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Welcome to World History

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to World History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to World History

2 A little about myself Total history nerd App State graduate
Mom to a dog named Bentley 5 years of teaching at Ardrey Kell Contact Info: Website:


4 How things are going to work…
My Daily Expectations Come to class prepared Have a positive attitude Be respectful To me To your classmates To school property To yourself

5 How things are going to work…
Curriculum: 1900 through today Grading: Formal (Tests and Quizzes)- 70% Informal (Homework and Classwork)- 30% Notebook: Everything we do will go in your notebook We will talk about options tomorrow No notebook checks UNLESS your grade goes below a 65 DO NOT EVER SEND ME “BUMP UP” S!!!!

6 The Hot Topics… Supplies Mead 5 Star Notebook or a 3” Binder
Notebook paper Mini Stapler Double-sided tape Colored pencils Highlighter (2 colors)

7 The Hot Topics… The start of the day Announcements
Be IN your seat when the bell rings Make sure your book bag is under the desk and is closed up Get started on your warm-up Pick up all necessary papers from the front table TURN IN all work that I said is due!!!!! Announcements Whenever announcements are on- you are quiet PERIOD! Don’t ask to sharpen your pencil or blow your nose…just get up and do it. Don’t throw trash away in the middle of class

8 The Hot Topics… Bathroom
Never in the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes Never when I am giving instructions or lecturing Never during a test when you are still working SOMETIMES when you are working individually or in groups If you have a doctor’s note allowing you to go whenever you need…that is fine, SHOW ME SOMETIME THIS WEEK!

9 The Hot Topics… Make-up work
INSTRUCTIONS WILL ONLY BE GIVEN BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL Make-up bin will contain any worksheets (but only for a week…then it will be thrown out) Notes will need to be gotten from another student (I don’t have copies) Some videos are mandatory, talk with me before or after school Get names of other students IN THIS CLASS

10 The Hot Topics… Late work will drop 10% each day until the 5th day, which then a maximum of 50% is available. I do reserve the right to give alternative assignments. No retest for Honors classes

11 The Hot Topics… Please do not sign-up for my Knight Time without talking to me first Knight Time will be very structured- and we will work everyday THIS IS NOT A STUDY HALL You must bring a novel on Wednesdays (Will go back to homeroom) I reserve the right to refuse you for Knight Time!!! 3 strike rule

12 The Hot Topics… Each unit You have Unit Glossaries and Unit Review.
For each unit you can choose one of those to complete and turn in on test day Quizzes (probably 1-2 per unit) You will receive data trackers for every unit Write the daily objective Answer daily closure question Each tracker will be taken up on the day of the test!

13 The Hot Topics… You need to consider everything we do in this class as notes Maps Timelines Questions from the textbook Online resources …. ALL of these are things that you need to study If you leave these out you will be missing key information that I anticipate you have referenced Notes cannot be typed in class!

14 The Hot Topics... Things to remember when studying.. Cause and effect
Basic understanding of chronological ordering Thematic elements to periods of time (Think about last year’s supplements)

15 The Hot Topics… Tests About 3 each quarter
All will have multiple choice AND short answer questions

16 The Hot Topics… Computers
You will use computers for all quizzes, tests, and any other research. Each of your seats will be assigned a computer that you are responsible for during class. Labels: First and Fourth Periods each computer, cord, and space are labeled with a number. According to the number assigned to you, that is the computer that you will either be picking up or putting back Please make sure that you turn in your computer the way that you found it. If you see a problem when you check the computer out, let me know immediately! Do’s and don’ts

17 The Hot Topics… Group Work
DESKS WILL BE MOVED WHEN WORKING IN GROUPS TO FORM SQUARES Face each other Desks will touch 1 assignment taken per/group You can be removed at any time 100% participation Stay on task!

18 The Hot Topics… Videos No laying down of heads on:
Desks Arms Hands If you are a chronic sleeper, you will have alternative assignments every time we watch a video Videos serve a PURPOSE- you should take notes on all videos. There will be questions on your tests from the videos. All videos we watch are GOOD- I promise!

19 The Hot Topics… THINGS I SHOULD NEVER SEE: Sleeping Eating
Your hands/eyes on anyone else’s work You attempting to speak when I am You speaking without first raising your hand You packing up before the bell

20 The Hot Topics… When you need extra help-
Any morning…just let me know before hand so I can sign your agenda After school until 3:00- LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING!!! Tutors

21 The Hot Topics… Before you leave: No trash around your desk
Textbooks are IN the basket under your desk I tell you that you can leave Look at the back board for your homework If we used computers, make sure that your computer is put back in the appropriate slot with the appropriate cord

22 Surveys Student Advice Teacher Advice Stay organized
Don’t wait until the night before to do the goal questions Complete your own goal questions Teacher Advice Don’t be a victim: own your grade. Don’t complain about what you didn’t think about learned-come ask me for help! It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get an A Don’t treat class work like busy work: everything that we do matters! Goal questions are a study guide for YOU: stop complaining about them

23 Online Survey Teacher website Online Survey

24 Enjoy Every Day!

25 Welcome to World History
On your note card: Name Do you participate in any clubs, sports, or organizations at school? Which ones? Do you have any pets? How many and what are their names? What are your favorite (legal) things to do when you’re not in school? If you were forced to do karaoke right now…what song would you chose? If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Write one more random fact about yourself…..

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