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Program 1.Overview 2.Central people at the department 3.Teaching and subjects 4.Questions 2012/2013: 3. Year students: 23 Students 4. Year students: 65.

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Presentation on theme: "Program 1.Overview 2.Central people at the department 3.Teaching and subjects 4.Questions 2012/2013: 3. Year students: 23 Students 4. Year students: 65."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program 1.Overview 2.Central people at the department 3.Teaching and subjects 4.Questions 2012/2013: 3. Year students: 23 Students 4. Year students: 65 Students 5. Year students: 78* Students Department of Chemical Engineering

2 Overview of IKP K4 K5 HallerPFI Research groups Catalysis Colloid- and polymer chemistry Process systems engineering Environmental engineering and reactor technology Biorefinery and fibre technology The staff in 2011 included: 20 technical/administrative 21 professors 75 PhD students 20 Post docs and researchers

3 Some people of IKP Responsible for student matters: -- Hege Johannesen (administrative study advisor) -- Lisbeth Roel (all) -- Jens-Petter Andreassen (scientific study advisor) -- Berit Borthen (health and safety coordinator) Head of department: Øyvind Gregersen Deputy head of department:Jens-Petter Andreassen (education) and Sigurd Skogestad (science) Head of administration: Tom Helmersen

4 Autumn TKP4105 Separasjonsteknikk TKP4110 Kjemisk reaksjonsteknikk TMA4240 Statistikk TKP 4106 Prosessmodellering/TMT4185 Materialteknologi Spring TIØ4285 Teknologiledelse TKP4165 Prosessutforming TKP4175 Termodynamiske metoder TKP4115 Overflate og kolloidkjemi/Annet valgbart emne* *Overflate og kolloidkjemi inngår blant 4 kjerneemner der minst tre må velges 3rd year studies

5 Autumn - Non technical subject TKP4140 Process Control 1) TKP4155 Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis 1) TKP4160 Transport Phenomena 1) TKP4170 Process Design, Project* Spring - Experts in Teamwork TKP4171 Process Design, Project* TKP4180 Bioenergy and fibre technology TKP4130 Polymer chemistry TKP4135 Chemical Process System Engineering TKP4145 Reactor technology TKP4150 Petrochemistry and oil refining TKP4185 Nuclear Power, Introduction TKP4195 System modelling and Analysis in Biology TKP4115 Surface and colloid chemistry (3. klasse) 1) - Complementary subject 1) At least 3 of these 4 subjects must be chosen * Compulsory either autumn or spring 4th year studies

6 Autumn 5th year – Five Specialization courses of 7.5 SP: TKP4515Catalysis and petrochemistry TKP4525Colloid and polymer chemistry TKP4535 Environmental Engineering and Reactor Technology TKP4555 Process systems engineering TKP4565 Pulp, Paper and Biorefinery Each specialization course consists of –2 electable modules (of 3.75 SP) Deparment of chemical engineering 5th year

7 Autumn 5th year – Five Specialization projects: TKP4510/11Catalysis and petrochemistry TKP4520/21Colloid and polymer chemistry TKP4530/31 Environmental Engineering and Reactor Technology TKP4550/51 Process systems engineering TKP4560/61 Pulp, Paper and Biorefinery There are two options: - a large project 15Sp - a small project 7.5Sp and an extra subject (7.5 Sp) Supervision meetings should be at least once a week in the start up phase of the project. Deparment of chemical engineering 5th year

8 Project The projects should be individual. We recommend that you discuss whether a small or large project is more suitable with your supervisor. Project proposals A binder with the proposals are found on the net. Industry related self defined projects are also OK and can be organized during spring/summer, however this must in all cases be agreed with the NTNU supervisor. It is OK, (but no requirement) to have a common topic for: - summer job - project (autumn) - master project (spring) Deparment of chemical engineering 5th year

9 Part of the study abroad? Many of our students study abroad for one or two semesters. You can do this during the 3rd or 4th year. It is also possible to do the diploma abroad or in the industry. In all cases the exchange plan must be approved by the department. The application deadlines are October 1st and March 1st. More information you can find on: or you can ask Hege

10 Do you want to be a scientist? Doing a PhD you learn how to do fundamental research and become an expert in a field within chemical engineering A PhD is nowadays a requirement to do a carrier a scientist both in industry and academia. The Department of Chemical Engineering is one of the largest and best research departments at NTNU educating some 14-20 new PhDs each year.

11 Student representatives and department party committee Student representatives: –Peter Lindersen ( –Ebenezer Hayfron-Benjamin ( Department party committee: –Jonas Reier Kaasa 5. –Joanna Catarina Correia 5. –Hanne Marie Straume 4. –Kamilla Risa 4. –NN1 3. –NN2 3.

12 Dates 4th year –September 15 for choosing subjects (remember the complimentary subject) –Topic design project: During 1st week after start in the autumn, report by Nov 16 5th year –1. June: Deadline (preliminary) for selecting (Special form in department office!) Complimentary subject Two Specialization modules Project title –1. September: Deadline changes –End of semester 4 Dec.: Exam modules (mostly oral; some modules have mid-terms) 17 Dec.: Oral presentation of project (counts 10% on project grade) 7 Dec.: deadline project report Exam period Dec. 1-21. Spring semester start Jan. 14

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