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YEAR 7 Things to think about for year 7 drama lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "YEAR 7 Things to think about for year 7 drama lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAR 7 Things to think about for year 7 drama lessons

2 Concentration I need to concentrate in order to do good Drama. I want to be able to shut out everything else and focus entirely on what I am doing.

3 Control I want to control my voice and body to do Drama well. I want to control my behaviour, so that practical work is safe to do. I want to control my feelings so that I can act out believable characters.

4 Co-operation I want to co-operate with my partners or group members so that we can do good work together. One person not co- operating can spoil the whole group. I want to co-operate with the teacher so that we can all enjoy the lesson.

5 Communication I want to communicate with others in the class so that we can work well together. I want to communicate with my audience when I am performing. This means I have to speak loudly and clearly enough for them to hear; and I need to let them see my face when I am performing. Good communication means good listening as well as good talking.

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