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Stoichiometry Molar mass, Percent composition, Moles, Conversions, Empirical formulas, Molecular formulas.

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Presentation on theme: "Stoichiometry Molar mass, Percent composition, Moles, Conversions, Empirical formulas, Molecular formulas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stoichiometry Molar mass, Percent composition, Moles, Conversions, Empirical formulas, Molecular formulas

2 1 mole = 6.022 x 10 23 atoms = molar mass
The Mole SI unit for amount A counting unit for measuring large quantities of small items Atoms molecules Particles 1 mole = x atoms = molar mass

3 Molar Mass For compounds
The amount of mass (grams) in one mole of a substance For elements Average atomic mass  periodic table For compounds Must add up each element’s mass Subscripts are factored in by multiplication Units are g/mol May be called formula mass or molecular mass

4 Steps to solve Find elements on periodic table Write down the mass
Multiply the mass by the subscript Add together

5 Sample: Determine Molar Mass
Calculations are FUN! 40.08 g/mol g/mol Ca Fe NaCl  Na: g/mol Cl: g/mol g/mol

6 Molar Mass (cont.) 5. Na2O Fe: 55.847 x (2) = 111.694 g/mol
4. Fe2O3 5. Na2O Fe: x (2) = g/mol O: x (3)= g/mol g/mol Na: x(2) =  g/mol O: = g/mol g/mol

7 Percent Composition Steps to solve Find the total mass of the COMPOUND
Take the mass of each element and divide it by the total mass Multiply by 100

8 Sample: Calculate the percent Composition
C: g mol g mol O: g mol .2730 100 27.3 % .727 100 72.7% CO2 C: g/mol O: (2) g/mol = g/mol g/mol

9 Sample 2 .327 .653 H2SO4 H: (2)1.008 g/mol = 2.016 g/mol
S: g/mol O: (4) g/mol = g/mol g/mol H: g mol g mol S: g mol O: g mol .0206 100 2.06 % .327 100 32.7 % .653 100 65.3%

10 Composition of Hydrates
Hydrate: crystal contains water within Water can fit into the salt crystal Happens in fixed ratios Each salt that forms a hydrate has a DIFFERENT water ratio Each salt crystal is unique Anhydrous: water has been removed Achieved through drying Steps to solve Calculate the total mass of the compound INCLUDING THE water Divide the water mass by total mass Multiply by 100

11 Sample Problem: Hydrate
That was nothing. Time for Coco! Sample Problem: Hydrate What percentage of water is found in CuSO4 •5H2O Cu: g mol S: g mol O: (4) g mol = g mol H2O: (5)18.01 g mol = g mol g mol g mol g mol .361 100 36.1% H2O

12 The Mole conversion ÷ by 6.022 x 10 23 Mass Particles (grams) Volume
Ions Atoms Molecules Formula units ÷ by molar mass X by x 10 23 Mole X by Molar mass ÷ by x 10 23 ÷ by 22.4 L x by 22.4 L Volume (Liters) Gases at STP

13 Stoichiometric Conversions: Mass to Mass
You can relate any unit to another by this method Relate one unit to another conversion factors Steps to convert Identify what you start with Determine what units you end in Might have to do side calculations Set up conversion factor Evaluate Do the Math!

14 Example 28 grams CO2 _______ moles CO2 .636
How many moles are in 28 grams of CO2? 1 mole CO g CO2 28 grams CO2 _______ moles CO2 .636 C: g/mol O: (2) g/mol = g/mol g/mol

15 Empirical Formula Steps to solve Steps to solve When given percentages
Change percent sign to grams (NO MATH) Convert masses to moles Using conversions Re-divide ALL moles amounts by the smallest mole amount Multiply if not whole numbers Write compound with subscripts When the elements are in the smallest whole number ratio within compound Steps to solve When given a compound Divide out by the common multiple

16 Example: What’s my Empirical Formula
Piece of Cake! C6H6 C8H18         C2H6O2      X39Y13    CH C4H9 CH3O X2Y

17 Example: with percent Na2SO3 1.587 moles 0.792 moles = 2.01 2
A compound is found to contain 36.48% Sodium, 25.41% Sulfur, and 38.11% Oxygen. Find its empirical formula. Na2SO3 Element Percent Mass Convert to moles Re-divide Subscripts Na 36.48% 36.48 g 36.48 g x 1 mole g = moles 1.587 moles moles = 2.01 2 S 25.41% 25.41 g 25.41 g x 1 mole g = moles 0.792 moles moles = 1.00 1 O 38.11 % 38.11 g 38.11 g x 1 mole g = moles 2.382 moles moles = 3.01 3

18 So many compounds with the same Empirical formula
Molecular Formula Multiple of an empirical formula So many compounds with the same Empirical formula

19 Steps to solve Complete an empirical formula process if needed
Find the mass of the EMPIRICAL FORMULA Divide the Empirical formula mass by the molecular mass Molecular mass is normally given in the problem Answer is the common multiple Multiple the SUBSCRIPTS by the common multiple

20 All done! Time to go sledding! Yippee!!
Example A compound with an empirical formula of C4H4O and a molecular mass of grams. What is the molecular formula of this compound? C: 4 ( g mol ) = g mol H:4 ( g mol ) = g mol O: g mol g mol 136 g g =1.997 C4H4O x 2 = C8H8O2

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