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Study Abroad in Taipei, Taiwan ece. iastate

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1 Study Abroad in Taipei, Taiwan http://www. ece. iastate
Study Abroad in Taipei, Taiwan J. Morris Chang Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University Feb. 1, 2012

2 Presentation Outline Why Taiwan Tatung University (Taipei)
Taiwan (slide show) Google “Study Abroad in Taipei, Taiwan; ISU”

3 Taiwan

4 Why Taipei, Taiwan Center of Asia Taipei is the capital of Taiwan
English Friendly Study Environment High-tech Country (video show) Internship Opportunities

5 Tatung University In the center of Taipei (easy access to metro)
Programs in Engineering Mechanical, Computer, Electrical, Chemical, Material, and Bioengineering Many faculty received their PhD degrees in the US ISU-Tatung Exchange Program Started in 2005 20 ISU students participated Summer Only Program since 2010 Scholarships (not available for summer only program) Travel expense ($1000 USD), Room and Board Internship Opportunities in Tatung Company Slide Show of Tatung & Taiwan

6 Going to Taiwan in Spring 2008
Pre-departure Meeting at ISU

7 Conclusions World is Flat A great opportunity to explore Asia
People, Culture, and Food An English Friendly Study Environment A Strong Engineering Program in A high-tech Country Scholarship and Internship Google “Study Abroad in Taipei, Taiwan; ISU”

8 Thank You Questions? Contact: Dr. Morris Chang Or
Engineering International Engagement

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