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Minnesota PBIS Spring Training

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1 Minnesota PBIS Spring Training
Cohort 13 Minnesota Regional Implementation Projects February-March, 2018 Minnesota Department of Education – PBIS Mgt Team

2 Takeaways Recognize your growth #1 predictor for sustaining PBIS
Plan your transitions Stay connected

3 Build on the positives…
Recognize your Growth

4 ‘8 Steps of Implementation’
Teaming together, we … Establish team membership Develop behavior purpose statement Identify positive SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW positive expectations Develop lesson plans for teaching positive CW Expectations Develop continuum of procedures for encouraging SW expectations Develop continuum of procedures for discouraging behavior rule violations-Corrective response Develop procedures for data-based decision-making and monitoring

5 MRIP Cohort 13 Progress

6 NRIP Cohort 13 Progress

7 SRIP Cohort 13 Progress

8 #1 Predictor for Sustaining PBIS
“Team Use of Data” #1 Predictor for Sustaining PBIS

9 PBIS in Minnesota Reduces Major Office Discipline Referrals
Behavioral support is more efficient if the need for support beyond the universal level is minimized, typically 80-90% successful with universal, Tier 1 support alone 5-10% require the additional support of targeted interventions through Tier 2 1-5% require intensive, individualized support through Tier 3 Data indicate that Minnesota’s PBIS schools are meeting or exceeding these targets These data are from the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports School Status Report: Cohorts 1-12 from Wilder. “Data are reported for schools in cohorts 1-12 that have entered data through two methods: through SWIS or through an online survey maintained by Wilder Research. Results were combined and averaged for each region and statewide. The triangle scores are calculated using “Majors” only. Major behaviors are defined as disciplinary incidents that must be handled by administration. These may include, but are not limited to: physical fights, property damage, drugs, weapons, tobacco, etc.” State N = 204 Metro N = 97 North N = 62 South N = 45

10 Decreased Use of Suspensions with PBIS
Data from a few years ago showed that schools implementing PBIS represented approximately 25% of Minnesota districts, yet accounted for approximately 62.1% of the decrease in suspensions statewide over a four-year period

11 Cost of Implementing SWPBIS Relative to Benefits from Reducing Suspensions
Costs of suspension and dropping out $163,340/individual across a lifetime PLUS $527,695 in social costs A California example Reduce suspension rate by 1% Reduce dropouts due to suspension by 4,233 individuals $691 million in fiscal benefits $2.2 billion in social benefits Cost to implement SWBPIS Upper end estimate of $12,400 Existing resources and personnel reallocation Every $1 invested in SWPBIS resulted in fiscal savings of $ solely from reducing dropout by way of reducing suspensions Swain-Bradway, J., Johnson, S. L., Bradshaw, C., & McIntosh, K. (November 2017). What are the economic costs of implementing SWPBIS in comparison to the benefits from reducing suspensions? Evaluation Brief, Issue 26. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Technical Assistance Center. Economic Costs of Implementing SWPBIS

12 Schools DO Complete TFIs After Training
PBIS Region Total # of schools # of schools that are in or have completed PBIS cohort training % of schools that are in or have completed PBIS cohort training # of PBIS cohort schools that completed a TFI last school year % of PBIS cohort schools that completed a TFI last school year # of PBIS cohort schools that completed a TFI this school year % of PBIS cohort schools that completed a TFI this school year # of non- cohort schools that completed a TFI last school year South 491 171 34.8% 54 31.6% 49 28.7% 20 North 632 183 29.0% 92 50.3% 55 30.1% 2 Metro 896 289 32.3% 132 45.7% 31.8% 35 TOT 2,019 643 278 196 57 These data are from the Default Data Dashboard on the opening page of the MDE PBIS Database compiled by Wilder. Retrieved on 2/22/18.

13 But Schools Don’t Always Share Their Data
Cohort 12 Cohort 13 Metro (n=15) North (n=8) South (n=9) (n=12) (n=25) IMPLEMENTATION FIDELITY DATA SHARING Every other month, or more often 7% 13% 11% 0% 4% Two to five times a year 40% 38% 8% 25% 12% Once a year 33% 50% 67% 17% Have not shared/Do not share 20% 75% 63% 80% OUTCOME DATA SHARING 27% 22% 58% 76% These data were reported in the Winter 2017 Regional PBIS School Status and Training Updates from Wilder, based on survey results from teams after the Winter 2017 training.

14 #1 Predictor of Sustaining PBIS
Team Use of Data School team/staff skill Regular team meetings Data collection Use of data for decision making Presenting data to staff & community Source: McIntosh, et al., 2014

15 Potential of Using TFI Data for Targeted PD
Inform the ‘Tier 2’ professional development of Tier 1 positive behavior supports i.e., “What do most of our schools need from us?” Also leads to Collective indicators of need District-wide Region-wide Statewide

16 Evaluation Schedule for Schools in Training

17 Plan your transitions Ending a school year, beginning a new one

18 How Will Your School… Close out PBIS strongly this school year?
Student data to celebrate? Messages to send home to families? Celebrate and encourage staff efforts? Get PBIS off to a strong start in (and beyond)? (Re)orienting staff during the opening week? Refreshing returning and teaching new students about behavioral expectations?

19 Effectively + efficiently
Stay Connected

20 Multi-tiered Professional Development and Support
Cohort Training Making it Happen Intensive professional development Data-driven consultation Regions, districts & schools are accountable for developing the implementation support systems, resolving organization & system issues that arise, and achieving positive results., archived webinars, list & newsletter archives, social media, Universal Screening from TFI data targeted webinars, Summer Institute, list in-person trainings, newsletters, TFI exchanges Helping it Happen Targeted professional development Self-management with peer or coaching supports Districts & schools solve problems that arise, and are accountable for achieving positive outcomes Letting it Happen Universal 24/7 professional development & technical assistance Publicly available to all Self-management Districts & schools are expected to make the translation from information to practice and are accountable for the intended outcomes Adapted from Simonsen, MacSuga-Gage, Briere III, Freeman, Myers, Scott, Sugai, 2013, Greenhalgh, Robert, MacFarlane, Bate & Kyriakidou, 2004; Fixsen, Blase, Duda, Naoom, & Vandyke, 2010

21 Our most intensive PD and Support…

22 ‘Tier 3’ PD & Support for Districts & Schools
Making it Happen Intensive professional development Data-driven consultation Cohort Training SW-PBIS Cohort Training Tier 3 Professional Development & TA Regions, districts & schools are accountable for developing the implementation support systems, resolving organization & system issues that arise, and achieving positive results. Adapted from Fixsen, Blase, Duda, Naoom, & Vandyke, 2010

23 Less intensive ‘Tier 2’ PD & Supports…

24 ‘Tier 2’ PD & Support for Districts and Schools
Summer Institute ‘TFI exchanges’ In-person trainings Coaches meetings Sustainability events Targeted webinars Newsletters list Helping it Happen Targeted professional development Self-management w/peer or coaching supports in-person & online events, info, PD, and coordination Tier 2 Professional Development & TA Districts & schools solve problems that arise, and are accountable for achieving positive outcomes Adapted from Fixsen, Blase, Duda, Naoom, & Vandyke, 2010

25 Examples of ‘Tier 2’ PD & Supports…

26 TFI Exchanges If you do not have a district/coop external PBIS coach or TFI exchange set up… Check with your RIP coordinator for a local connection, or Contact Wilder for support: Source:

27 Available 24/7 – ‘Tier 1’ Supports…

28 ‘Tier 1’ PD & Support for Districts & Schools Data Calendars Social Media Archived webinars list archives Letting it Happen Universal 24/7 professional development & technical assistance Publicly available to all Self-management Tier 1 Professional Development & TA Districts & schools are expected to make the translation from information to practice and are accountable for the intended outcomes Adapted from Fixsen, Blase, Duda, Naoom, & Vandyke, 2010

29 Examples of ‘Tier 1’ PD & Supports…


31 Recommendations for Common Issues
School Teams Home Content by Topic Recommendations for Common Issues… Source:

32 Common Issues like … Most of our PBIS team that went through training is no longer working here. We have a new principal. What’s the best way to transition? Our building needs a PBIS booster.  How do we do that? We don’t have current data. How do we start getting a data system back into place? Source:

33 Give Back to MN PBIS We are looking for these skills & interests:
Schoolwide or Tier 2/3 PBIS Trainer External Coach School-wide Information System (SWIS) Facilitator

34 Put your school name on it, too
Share Your Matrix Send it to: We would love more examples to share from charter schools, ALCs, year old programs, early childhood, Setting IV SpEd. Put your school name on it, too

35 2018 Minnesota PBIS Institute & Film Festival
June 13-14, 2018 at MDE - Roseville, MN Request for proposals out soon Submission forms & presentations from previous institutes at Minnesota PBIS Summer Institute

36 PBISMN on Social Media

37 Become a Member of APBS Association for Positive Behavior Support
APBS Conferences San Diego (March 28-31) Manchester Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C. (February 20-23) Grand Hyatt Washington Miami (March 11-14) Hyatt Regency Miami Minneapolis (March 17-20) Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

38 2017-18 APBS Webinar Series Presenter(s) Webinar Title
Kathleen Ryan Angela Preston Supporting Effective Practices: An Overview of Active Implementation Frameworks and the Hexagon Tool Mitchell Yell RTI, MTSS, and PBIS: Federal Laws and Guidance Brian Gaunt Aligning RtI and PBIS: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for an Integrated MTSS Kent McIntosh PBIS and Equity: Neutralizing Implicit Bias in School Discipline Decisions Maureen Conroy BEST in CLASS: A Tier-2 Intervention for Young Children with Chronic Problem Behavior Meme Heineman Applying Positive Behavior Support in the Context of Family Lives Greg Benner The Tacoma Whole Child Initiative: A Roadmap for Sustainable City-Wide Transformation Terry Scott Effective Responses to Student Escalation: Adult Behaviors as Predictors for Student Success Lynne DeSousa Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches With PBIS Within an MTSS Framework

39 Save the Date: 2018 MNPBS Network Collaborators Forum
Please mark your calendars for this FREE event 2018 Collaborators Forum Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Minnesota Department of Education, Conference Center B 1500 MN-36, Roseville, Minnesota The Collaborators Forum is an event for people interested in Positive Behavior Supports across settings and the lifespan in Minnesota. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Ashley MacSuga-Gage from the University of Florida and Florida Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Project. More information will be available soon at

40 Adapted from Brandi Simonson, PBIS Leadership Conference
Closing Thoughts In addition to schools getting more efficient & effective information for action planning by using the TFI… The more districts, regions and our state can support schools We have efficient ways to stay connected with each other, and look forward to future partnership opportunities ahead Adapted from Brandi Simonson, PBIS Leadership Conference Chicago, Illinois 2016

41 North Regional MDE Contacts
Mary Hunt Ellen Nacik Eric Kloos

42 Metro Regional MDE Contacts
Clay Keller Becky Nies Eric Kloos

43 South Regional MDE Contacts
Janet Christensen Garrett Petrie Eric Kloos

44 References Simonsen, B., MacSuga‐Gage, A. S., Briere, D. E., Freeman, J., Myers, D., Scott, T., & Sugai, G. (2013). Multi‐Tiered Support Framework for Teachers’ Classroom Management Practices: Overview and Case Study of Building the Triangle for Teachers. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. Fixsen, D. L., Blase, K. A., Duda, M. A., Naoom, S. F., & Van Dyke, M. (2010) Implementation of evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents: Research findings and their implications for the future. In J. R. Weisz & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents (2nd ed.; pp ). New York: Guilford Press.

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