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Crohn´s disease Domina Petric, MD.

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1 Crohn´s disease Domina Petric, MD

2 Introduction Crohn´s disease is a chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal disease characterised by transmural granulomatous inflammation affecting any part of the gut from mouth to anus. There is unaffected bowel between areas of active disease: SKIP LESIONS.

3 Cause Cause is unknown. Environmental agents are implicated.
Genetics: mutations of the NOD2/CARD15. Colon involvement goes with increased CARD15 gene expression in macrophages and intestinal epithelial cells. Dysregulated immune responses might be primary or secondary (infecting gut commensals like Mycobacterium avium para-TB). E. coli adhesins, p273, may play a role in developing Morbus Crohn.

4 Epidemiology Prevalence is 0,5-1/1000. More common in women.
Incidence is 5-10/100000/year. Presentation is mostly at age of 20 to 40 years. Smoking increases risk 3-4 times. NSAID may exacerbate disease.

5 Symptoms diarrhoea and urgency abdominal pain
weight loss, failure to thrive fever malaise anorexia

6 Diarrhoea is usually very smelly.
Symptoms Patients can feel fine one minute, and deathly ill the next minute. Diarrhoea is usually very smelly.

7 Signs in the GI tract aphthous ulcerations abdominal tenderness or mass perianal abscess, fistulae skin tags anal strictures

8 Extraintestinal signs
clubbing skin, joint and eye problems

9 Source:
Skip lesions Source:

10 Complications small bowel obstruction
toxic dilatation (colonic diameter>6 cm) abscess formation (abdominal, pelvic, ischiorectal) fistulae (colovesical, colovaginal, perianal, enterocutaneous)

11 Complications rectal haemorrhage colon cancer fatty liver
primary sclerosing cholangitis cholangiocarcinoma

12 Complications renal stones osteomalacia malnutrition amyloidosis

13 Blood tests Full blood count Erythrocyte sedimentation rate CRP
Urea, creatinine and electrolytes INR, liver function tests Ferritin, TIBC, B12, folate

14 Stool microbiology, faecal calprotectin Colonoscopy + rectal biopsy
Diagnostics Stool microbiology, faecal calprotectin Colonoscopy + rectal biopsy Small bowel enema Capsule endoscopy Barium enema MRI

15 Mild attack Symptomatic patient, but systemically well.
Prednisolone 30 mg/d per os for 1 week, then 20 mg/d for 4 weeks. If symptoms resolve, prednisolone 5 mg every 2-4 weeks. When parameters are normal, stop prednisolone.

16 Severe attacks Patient is systemically ill.
Admit in the hospital for iv. steroids. Nil by mouth! Iv. infusion 1 L 0,9% saline + 2 L dextrose-saline/24 hours + 20 mmol K+/L (less potassium in elderly).

17 Severe attacks Hydrocortisone 100 mg/6 h iv.
Hydrocortisone 100 mg in 100 mL 0,9% saline/12 hours per rectum is effective treatment for rectal disease. Metronidazole 400 mg/8 hours per os or 500 mg/8 hours iv. can be useful in perianal disease or superadded infection.

18 Severe attacks Daily physical examination with full blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, urea, creatinine and eletrolytes. Plain abdominal X ray. Consider need for blood transfusion and parenteral nutrition.

19 Severe attacks If the patient is improving after 5 days, transfer to oral prednisolone 40 mg/day. If the patient is not improving, INFLIXIMAB or ADALIMUMAB. In the case of severe abdominal pain, consider abdominal sepsis complicating Crohn´s disease.

20 Medications for Morbus Crohn

21 Azathioprine Dose is 2-2,5 mg/kg/day per os.
It can be used as a steroid-sparing agent. It takes 6-10 weeks for clinical improvement.

22 Sulfasalazine Although unproven efficacy, sulfasalazine is useful in Crohn´s disease, especially high-dose postoperatively in patients with ileal resection.

23 TNFα inhibitors Infliximab and adalimumab can decrease disease activity because TNFα plays important role in pathogenesis of Crohn´s disease. They counter neutrophil accumulation and granuloma formation, activate complement and cause cytotoxicity to CD4+ T-cells.

24 Methotrexate Methotrexate 25 mg im. weekly for remission induction is enabling complete withdrawal from steroids in patients with refractory Crohn´s disease.

25 Nutrition Enteral nutrition is preferred (polymeric diet) over the total parenteral nutrition in exacerbations. Low residue diets help control Crohn´s activity.

26 Literature Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Longmore M. Wilkinson I. B. Baldwin A. Elizabeth W. Ninth edition.

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