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Unit 3: Society & Culture – Dystopian Literature

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1 Unit 3: Society & Culture – Dystopian Literature
Day 8

2 Daily Agenda Day 8 Daily Agenda Bell Ringer: None
Vocab Spotlight: Diligent, Articulate, Desist, Allegory, Catharsis Reading Check Quiz Lit Lesson: Allegory of the Cave & Fahrenheit 451. Analyze Montag’s Internal conflict.

3 Vocab Spotlight Sample Sentences
I am usually diligent about completing homework, but lately I have suffered from apathy and have not been doing good work. A presidential press secretary must be articulate in order to clearly communicate the president’s agenda. Julie had to articulate the events of the evening in her report to the police. Mrs. Barnett ordered me to desist my incessant pencil tapping, as I was annoying other students. Take a moment to look-up the meaning of catharsis on your phone or in your textbook. Look-up allegory if you did not do so last night. Diligent Articulate Desist Allegory Catharsis

4 Reading Check Quiz (You were warned!) A link will be provided in class.

5 Allegory of the Cave “Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave.” ~Montag (F451p.70) Work with your tablemates to draw a diagram of the cave with characters from Fahrenheit 451 on the paper provided. Determine which characters from the allegory represent the following characters from F451: Clarisse, Montag, Mildred, Beatty, Faber. Draw a diagram of the cave. Position the F451 characters from step 1 in the cave. Next, determine what things from F451 would be represented by the chains/shackles, the fire, the shadows, the objects being carried along the low wall. Finally, make certain everything in your drawing is clearly labeled.

6 Analyzing Conflict & Tracing Motivation
For this activity you will complete two graphic organizers, one for conflict and one for motivation. Conflict: You should primarily focus on Montag’s conflicts, but you may also include interesting conflicts of other characters. >If you don’t remember the types of conflict, look them up in our textbook. >Looking at significant events in the story will help you to identify conflict. Cause & Effect: Complete this entire graphic organizer based on Montag’s reactions to the events noted in the left column. BOTH SHEETS WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE END OF THE PERIOD!

7 Clean-Up & Assignments
Clean-up your work area: Return books to the crate 2. Homework: Read F451 pages  Answer the following questions. >Why is Montag upset with Mildred’s friends? >Why does Mrs. Phelps cry? >What does Faber want most? >Where does Captain Beatty take Montag and the firemen?

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