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Keith Lopez Coordinator, First & Second Year Programs Orientation & Transition Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Keith Lopez Coordinator, First & Second Year Programs Orientation & Transition Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keith Lopez Coordinator, First & Second Year Programs Orientation & Transition Programs

2 Welcome! Our topics today Issues facing second year students National and campus research Unique approaches at CSU

3 So… Why 2 nd Year Students?

4 What Is the Issue? The 2 nd year is often a time when students feel they do not get the attention and support they received their 1 st year. This can lead to the sophomore slump This is also an institutional issue– not only a student issue. Institutions are failing to engage 2 nd year students in a way that best fits their needs.

5 Pop Quiz!? Second Year Student Issues (Pattengale, 2000) Reduced motivation Declining performance Newness has worn off Intensified curriculum Choosing a major or career Reality hits Feeling of institution not as supportive as 1 st year Move off campus, feel less connected Peer issues Identity issues

6 What Makes 2 nd Year Students Unique? Establishing themselves as individuals Declaring a major by 60 credits! Securing ideas about their future career Developing short and long term goals Working on academics with harder classes Missing "frontload" of their 1 st year while still trying to make connections on campus

7 Research on 2 nd Year Students Freedman (1956) and Sophomore Slump Common characteristics Feel lost, unmotivated and disconnected Dissatisfaction with resources Transitions in identity and peer groups Explorations in purpose and major/career decisions Core is efficacy, engagement and commitment Hunter et al., 2010, Tobolowsky, 2008, Schaller, 2005, Schreiner & Pattengale, 2000

8 Research on 2 nd Year Needs Tobolowsky (2008) and 2005 national survey Creating a sense of community Fostering social engagement Facilitating faculty-student interaction Encouraging major and career exploration Promoting academic engagement and leadership Schreiner (2009) Impact of campus experience and peer groups

9 CSU Research on Year 2 Second Year Research Project- Demographic & Academic Analysis (Fall 2006 1 st year students) Retention of 1 st year students to a 2 nd year Your First College Year Survey Campus Climate Survey

10 CSU Research on Year 2 Orientation Benchmarking Survey Best practices for study skills fairs, student success conferences and second year programming Individual Meetings with colleagues across campus

11 SYE Survey @ CSU in 2011 T HRIVING Q UOTIENT : Engaged Learning & Academic Motivation = Connection Diverse citizenship P SYCHOLOGICAL S ENSE OF C OMMUNITY : Sense of belonging and friendships Campus pride and sense of community (Natl = 5,138; CSU = 478)

12 SYE Survey @ CSU in 2011 F ACULTY -S TUDENT I NTERACTION I TEMS : Meeting frequency and content with Faculty contacts = Meeting frequency and content with Advisor contacts S ATISFACTION I TEMS : Living situations, physical health, money paid for college = Quality of faculty interactions (14.3% to 15.8%) Amount learning in college and contact with faculty Community service involvement (55.1% to 44.2%) Academic advising received (62.1% to 53.3%) Overall campus experiences (77.3% to 66.6%)

13 What Our Students Say Keeping up in all my classes, getting involved, making friends, talking to professors outside of class, feeling like I belong. Adjusting to the increase in difficulty in my classes, and adjusting to living with roommates off campus. Figuring when to start thinking about graduation and life after college. Do I start searching now, next year, or in two years? Balancing finances, school, work, and friends. They all seem to not have time for each other and it makes you make some big choices. Hard to make the same great friendship after moving out of the dorms. Motivation. Finding out your major and career goals. Time management and still being able to find a way to be involved on campus while living off campus. Maintaining the enthusiasm I had when I first got here, personal issues, a lot more stress, more thinking about the future.

14 Best Practices from 382 Institutions Top 3 Career Planning 74.2% Programs to Assist with Selection of Major 65.3% Academic Advising 61.0% Lowest 3 Curricular Learning Communities 17.7% Publications for Sophomores 16.8% Peer Mentoring for Sophomores 15.4% 2005 National Survey on Sophomore Initiatives National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition by Bradley E. Cox & Barbara F. Tobolowsky (2008)

15 Orientation & Transition Programs First-Year Programs Getting to Year 2 @ CSU Conference Second-Year Programs Year 2 @ CSU: Second Year Program Year 2 @ CSU Board Alternative Spring Break Academic Transition Workshops Outdoor Experiences CSU! True Faculty Story Dinner Series Online Event Calendar for Second Year Students Monthly E-Newsletter to Second Year Students

16 Orientation & Transition Programs Future Programs Year 2 Mountain Experience Retreat w/ Pingree Park Traditions Program (Connected to Credit Completion) Expanded Outdoor Experience Opportunities Partnership with the Career Center Re-envision of Second Year Student Welcome Back event Enhance online resources/info for second year students

17 Key Plus 2 nd Year Community Career Development Leadership Development Supportive Diverse Community

18 The Focus of Key Plus Purpose: Understanding who I am Self assessments, value and identity exercises Portfolios and reflection assignments Decision-Making: Where I am going Mentoring on academic/career planning Study skills, time management and leadership workshops Belonging: Learning how I fit in Service learning and experiential opportunities Community engagement activities

19 Key Plus 2 nd Year Community For more information on Key Plus contact: Jessica Klingsmith Assistant Director, Key Communities Coordinator, Key Plus

20 What We Are Telling 2 nd Year Students Celebrate Reflect Explore Commit

21 Reflection Questions for Year 2 Help students explore these questions: A. Who am I? B. Where am I going? C. What do I need to do to get there?

22 Keith Lopez Coordinator, First & Second Year Programs Colorado State University (970) 491-6011 Click on Second Year

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