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1 Cells

2 Cell Theory All Living Things Are Made of cells
Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of all living things All living cells come from other living cells **This is important because it shows that all living things share a similar structure **Robert Hooke – The first PERSON TO SEE CELLS IN 1665 WHEN HE LOOKED AT CORK.

3 Plant and Animal Cells have similar structures

4 Cell organelles Cell organelles have 3 basic functions: Produce Energy
Build and move needed materials Stores food and recycles waste

5 Cell membrane Controls what comes in and goes out of a cell
Outer boundary of a cell unless there is a cell wall

6 Nucleus Control Center Holds chromosomes that contain dna

7 Vacuole Stores food and waste

8 cytoplasm Jelly-like substance Helps support organelles
Helps give cell its shape

9 Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell Breaks down food for energy
Stores and releases energy

10 Ribosomes Small and round Produce proteins

11 Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)
Maze of passageways Moves material from one part of the cell to another

12 Plant and animal cells have different structures

13 Plant Cells Plants cells have 3 Unique organelles Cell wall
Chloroplast Larger vacuole

14 Cell wall Stiff outer boundary outside of the cell membrane
Made up of non-living material Allows material in and out of the cell

15 chloroplast Large green structures that have chlorophyll allowing plants to trap energy from sunlight to produce food

16 Larger vacuole Stores food and waste Stores extra water

17 Animal Cells Animal cells have 2 unique structures Lysosomes

18 lysosomes Small and round Digest food Recycle old cell parts

19 Organisms There are 2 types of organisms 1. Unicellular
2. multicellular

20 Unicellular organisms
Makeup most of the organisms on earth Self-sufficient – have everything they need within themselves Examples: Plant – like protist Euglena Animal – Like Protist Paramecium Amoeba

21 Multicellular Organisms
Made up of many cells The cells specialize to perform a specific function

22 Levels of organization
Cells form tissues Tissues form organs Organs form organ systems Organ systems form entire organism

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