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Chapter 3 Manipulating Strings PHP Programming with MySQL 2nd Edition Modified by Anita Philipp –Spring 2011.

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1 Chapter 3 Manipulating Strings PHP Programming with MySQL 2nd Edition Modified by Anita Philipp –Spring 2011

2 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition
Objectives In this chapter, you will: Construct text strings Work with single strings Work with multiple strings and parse strings Compare strings Use regular expressions PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

3 Constructing Text Strings
A text string contains zero or more characters surrounded by double or single quotation marks Text can be used as literals or be assigned to variables echo "<p>PHP literal text string</p>"; $TextString =‘<p>PHP text string</p>’; echo $TextString Strings must begin and end with matching quotation marks PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

4 Constructing Text Strings (continued)
Alternate single and double quotes $Quote='<p>"Et tu, Brute!"</p>'; echo $Quote; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

5 Working with String Operators
Concatenation operator (.) combines two strings and assigns the new value to a variable $City = “Paris”; $Country = “France”; $Place = “<p>” . $City . “, “ . $Country . “</p>”; echo $Place; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

6 Working with String Operators
Combine strings using the concatenation assignment operator (.=) $Destination = "<p>Paris"; $Destination .= ” is in France.</p>"; echo $Destination; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

7 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition
Escape Characters Escape Character Character that follows it has a special purpose Escape character is the backslash (\) echo '<p>This code\'s going to work</p>'; Not needed if single/double quotes are alternated echo "<p>This code's going to work.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

8 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition
Escape Sequence Escape character combined with one or more other characters PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

9 PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition
Escape Sequences $Speaker = "Julius Caesar”; echo "<p>\"Et tu, Brute!\" exclaimed $Speaker.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

10 Simple / Complex String Syntax
Simple string syntax Include variable name inside a string with double quotes $Vegetable = "broccoli"; echo "<p>Do you have any $Vegetable?</p>”; Complex string syntax Variables are within curly braces inside of a string $Vegetable = "carrot"; echo "<p>Do you have any {$Vegetable}s?</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

11 String Functions: strlen()
returns the number of characters in a string Escape sequences, such as \n, are counted as one character $TextString = 'Cody\'s Car'; $TextLength = strlen($TextString); echo "<p>$TextString contains $TextLength characters.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

12 String Functions: str_word_count()
Pass a literal string or a string variable Returns the number of words in a string $String = 'Cody\'s Car'; $Words = str_word_count($String); echo "<p>$String contains $Words words.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

13 String Functions: Change Case
strtoupper() converts all letters to uppercase strtolower() converts all letters to lowercase ucfirst()ensures the first character is uppercase lcfirst()ensures the first character is lowercase (PHP 5.3+) ucwords()ensures all words begin with uppercase $String = "look at me”; echo"<p>"; echo strtoupper($String)."<br/>"; echo strtolower($String)."<br/>"; echo ucfirst($String)."<br/>"; echo lcfirst($String)."<br/>"; echo ucwords($String); echo "</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

14 String Functions: Encode/Decode
htmlspecialchars() converts special chars to HTML entities html_specialcharacters_decode() converts HTML entities into their equivalent chars $new = htmlspecialchars("Encode: \” <hr/>"); echo ”<p>$new</p>"; $str = 'Decode: " <br/>'; echo ”<p>”.htmlspecialchars_decode($str). ”</p>”; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

15 String Functions: Encode/Decode
htmlspecialchars()conversions: &  & “  "1. ’  '2. <  < >  > ENT_NOQUOTES - disables conversion of “ ENT_QUOTES - enables conversion of ‘ PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

16 String Functions: Encode/Decode
md5() Creates a one-way hash* Utilizes strong encryption algorithm Message-Digest Algorithm No equivalent decode function – useful for storing passwords $Password = "str0ngpwd"; $HashResult = md5($Password); echo $HashResult; *one-way hash is a fixed-length string based on the entered text, from which it is nearly impossible to determine the original text PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

17 String Functions: trim()
trim() removes leading and trailing spaces ltrim()removes only leading spaces rtrim()removes only the trailing spaces $String = " spaces ”; echo "<p>trim() |” . trim($String) . "|</p>"; echo"<p>ltrim() |” . ltrim($String) . "|</p>"; echo "<p>rtrim() |” . rtrim($String) . "|</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

18 String Functions: substr()
Returns substring using parameters of start and length Start Parameter Positive - start position from beginning (begins with 0) Negative - start position from end 0 – start position is the beginning Length Parameter Default – to end of string Positive – length from start parameter Negative – number of characters omitted from the end of the string Greater than remaining characters – remaining string returned PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

19 String Functions: substr()
$ExampleString = "woodworking project”; echo "1 ". substr($ExampleString,4) . "<br />”; echo "2 ". substr($ExampleString,4,7). "<br />”; echo "3 ". substr($ExampleString,0,8). "<br />”; echo "4 ". substr($ExampleString,4,-8)."<br />”; echo "5 ". substr($ExampleString,-7) . "<br />”; echo "6 ". substr($ExampleString,-15,4). "<br />”; echo "7 ". substr($ExampleString,-15,-8). "<br />"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

20 String Functions: Parsing
Dividing a string into substrings / tokens String search and extraction functions Return a numeric position in a text string …or… Return a character or substring …or… Return FALSE if not found PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

21 String Functions: strpos()
case-sensitive search returns the position of first occurrence of string returns FALSE if not found stripos() case-insensitive search Two arguments: string to be searched, characters for which to search $String = $Result = echo "Result: $Result <br />"; $Result = strpos("$String”,”A"); echo "CaseSensitive: $Result <br />”; $Result = stripos("$String”,”A"); echo "Case Insensitive: $Result <br />" PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

22 String Functions: strchr()
strchr(), strrchr() Arguments: string, search character return a substring from the specified characters to the end of the string strchr() search from beginning strrchr() search from end $String="Red Rover"; echo "Beginning: ”.strchr($String,"R").”<br />"; echo "End: ”.strrchr($String,"R”).”<br />"; echo "Beginning: ”.strchr($String,"r").”<br />"; echo "End: ”.strrchr($String, "r").”<br />"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

23 String Functions: strreplace()
str_replace(), str_ireplace() Arguments: search string, replacement string, string str_replace()– case sensitive str_ireplace()– case insensitive $ = $Search = "mr.president"; $New = str_replace($Search,"Mr.Vice.President”,$ ); echo $New ."<br/>"; $New = str_ireplace($Search,"Mr.Vice.President”,$ ); echo $New ; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

24 String Functions: strtok()
strtok() divide a string into tokens Arguments: String, separator Returns entire string when An empty string is specified as the second argument Does not contain any of the separators $Presidents = "Washington|Jefferson|Madison"; $MrPresident = strtok($Presidents, ”|"); while ($MrPresident != NULL) { echo "$MrPresident<br />"; $MrPresident = strtok(";"); } PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

25 String Functions: str_split(), explode()
str_split(), explode() split a string into an indexed array str_split() Arguments: string, length of each element explode() Arguments: separators, string When separators not found, entire string is assigned to $ArrayName[0] Does not separate a string at each character that is included in the separator argument Evaluates the characters in the separator argument as a substring Empty string as the separator argument then function returns a Boolean value of FALSE PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

26 String Functions: str_split(), explode()
$States = "Oklahoma;Texas"; $StatesArray = explode(";", $States); foreach ($StatesArray as $StateCode) { echo "$StateCode<br />"; } $States = "OKTX"; $StatesArray = str_split($States, 2); PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

27 String Functions: implode()
combines an array’s elements into a single string separated by specified characters Arguments: separators, array $DaysArray = array("FR","SA","SU"); $Weekend = implode(", ",$DaysArray); echo "$Weekend"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

28 String Functions: Comparisons
Comparison operators use ASCII codes Lowercase letters 97 (“a”) to 122 (“z”) Uppercase letters 65 (“A”) to 90 (“Z”) $First = "A"; $Second = "a"; if ($First > $Second ) echo "<p>$First is greater than $Second./p>"; else echo "<p>$Second is greater than $First.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

29 String Functions: Comparisons
strcasecmp(), strcmp() Arguments: String 1, String 2 Compare based on ASCII Value Positive number – first is greater Negative number - second is greater strcasecmp() – case-insensitive strcmp() – case-sensitive strncmp(), strncasecmp() Arguments: String 1, String 2, Number of chars to compare Similar strings – longer is greater $First = "Birth”; $Second = "Birthday"; echo ”Result strcmp: ". strcmp($First, $Second)."<br/>”; echo ”Result strncmp: ". strncmp($First, $Second, 5); PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

30 String Functions: Similar Text
similar_text() , levenshtein() Determine similarity between two strings Arguments: two strings similar_text() returns the number of common characters levenshtein() returns the number of characters needing change to make strings the same $First = "Smith"; $Second = "Smyth"; $Same = similar_text($First, $Second); $Change = levenshtein($First, $Second); echo"<p>$First|$Second have $Same chars in common.</p>"; echo"<p>$First|$Second have $Change chars to change.</p>"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition

31 String Functions: Sound Comparisons
soundex(), metaphone() Can use to determine whether strings are pronounced similarly Return a value representing how words sound soundex() Returns 4 character alphanumeric representing pronunciations (English) metaphone() Returns code representing word’s approximate sound (English) $First = "son"; $Second = "sun"; $Soundex1=soundex($First); $Soundex2=soundex($Second); $MPhone1=metaphone($First); $MPhone2=metaphone($Second); echo "For son and sun:<br/>"; echo "soundex codes: $Soundex1 and $Soundex2<br/>"; echo "metaphone codes: $MPhone1 and $MPhone2"; PHP Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition


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