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Teaching and Learning Center

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Learning Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Learning Center
College Senate Update Spring 2018

2 Background Vision Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Faculty Development Vision Facilitate student learning Feed passion for inquiry (faculty and students)

3 Two Goals (2017-2018) Build infrastructure
Create opportunities for cohorts

4 Coordinate and communicate with existing programs:
Collective Individual initiatives Fostering Innovation in Teaching with Technology (FITT) SUNY Open Educational Resources (OER) RITE’s Instructional Design Team Research Foundation and pre-award programs

5 Coordinate and communicate with new strategic partners:
Academic Commons (Tutoring and Advising) Student Affairs SUNY Performance Improvement Fund (PIF) Initiatives Applied learning Supplemental instruction Peer mentoring Summer bridge

6 Teaching and Learning Center Website
Make our lives easier by Compiling relevant information Intentionally anticipating need Connecting the dots Empowering faculty with tools to facilitate student learning

7 Cohorts and conversations around strategic initiatives
High-Impact Practices ( ) Learning Communities ( ) Applied Learning ( )

8 High-Impact Practices (HIPs) First-Year Seminars Learning Communities
Collaborative Projects Undergraduate research Service Learning Study Abroad Internships Common Intellectual experiences Capstone seminars (Kuh 2008; Kilgo, Sheets & Pascarella 2015). discuss

9 Becoming HIP: Assignments taking time over multiple weeks
Peer-to-peer interactions Frequent faculty feedback Structured student reflections Integrative learning

10 Time for reflection

11 Faculty taught students how to reflect

12 New cohorts and conversations:
Teaching “large-ish” classes “Coalition of the willing” around advising Possible cohorts: General Education? Lab classes? Studio? __________

13 What can the Teaching and Learning Center do for YOU (your department, our students, our community)? John Draeger

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