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Behaviour Management April 2013.

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1 Behaviour Management April 2013

2 Be ready at the door - standards
‘Back to basics’ Look at seating plans Be ready at the door - standards Acceptable language Reinforce standards everywhere Keep trying! The biggest threat to outstanding behaviour is that we forget to do the things that we know work or we cease to see the importance of them. We must continue to fight for the very highest standards for our students at all times. Your preparation for tomorrow begins by looking at your seating plans – look at what didn’t work, what can you tweak? Good time to do it Be ready at your door tomorrow ready to set the tone for your environment – check uniform, punctuality, chewing gum, re-establish your expectations. Remember also to always follow the school systems: in every lesson, planners on desks and names on the board. We have had a drive on language which has started to have an impact and students are starting to self-regulate. But it is not enough. Behaviour systems work because they habituate children in the behaviour expected of them until those expectations become internalised. How many of us don’t swear in front of our parents or respect older people? We didn’t start out like that, we became habituated. The boundaries that we set in this Academy are the little things that add up to the message that ‘this place is special’ – we care too much about it to let things slip. When you polish your shoes in the army, it doesn’t make you bullet proof, but it is about instilling pride and discipline. It is also about teaching courtesy and socialisation. Poor children do not need to be patronised by feeling that they can’t follow rules but to take responsibility and to know that they are the most important people in their own lives. They are not determined by their upbringing but they have free will to take control of their destiny because of what they learn here – both academically and socially. Lastly, don’t give up. When something doesn’t work, try something else. Sometimes with difficult students we have to be creative and cunning to outwit them. Talk to someone else that teaches a student, ask their HOY or a member of SLT.

3 Sixth Form – the issues Behaviour in lessons Lateness Business dress
As we have become more systematic in our management of behaviour at KS3 and KS4, we now need to develop the same certainty at KS5. This has happened: we have developed and use an internal referral system and use isolation. However, we recognise that we are not there yet with KS5. It is not as easy to do this: Sixth Form students do have a different experience to the lower school and also we need to balance managing them with recognising their status as emerging adults whom we are preparing for the outside world.

4 Use the policy – it works
Sixth Form Behaviour Use the policy – it works Don’t tolerate disruption – internally refer It will be followed up It is not necessary to always use the behaviour system at KS5: the majority of students and classes consistently behave well and students are less responsive to positive SIMS: this is rightly so as they move towards being intrinsically motivated by study rather than extrinsically. However, where they are not behaving like young adults, we must treat them in the same manner as the lower school. Use the behaviour policy to insist on appropriate behaviour and don’t be afraid to send students out if they are not behaving appropriately. the Sixth Form team and it will be picked up straight away and they will be isolated and brought to you later for a reconciliation. This is followed up by the Sixth Form team: a third internal referral leads either to a day isolation or an exclusion

5 On time includes equipment: no ‘checking in’
Sixth Form lateness Always record On time includes equipment: no ‘checking in’ New sanctions Lateness – we have a system for lateness to school which works effectively but we need one for lateness to periods 2 and 3. If students are late to period 2, they will have community service at lunch time If students are late to period 3, they will have community service after school

6 Sixth Form Business Dress
Everyone needs to help with enforcing the big 5: Coats Trainers Hoodies Headphones Phones Unlike uniform, business dress is a complicated issue as there are many variations and grey areas. It is the job of the Sixth Form team and the SLT to deal with the difficult issues. If you are not sure, please refer a student to them. However, there are certain basic issues that we all need to be consistent on enforcing and those are these five. They are all banned all of the time (except phones in the Sixth Form room). Please confiscate these items and hand in to the Sixth Form team. Should you encounter any difficulty with this, ask the student to accompany you to the Sixth Form. If they refuse, please report immediately


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