: the sports team we play for, the language we speak, the music we listen to and play, the festivals we celebrate… Year 8


9 Employability Enterprising- an enterprising person is someone who sees opportunity in all areas of life. Everyone has 24hours in a day. Enterprising people simply do more with their 24hours- working not harder but smarter. They DO NOT spend three hours on the X Box before thinking about doing their homework and getting ready for the next school day. Year 9

10 Year 9

11 Entrepreneur- a person who organises and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Some famous entrepreneurs are Duncan Bannatyne and Deborah Meaden. They are not afraid of new challenges in life and/or work. Year 9

12 Year 9

13 Citizenship Equality- to be treated fairly and not be discriminated against on any grounds. Everyone is entitled to be treated equally because we are all Human Beings. Year 9

14 Year 9

15 Year 9

16 Prejudice- pre-judging someone before you have even talked to them.
Making negative statements about a person or a group of people without really knowing them. Year 9

17 Year 9

18 Employability Sectors of the Economy –Businesses and the jobs they provide can be classified into three main categories: primary, secondary and tertiary. There has been a movement away from primary jobs like farming to tertiary jobs like retail (shops). Year 10

19 Year 10

20 This sector is the biggest for providing jobs.
Tertiary –jobs in this sector are concerned with providing a service to customers. For example, bank clerk, hairdressers, nurses and teachers. This sector is the biggest for providing jobs. Year 10

21 Year 10

22 Democracy – a system where everyone has a say in how they liked to be governed. In school we have a school council. This allows you to have a say on issues you think are important. Year 10

23 Year 10

24 Participation –taking part.
In school you have a right to take part in lots of different activities. For example, assemblies, musicals, plays, environmental groups. You have a right to have a say in how you would like your school to be. Year 10

25 Year 10

26 Imports – Importing goods is when one country buys something from another country – e.g. our local supermarkets buy things like fruit, vegetables and flowers from other countries. Year 11

27 Year 11

28 Exports – Exporting goods is when one country sells something to another country – For example, farmers in places like Spain and South America sell us their fruit, vegetables and flowers etc. Year 11

29 Year 11

30 Prejudice – Intolerance or dislike of other people of a particular race, religion, etc
Year 11

31 Year 11

32 Stereotyping – This is when you generalise about someone because of the group they belong to. For example, women can’t drive. Year 11

33 Year 11

34 Personal Social and Health Education
Year 11

35 Health– Health is not just the absence of disease or infirmity; it is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. Year 11

36 Year 11

37 Drug – a drug is a chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or body.
Year 11

38 Controlled Assessment
Employability / PSHE / Citizenship Year 12

39 Action plan – A written document that describes the steps that one will complete to achieve a particular goal. Year 12

40 Primary research – Also known as field research; it is a method of acquiring data first hand rather than being gathered from published sources e.g. questionnaire Year 12

41 Secondary research – also known as desk research; it is a method of collecting data which already exists e.g. from a text book. Year 12

42 AS Citizenship Citizens –full members of their political community who possess rights in relation to the state in which they reside.

43 AS

44 Duties – as a citizen you have responsibilities towards the state you live in.
It is a parent’s duty to send a child to school in order for that child to get it’s right to an education. AS

45 A2 Citizenship Human Rights – universal and fundamental rights that derive from people’s humanity. They cannot be granted, taken away or limited, for they are inalienable and innate. They can be secured or violated. We all have Human rights as we are all part of the Human Race. A2

46 A2

47 The Right to Know - refers to the belief that, in a democracy, people should have the right to know the facts and implications of any government action. As citizens we have the right to know what information government bodies e.g. the NHS, hold on us. A2

48 A2



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