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Soil, Agriculture, Toxicology

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1 Soil, Agriculture, Toxicology

2 Soil Importance? Function How formed What is humus?
Medium for plant growth, nutrient recycling, filters water, Habitat for bacteria, microbes, fungi, insects, animals How formed What is humus? Breakdown of rocks/minerals from below Deposition of organic matter from above What factors influence formation and/or properties Parent material Climate Topography Organisms Time

3 Soil Soil Triangle What does color indicate Particle size
sand, silt, clay Soil Triangle Which soil type is best for farming Loam: 40/40/20 What does color indicate Chemical & Physical Qualities /properties: Chemical Physical pH Porosity/permeability Nutrients: N, P, K Texture/feel Organic matter (humus) Composition: % sand, silt, clay Salinity (Salinization) Erosion Ion exchange capacity Compaction Heavy metals Profile analysis: depth of horizons Trace elements Color

4 Soil Profiles: Describe each horizon/layer
Leaching Downward movement of water carrying dissolved minerals & organic matter

5 Soil Biomes Describe soil in following biomes Desert Grassland/Praire
Tropical Rainforest Taiga/Coniferous/Boreal/Evergreen forest Deciduous/Temperate Forest

6 Hunger Causes Strategies to combat Golden Rice
Main sources of calories worldwide Increasing meat consumption Maximize calories Trophic level Feed lots & Aquaculture Benefits / problems

7 Agriculture Describe, benefits, problems Genetic diversity
Traditional / Subsistence farming Industrial / Conventional farming Organic Farming Genetic diversity Seed banks Green Revolution GMO Pros / cons Irrigation Types, problems Salinization waterlog

8 Conservation Conservation practices Erosion Desertification
Contour, terracing, strip, shelterbelt, cover crop, no till, polyculture, intercropping, agro forestry, crop rotation, buffer zones Erosion Desertification Fertilizers Organic / synthetic

9 Pest management Pesticides Resistance
Benefits / problems Resistance Pesticide treadmill Bioaccumlation / biomagnification IPM Describe / Goal Rachel Carson DDT EPA US Laws FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act) FFDCA (Federal Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act) FQPA (Food Quality Protection Act) Stockholm Convention Dirty dozen

10 Hazards Biological Infectious diseases: Species barrier
AIDS: tribesmen eating bush meat (chimps) Mad Cow: feeding sheep parts to cows Lyme disease - ticks Hantavirus – mice/rats swine/bird flu

11 Hazards Chemical Mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens, neurotoxins
Endocrine disrupters: BPA (bisphenol A, phthalates) “Gender Benders” Bhopal, India

12 Hazards Cultural smoking, poor diet, unsafe sex, drugs, unsafe working conditions, and poverty.

13 Toxicology LD50 Risk – 75% Disease Toxicity factors Developed
cultural Developing Infectious Overall Poverty Toxicity factors Dose Exposure Genes / Sensitivity Fat Soluble Persistence Children risk factor Eat/breathe/drink more per body weight Put stuff in mouth Immature immune system Antibiotic resistance Synergistic / antagonistic

14 RISK ANALYSIS – World – cause of death

15 RISK ANALYSIS – US – cause of death

16 Probability of death in the US

17 Actual cause of death in the US

18 Reduce Disease Both infectious & cultural Reduce poverty
Slow pop growth Improved nutrition Reduce pollution: air/water/soil Reduce overuse of antibiotics Vaccinations Clean water Hand washing/hygiene

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