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DNA & It’s replication Unit 1 – Human Cells.

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1 DNA & It’s replication Unit 1 – Human Cells

2 Structure of DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Stores genetic information in it’s sequence of bases Consists of two strands, made of nucleotides 3 parts: - Deoxyribose sugar - Phosphate - Base There are four types of base: Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T) Bases pair up : A-T, G-C

3 Structure of DNA A strong chemical bond forms between phosphate groups and the deoxyribose sugars Phosphate groups on the 5th carbon (5’) end are added to the 3 carbon (3’) end of the deoxyribose This forms the sugar- phosphate backbone Nucleotides can only be added at the 3’ end Therefore DNA strands run in opposite directions (anti- parallel) Nucleotides are held together in the middle by hydrogen bonds

4 Structure of DNA The 2 strands of DNA assemble themselves into a spiral ladder - known as the double helix DNA strands need to be tightly coiled in order to fit inside the nuclei of cells

5 DNA replication DNA is able to direct it’s own replication
- e.g. for cell division Process starts with hydrogen bonds breaking DNA strands then “unzip” Bases exposed at a replication fork Replication starts with a primer - forms at the 3’ end - complimentary nucleotides then form a continuous strand - this is the leading strand DNA polymerase helps join the nucleotides together On the other side, the strand is copied in fragments (discontinuous) - this is the lagging strand - fragments are joined together by DNA ligase

6 DNA replication Many replication forks appear simultaneously
Requirements for replication: - DNA - primers - nucleotides - enzymes (ligase/polymerase) - ATP (for energy) DNA replication ensures an exact copy of genetic information is passed from cell to cell - and from generation to generation

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