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Program Review June 2004 Good Morning

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1 Program Review June 2004 Good Morning
Irene Boczek, Associate Director of ES&H SLAC’s mission is to do frontier, world-class science, respectfully, safely and environmentally protectively. My colleagues have explained how they have delivered on the commitment of world-class science – I am going to talk with you about how the institution delivers on the commitment to do it safely and protectively. 11/7/2018

2 ES&H Organization ES&H Budget $12.8M $2.3M (remediation) Employees
-72 total -6 (remediation) Stanford University University Committee on Health & Safety Jonathan Dorfan John Hennessy SLAC Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) ES&H Coordinating Council Irene Boczek Associate Director Subcommittee Arthur Bienenstock ES&H Division Resources Budget $12.5M total $8.3M no waste or remediation $2.4 remediation, $1.8 waste Employees 82 total 71 no remediation

3 ES&H Performance Goals
Protect employees Protect the public and the environment Be good stewards of our environment Systematically integrate ES&H into management and work practices at all levels throughout SLAC using the DOE’s ISMS DOE and SLAC goals include: Protecting employees Protecting the public and the environment Being good stewards of our environment integrate ES&H into management and work practices at all within SLAC using ISMS ISMS is a plan – do – check - improve system working within the guiding principles which emphasize for example responsibility, accountability…

4 ES&H Performance for 2003 As measured by the DOE
As measured against ourselves As measured against the other science laboratories

5 Historical ES&H Performance
1998 Outstanding 1999 2000 2001 Excellent 2002 2003 SLAC ES&H performance has been outstanding 3 of last 4 years. During that same four year year period the total scores varied less than 1 % suggesting that this high level of performance has been consistent as well.

6 SLAC 2003 Performance Compared to Ourselves and other SC Labs
SLAC Lower that SC Average (last available data) SLAC Change in Performance Over time Comments Total Recordable Case Rate SLAC above SC average DART Rate Worker Radiation Dose X 4 fold reduction since 1995 Environmental Occurrences None since 2002, have secured SLI funding to upgrade underground utilities Hazardous Waste Generation (2001 data) 8 fold reduction since 1992 SLAC contributed 16% to the total amount generated by SC labs Low Level Radioactive Waste Generation (2001 Data) SLAC contributed less than 4% of the total amount Estimated Hypothetical MEI Less than 1/100th of EPA limit for air, and 5% of limit for prompt radiation; one of lowest SC labs Occurrences (2002 Data) 2 fold reduction since 1999

7 Summary of ES&H Performance
As measured by the DOE SLAC performance was rated “excellent” by DOE last year; and was rated outstanding 4 of the last 6 years As measured against ourselves SLAC performance is acceptable or has improved in 6 of the 8 categories SLAC Accident Rate have increased As measured against the other science laboratories SLAC ES&H performance was better than the average of other SC laboratories in 5 out of 8 cases SLAC Accident Rates are above the SC average Within the SC Laboratories SLAC has performed favorably. SLAC performed better than the average in 6 of 9 performance criteria. In on eo fhte remaining three SLAC is well below regulatory limits and in another SLAC has imp[roved internal performance 8 fold in the last 10 years. That leaves the metric for environmental incidents. SLAC has had 4 environmental incidents since 2001 and is working to eliminate those in the future.

8 Accident History at SLAC

9 Accident Reduction Action Plan
Programs To Prevent Accidents in the Future Improve the Responsibility and Accountability Systems for Accident Reduction throughout SLAC Focus on Accident Prevention Focus on Back to Health Programs Convene a Director-led Accident Reduction Task Force

10 ES&H Performance Goals for 2004
Reduce accidents: Prepare and implement an accident reduction plan Prepare a plan to correct and fund OSHA findings and implement plan Implement new work planning process (job/area hazard analysis process) and improved management accountability system Design and implement a new corrective action tracking system Implement a chemical management system Implement agreed upon remediation strategy and plan Complete Type B Corrective Actions Maintain DOE rating of “outstanding”

11 ES&H Performance Goals for 2004
Reduce accidents: Prepare and implement an accident reduction plan – plan being implemented Prepare a plan to correct and fund OSHA findings and implement plan – plan being prepared Implement new work planning process (job/area hazard analysis process) and improved management accountability system – on target Design and implement a new corrective action tracking system – on target Implement a chemical management system – on target Implement agreed upon remediation strategy and plan – progress made Complete Type B Corrective Actions – on target Maintain DOE rating of “outstanding” – unlikely given accident rates

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