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Instance Model Overview

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1 Instance Model Overview

2 Areas Design Considerations Model Structure
Workflow Interaction (State tracking/synchronization) Resource Metadata

3 Design Considerations

4 Instance Model Objectives
Provide complete representation of the state of a TOSCA service template deployment So it can be understood and appreciated by the owner So a workflow can change it So state or topology changes can be understood over time So lifecycle operations can be manually applied to parts of it Harmonize manual and autonomic operations

5 General Issues Deriving the instance model from Templates, Types
Is there complete information? Accessing the instance model Orchestration time is already covered for the basic case Information is can be passed to operations (declarative) but workflows require more Workflows may only see a part of the model, i.e. the nodes in defined states Navigation only possible across defined elements Post orchestration, i.e. how do you look at the current state? Dump instance model as YAML and/or access it programmatically? Access properties, attributes, invoke operations? (like a workflow would do post initial deployment) Are inputs, outputs, active policies, etc. also available? Instance model updates What is visible during orchestration? E.g. lifecycle events, error status. How are topology and node status changes reflected over time? Change events? Snapshots? … Correlation of modeled entities with external entities

6 Deriving the instance model
Service template instantiation Templates represent the entities that can be created But cardinality may vary Orchestrator will compute/know the cardinality at some point Processing the templates Apply inputs All aspects of the service template must be resolved (substitutable, sub-topologies, …) Policies matched and intantiated The context used from the runtime envronment should be reflected Additional entities provided by environment might also appear Load balancer, Backup, Directory service, Monitoring, DNS, NTP endpoints … Location/placement of container entities and resources

7 Information Model Type Schema Types Templates Instances Type w …
Template y Type x properties attributes Instance z Template y properties Attributes Dynamic info Normative? Env specific Type x derived from Properties name: type attributes Meta-model of a TOSCA Type E.g. Class, data type, references, attributes NodeType, CapabilityType, … Parameterized “constructors” Actual instances

8 Work Areas Model Structure Workflow Interaction Resource Metadata
Encoding of information Query/traversal Workflow Interaction Imperative interaction with the IM State tracking/synchronization Deterministic tracking/querying of state Resource Metadata Correlate TOSCA instances with actual resources

9 Model Structure

10 Serialization to YAML Allows us to look at a snapshot of the instance model without having to define query/navigation techniques … but need to maintain a clear concept of the information to be represented Approach: Encode input values provided by user as input_instances Encode policies applied as policy_instances linking to affected templates and instances Encode requirement resolution as needed for automated matching for fulfillment Generate node_instances for final topology Encode output with final values

11 Information Model Type Schema Types Templates Instances Type w …
Template y Type x properties attributes Instance z Template y properties Attributes Dynamic info Normative? Env specific Type x derived from Properties name: type attributes Met model of a TOSCA Type E.g. Class, data type, references, attributes Parameterized “constructors” NodeType, CapabilityType, … Parameterized “constructors”

12 Relations between Node Instances
Node Template A Node Template B M N Node instances have m x n cardinality by default but we’ll need to support other kind of configurations. A[0] B[0] A[1] B[1] A[2]

13 Encoding Consider 2 approaches
DSL-like encoding Instance model has structure similar to service template Object tree encoding Instance model is encoded more naturally as on object tree Both are information preserving encodings So it’s possible to translated between them There was more interest in the Object tree encoding More natural traversal More natural representation Extensibility in terms of objects (you can represent anything you want) versus DSL

14 Instance Model Specific Serialization Issues
Users may want to include information defined from other standards/meta models Implementations may want to include additional information in TOSCA instances E.g. resource mapping information Structural information indicating relationships among other entities Implementations may want to include information not part of TOSCA instances TOSCA does not have all the features to support object trees Referencing entities in other subtrees (can only reference specific instances by name, no collections) Generalized referencing that work in document, cross document with relative and absolute URIs Collections Referencing entities in ordered collections Referencing entities by key

15 Reference semantics A D Containment Reference B C E C Cross Reference

16 Extensions for General Information Representation
Enhance data types: Explicitly denote containment and cross reference Reference other documents and namespaces using URIs and fragments Fragments with index New section object_instances to hold generic data objects not TOSCA instances Support indexing into a list

17 Adding referencing to YAML
JSON had to solve similar problem (solved originally in XML) JSON Schema Motivates referencing JSON Pointer JSON Reference Interesting: XMI JSONPath (no formal spec???) JSON-LD URI Fragment

18 JSON Pointer URI Fragment Identifier Representation
A JSON Pointer can be represented in a URI fragment identifier by encoding it into octets using UTF-8 [RFC3629], while percent-encoding those characters not allowed by the fragment rule in [RFC3986]. Note that a given media type needs to specify JSON Pointer as its fragment identifier syntax explicitly (usually, in its registration [RFC6838]). That is, just because a document is JSON does not imply that JSON Pointer can be used as its fragment identifier syntax. In particular, the fragment identifier syntax for application/json is not JSON Pointer. Bryan, et al. Standards Track [Page 5] RFC 6901 JSON Pointer April 2013 Given the same example document as above, the following URI fragment identifiers evaluate to the accompanying values: # // the whole document #/foo ["bar", "baz"] #/foo/0 "bar" #/ 0 #/a~1b 1 #/c%25d 2 #/e%5Ef 3 #/g%7Ch 4 #/i%5Cj 5 #/k%22l 6 #/%20 7 #/m~0n 8 { "foo": ["bar", "baz"], "": 0, "a/b": 1, "c%d": 2, "e^f": 3, "g|h": 4, "i\\j": 5, "k\"l": 6, " ": 7, "m~n": 8 } Sample fragment identifiers Sample Document

19 JSON Reference (for inspiration)
A JSON Reference is a JSON object, which contains a member named "$ref", which has a JSON string value. Example: { "$ref": " } If a JSON value does not have these characteristics, then it SHOULD NOT be interpreted as a JSON Reference. The "$ref" string value contains a URI [RFC3986], which identifies the location of the JSON value being referenced. It is an error condition if the string value does not conform to URI syntax rules. Any members other than "$ref" in a JSON Reference object SHALL be ignored.

20 Workflow Interaction

21 Workflow IM Information Requirements (basic)
Precondition Determine if a workflow can be applied to a subset of nodes in a topology Filter Select the set of nodes on which the workflow will operate Get lifecycle state Know the state of a node to select the right sub-workflow/activities Unknown state if node eventual enters a non-recoverable states Set lifecycle state Control state transitions as node operations are executed Invoke operation Pass parameters computed in the workflow Deployment context access Inputs Instantiated policies Service topology (Templates) All respective meta info (Types) Other? Tenant Location Environment

22 Workflow IM Query Requirements (advanced)
Qualify node by (node qualifier) Type (Node Type Name) Name (Node Template Name) Ordinal (first, last, index, deterministic order for iterations/traversals) Attribute values node lifecycle state is an attribute Defined or not (based on state) Range (specific value is just a constrained range) Any of (in) Relation qualifier Qualify by relation (relation qualifier) Type Name Source nodes qualifier Target nodes qualifier Query syntax? SQL like with graph semantics (in/out edges)

23 Pending issues Node lifecycle state Select template instances
Not defined in base types getState (attribute) setStat (state property?) Select template instances All instances created by a template All templates create implicit homogenous sets of node instances Groups in topology model can only refer to templates, i.e. they can’t target specific subsets of a sets Where will IM queries be specified from TOSCA workflow, policy Can operations access instance model or just rely on inputs from TOSCA

24 Resource Metadata

25 Resource Metadata Used to correlate TOSCA instances with actual resources I.e. rationalize the instance model with the physical world Used by other management software to correlate TOSCA topology with real world they already understand Find specific things in the topology Given TOSCA instance (by ID) find corresponding resource Given a resource (by ID) find corresponding TOSCA instance Concepts and semantics (assume invariant for now) Resource entities (servers, networks, ports, …) Identifying/Classification/grouping (IDs, refercences, tags, names, key/values) Non-identifying/Facts (location, context, build, …) Examples Resource IDs (cloud APIs) Tags (most resources in cloud APIs, cluster managers, etc.) Annotations

26 Examples of metadata Kubernetes Cloud APIs, Virtualization, SDNs
Labels Labels enable users to map their own organizational structures onto system objects in a loosely coupled fashion, without requiring clients to store these mappings. "release" : "stable", "release" : "canary" "environment" : "dev", "environment" : "qa", "environment" : "production" "tier" : "frontend", "tier" : "backend", "tier" : "cache" "partition" : "customerA", "partition" : "customerB" "track" : "daily", "track" : "weekly" Annotations It is also useful to be able to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata, for retrieval by API clients such as tools, libraries, etc. This information may be large, may be structured or unstructured, may include characters not permitted by labels, etc. Such information would not be used for object selection and therefore doesn’t belong in labels. Cloud APIs, Virtualization, SDNs Tags Key value pairs

27 TOSCA instance to Resource mapping
1-1 mapping of instance to resource Instance is backed by multiple resources N1 N1 N2 TOSCA “logical” node instances Resources “backing” logical instances R1 RN R1 R2 Metadata of multiple resource needs to be “grouped” at the instance Metadata of single resource can be exposed in instance

28 Instance Model Representation
1 instance to 1 resource When instance represents the resource Use maps of maps in each node instance First level denotes resource namespace (e.g. vsphere.VirtualMachine) Next level denotes metdata kind (e.g. tags) Next level contains values 1 instance to multiple resources When there is not a simple 1-1 relationship between instance and resource and/or the resource is not really the same kind of thing the instance represents Multiple resources (or even the environment) provide the metadata

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