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09/11/2018 1 A bank for good “We’re a bank for people who don’t just dream of a better world, they are busy building one.”

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Presentation on theme: "09/11/2018 1 A bank for good “We’re a bank for people who don’t just dream of a better world, they are busy building one.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 09/11/2018 1 A bank for good “We’re a bank for people who don’t just dream of a better world, they are busy building one.”

2 Charity Bank: A bank for good
09/11/2018 Charity Bank: A bank for good Run for charities and social enterprises and owned by charities and social purpose organisations A mission to use money for good Specialise in lending to charities and social enterprises Shareholders are either a charitable trust, foundation or social purpose organisation Non-executive directors are unpaid / no staff bonus scheme

3 Charity Bank: A bank for good
09/11/2018 Charity Bank: A bank for good Run for charities and social enterprises and owned by charities and social purpose organisations The only bank in the UK with the Social Enterprise Mark First bank in Europe to become a B Corporation, an independently assessed certification for businesses that can meet rigorous social and environmental standards

4 Our mission is to support your mission
09/11/2018 Our mission is to support your mission We exist to lend to charities and social enterprises, we’ll work with you side-by-side We exists to help social sector organisations access loans We’ve lent over £200 million to charities and social enterprises We take the time to meet and build relationships with our borrowers – old fashioned relationship banking. 100% of our borrowers would recommend us

5 - Alan Fraser, chief executive, YMCA Birmingham
09/11/2018 YMCA Birmingham “Charity Bank saw us as a partner in doing good, rather than just a customer from whom they could make money.” - Alan Fraser, chief executive, YMCA Birmingham

6 09/11/2018 1 Why Loans?

7 To develop, purchase or refurbish a building
09/11/2018 Why use loan finance ? To develop, purchase or refurbish a building To form part of a match funding package – help leverage grants To help fund new contracts/services – diversify income and support sustainability. To supplement grants and donations, which are not always sufficient

8 What are the benefits of borrowing:
09/11/2018 What are the benefits of borrowing: Loans can allow projects to start more quickly, thus: Providing services sooner Generating income sooner Avoiding potential increases in costs Loans can be more flexible than grants – unrestricted funding

9 What are the benefits of borrowing:
09/11/2018 What are the benefits of borrowing: Loans can enable donation income to be directed where it is most needed Loans can introduce business disciplines (effectiveness) Loans may bring involvement/expertise from motivated investors

10 Should your charity borrow?
09/11/2018 Should your charity borrow? Ask the lender for indicative terms early on Do a cost/benefit analysis – be sure it is the best way Are you confident you can afford the repayments?

11 Should your charity borrow?
09/11/2018 Should your charity borrow? Do sensitivity testing & risk analysis – “what if” analysis Read the small print – can you comply with all of the terms? Have you recognised all of the costs?

12 Check your constitution – does it prohibit borrowing?
09/11/2018 Are you ready to borrow? Check your constitution – does it prohibit borrowing? If not already a company – consider incorporating Can you offer security? Section 124(2) – independent advice required

13 Evidence that you can afford the loan Good governance
09/11/2018 What lenders look for Evidence that you can afford the loan Good governance Provision of financial information Security Risk assessment or register Social impact

14 09/11/2018 “They take the time to consider our plans and opinions and we never feel like a number” As one borrower put it… They take the time to consider our plans and opinions and we never feel like a number Charity Bank Borrower

15 09/11/2018 1 Meet our borrowers

16 Emmaus Village Carlton
09/11/2018 Emmaus Village Carlton

17 Emmaus Village Carlton
09/11/2018 Emmaus Village Carlton

18 Unit3Sixty CIC Indoor Skatepark Stourbridge

19 Get in touch Peter Hughes Regional Manager
09/11/2018 Get in touch Peter Hughes Regional Manager Call: (Head Office) (Direct Line) Visit: Follow: @charitybank

20 09/11/2018 Date 7

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