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Area of Study Two rural communities Two ethnic groups

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1 Area of Study Two rural communities Two ethnic groups
Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve


3 Diversity at the Community Level
Ethnically distinct Geographically distinct settlement patterns

4 San Miguel Descendents of shipwrecked slaves Nuclear community
Travel some distance to fields

5 Loma Linda Households geographically isolated
Agricultural fields & forest plots located directly behind households

6 Livelihood Systems Slash & mulch Subsistence agriculture
Forest extraction




10 Chachi Basketry Negro Basketry


12 Production Systems CHACHI NEGRO Men Women Hunting Rampira
Fishing Plantain Cacao Chickens Café Cassava Pigs Timber NEGRO Men Women Hunting Canoeras Fishing Fishing Cacao Plantain Café Cassava Cassava Rampira Pigs Plantain


14 Findings Spatial differences in settlement patterns and agricultural plot locations Cultural & gender distinct agricultural and forest extraction activities Differences within gender groups regarding the use of forest products Cultural & gender differences may influence the adoption of proposed conservation activities

15 Household Composition, Stress & Strategies in West African Farming Systems
Amy J. Sullivan

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