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Federal Legislative Update
Florida Regional Councils Association Policy Board Partners Meeting August 17, 2018
Presentation Overview
FY2019 Appropriations Farm Bill Reorganization Proposal Additional Updates
FY2019 Appropriations Budget deal approved in February raises spending caps set under 2011 Budget Control Act Non-defense: $597b (3.1% increase from FY2018) Defense: $647b (2.9% increase from FY2018) All 12 spending bills approved by House & Senate Appropriations House has approved two “minibus” bills Energy-Water, Legislative, Military Construction-VA Financial Services and Interior-Environment Senate also passed two spending packages Financial services, Interior-Environment, Agriculture, Transportation-Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Economic Development Administration
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Economic Development Administration 276 301.5 15 305.5 Economic Development Assistance Programs 237 262.5 - 266.5 Planning Grants 32 33 Public Works 100 117.5 Economic Adjustment Assistance 35 37 Technical Assistance 9 9.5 Research & Evaluation 2 1.5 Trade Adjustment Assistance 13 Innovative Manufacturing Loans/Sec. 26 Regional Innovation Strategies/Sec. 27 17 21 25 Assistance for Coal Mining Communities 30 Salaries and Expenses 39 *figures not available
U.S. Economic Development Administration
House Appropriations Directives: Coal communities Assistance for communities w/o economic development strategy Report on progress of assistance, outlook Regional Innovation Program Support innovation clusters w/ focus on advanced wood products Nuclear plant closures Increase assistance to communities impacted by plant closures
U.S. Economic Development Administration
Senate Appropriations Directives: Report on broadband investments Recognize economic potential for outdoor recreation projects, eligibility for funding Reserve $3m for NBRC to address recovery in forest-based economies Identify best practices, report on assistance available for communities facing nuclear power plant closures
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Department of Agriculture - Rural Development 2,937 3,001 2,023 3,029 USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service 102 114 - 54 109 Rural Business Development Grants 24 34 40 Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans 922 920 950 Delta Regional Authority and Appalachian Regional Commission (Transfer) 6 5 8 Intermediary Relending Program Account (loan subsidy and administrative) 10 9 Rural Cooperative Development Grants 27 28 30 Rural Energy for America (subsidy and grants) 1 0* Rural Utilities Service 673 661 123 743 662 Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program (subsidies and grants) 571 560 18 638 558 Rural Electrification and Telecommunications (loan subsidy) 3 2 Broadband Program (loan subsidies and grants) 66 67 35 71 69 *< $1m
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Rural Housing Service 2,067 1,995 1,743 1,997 Rural Housing Insurance Fund (loan subsidies) 89 63 10 69 73 Rental Assistance 1,405 1,345 1,331 Multi-Family Housing Revitalization 41 47 - 53 50 Mutual and Self-Help Housing Grants 30 Rural Housing Assistance Grants 34 40 45 Rural Community Facilities Program (loan subsidies and grants) 49 148* 44 52 *Administrative expenses only, no funding provided for guaranteed loans or grants
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development
House Appropriations Directives: Rural Housing Service Submit report outlining criteria defining “rural in character” for eligibility POWER Plus: Apply Community Facilities investments in coal communities Rural Business-Cooperative Service Funding provided for transportation technical assistance* Rural Utilities Service Focus on water systems of “Very Small Communities”, predevelopment planning Issue grants for technology upgrades in health and education *$500,000
U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development
Senate Appropriations Directives: Rural Housing Service Issue report on cost of rural housing vouchers for low-income households receiving USDA assistance, property supported w/ Sec. 515 loan Prioritize projects under Community Facilities Program addressing substance abuse and wildfire risk Rural Business-Cooperative Service Funding provided for transportation technical assistance* Rural Utilities Service Create pilot to solve sewage issues in mid-south through new technology, management, & regulations Promote broadband in areas where business case lacking to expand service, continue USDA infrastructure initiative *$500,000
Department of Transportation
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Department of Transportation 76,213 86,185 76,056 87,804 86,565 Essential Air Service (Payments to Air Carriers) 149 155 93 175 BUILD Grants (formerly TIGER) 500 1,500 - 750 1,000 Federal Aviation Administration 16,407 18,001 16,122 17,691 17,702 Airport Improvement Grants (Grants-in-Aid to Airports) 3,350 Airport Discretionary Grants n/a Small Community Air Service Development Program 10 Federal Transit Administration 12,415 13,480 11,119 13,621 13,514 Formula/Bus Grants 9,734 9,733 9,939 FTA Capital Investment Grants (New Start/Small Starts) 2,413 2,645 2,614 2,553 Transit Infrastructure Grants 834 800 Federal Highway Administration 43,148 47,498 45,791 50,258 49,308
Department of Transportation
House Appropriations Directives: National Infrastructure Investments (BUILD Grants) $250m each: rural, seaport, and urban projects Prioritize multimodal projects along freight corridors in urban areas, rural bridge projects Explore reforms on cutting costs for Essential Air Service Issue best practices on state bids, corrosion control of structurally deficient bridges
Department of Transportation
Senate Appropriations Directives: DOT to issue report on impact of FY19 budget on state DOTs, other entities receiving highway funding Reserves $3m for research on autonomous vehicle use in rural areas National Infrastructure Investments (BUILD Grants) Balance awards between urban/rural Directs DOT to not weigh federal share in selection criteria Retain current air traffic control system against proposal to privatize Advance education to address workforce needs of transportation sector DOT to provide guidance to states on financing bike-ped projects
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Housing and Urban Development 43,656 48,349 37,023 48,795 49,649 Community Development Block Grant 3,000 3,300 - HOME Investment Partnership 950 1,362 1,200 Choice Neighborhoods 138 150 100 Homeless Assistance 2,383 2,513 2,546 2,612
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
House Appropriations Directives: CDBG Encourage resiliency in structures against natural hazards Prioritize technical assistance for coal communities, use CDBG to aid revitalization HOME Issue report on income concentration, housing supply in metro areas Recommend best practices on localities providing new housing stock in high-cost metros CHOICE Neighborhoods Prioritize prior year planning grant recipients for grant implementation
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Senate Appropriations Directives: Encourages HUD to allow flexibility for applicants under 1,000 pop. to use various sources of data to establish LMI HUD to issue report on strengthening partnerships between CDBG recipients and non-profits for project development $5m provided for capacity building in rural communities under Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)
U.S. Department of Labor (amount rounded to nearest million)
Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Employment and Training Administration 9,974 10,018 6,541 9,800 9,907 Adult Employment and Training 816 846 490 Youth Activities 873 903 524 Dislocated Worker Employment and Training 1,242 1,262 615 1,041 Job Corps 1,704 1,719 1,297 Apprenticeships 95 145 200 150 160
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(amount rounded to nearest million) Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Environmental Protection Agency 8,149 8,207 6,412 8,081 8,058 State and Tribal Assistance Grants 3,527 3,562 2,929 3,588 3,575 Infrastructure Assistance Grants 2,461 2,486 2,332 2,522 2,482 Brownfields 80 62 Categorical Grants 1,066 1,076 597 1,093
Federal-State Regional Commissions
Final FY17 Final FY18 President Request FY19 House FY19 Senate FY19 Southeast Crescent Regional Commission .25 N/A - Appalachian Regional Commission 152 155 Base Program 70 73 POWER+ Plan/Coal Related Investments 50 Congressionally Directed Special Programs 32 Special Regional Initiative for Distress - Delta Regional Authority 25 3 15 Denali Commission 30 7 Northern Border Regional Commission 10 1 12 20
Farm Bill House version passed 2nd vote June 21: 213-211
House bill includes provision on work requirements for SNAP participants SNAP recipients 18 to 59 must work or be enrolled in job training program for at least 20 hours/week Excluded from work requirement are recipients over 59, disabled, pregnant women, and people with children under age 6 Provides $250m in FY2020 and $1b each year thereafter for employment and training programs Senate version approved late July, 86-11 Moves to conference committee after recess Authorization expires September 30
Farm Bill Provision House Senate Expands SECD Program
Support against opioid epidemic Support for broadband expansion Supports healthy foods initiative Reauthorizes economic and infrastructure dev programs Reauthorizes Intermediary Relending Program Mandates new work requirements for SNAP recipients Removes mandatory spending for RD programs Establishes Under Secretary for Rural Development
Farm Bill If provision on removing mandatory funding stands…
Potential for less funding towards loan/grant programs Reauthorizes RD loan and grant programs through 2023 Reauthorizes Strategic Economic & Community Development planning & technical assist. $5m annually Enhances assistance for broadband Upgrades standard Prioritizes hard-to-reach areas Supports community health Emphasis on opioids: broadband, community facilities Reauthorizes healthy foods initiative, creates pilot
Farm Bill Establishes Undersecretary for RD (Senate)
RD lead designated as Assistant to the Secretary Reauthorizes federal-state reg commissions Delta Regional Authority SW Border Regional Commission
Reorganization Proposal
In June, Trump Administration released its government reform plan Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century created by EO directive to reorganize Executive Branch Aims to reduce duplicity and promote efficiency and effectiveness in federal gov Private sector used as example for reinventing government service delivery Plan offers 32 actions both domestic and foreign-based programs
Reorganization Proposal
Notable reforms: Consolidate federal economic assistance under newly-created agency in Commerce, Bureau of Economic Growth Merge Labor and Education departments to create Department of Education and the Workforce Transfer nutrition assistance from Agriculture to Health and Human Services, rename to Health and Public Welfare Move rural housing loan guarantee and rental assistance programs to Housing and Urban Dev Consolidate all federal lending programs for small business under Small Business Administration Reassign program authority at DOT
Reorganization Proposal
Federal economic assistance reform: Establishes Bureau of Economic Growth within Commerce Agency would administer CDBG, EDA Economic Dev Assistance programs, USDA rural business and community grants Bureau would also absorb federal-state regional commissions (ARC excluded) DOT reform: Transfers authority of air traffic control to non-profit entity Homeland Security takes over administration of transportation security programs Reassesses program authority under DOT Secretary (BUILD, INFRA) Congressional action not being considered at this time
Additional Updates Nomination of Assistant Secretary for Economic Development John Fleming, former Louisiana congressman Confirmation vote expected soon Rescissions bill fails in Senate Work left to do on reauthorization bills Water Resources Development Bill (Senate) National Defense Authorization Act (conference) National Flood Insurance Program (Senate) Recently extended through Nov. House passed bill in Sep. 2017 Federal Aviation Administration (Senate)
Additional Updates House T&I Chairman Shuster released infrastructure plan Increases gas tax by $.15 and diesel by $.20 Eventual elimination of gas tax to replaced by VMT fees National infrastructure funding (30% rural focus) Reauthorizes EDA through 2023 EDA Elimination Act introduced in House Rep. Ralph Norman (SC) – 5th District Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure and Financial Services Committees
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