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Intro to Pre-A.P. Biology

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1 Intro to Pre-A.P. Biology
“The Big Ideas” *Doodle 4 Square Required!

2 Biology The Study of Life Can be divided into 4 Big Ideas: Evolution
Energy & Molecular Building Blocks Information Storage (transmission/response) Interdependent Relationships

3 1. Evolution of Living Organisms
Common Descent w/Modification Organisms that are well adapted to their environment Ex: cacti in the desert Natural Selection Mutations induce variation of traits Can either increase or decrease survival Organizing Diversity Taxonomy: naming organisms using rules Scientific names use BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE Genus species: Homo sapien Systematics: studying evolutionary relationships

4 3 Domains of Life

5 Dear King Phillip Came Over For Ginger Snaps

6 2. Energy & Molecular Building Blocks
Life Requires Nutrients and Energy Energy= the capacity to do work Metabolisms=chemical reactions w/in a cell The SUN is the ultimate source of energy for life on Earth Photosynthesis: Plants capture solar energy and convert it into chemical energy that living things can use Living organisms maintain Homeostasis Biological Balance Feedback control mechanisms monitor and regulate factors (temp., moisture, acidity, etc)

7 3. Information Storage, Transmission, & Response
Living Organisms Reproduce and Develop Reproduce either by fission or fertilization Develop from immature stage to adult Carry genetic instructions Genes (made of Deoxyribonucleic acid) recombine during fertilization to make new and unique combinations of traits Living Organisms Respond Interact with environment Can result in movement Living Organisms have Adaptations Modifications that can increase survivability All living organisms have the capacity to evolve

8 4. Interdependent Relationships
Organization of Life From smallest to largest: atoms, molecules, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere Increasing complexity As you move up, each level acquires emergent properties/characteristics (and interactions between parts) Cooperation & Competition Can be achieved at each level Diversity affects Interaction Increases flexibility/adaptation


10 Characteristics of Life
Made of cells * Reproduction * Genetic code Grow and develop * Metabolize (obtain & use energy) * Respond to environment/movement * Maintain homeostasis (balance) Change over time (evolve) *Observable

11 Doodle 4 Square: In each box Title of Big Idea
Main Picture to represent Doodles and key words to help understand each big idea DUE TOMORROW!

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