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Published byJennifer Williamson Modified over 6 years ago
Human Resource Management Qualification Course
SHOW SLIDE 1: EMPLOY THE DEPLOYED THEATER ACCOUNTABILITY SOFTWARE (DTAS) a. The Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) application provides the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps with a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for tracking and providing reporting visibility into the location and duty status of deployed Soldiers. Visibility is provided at the extreme top and bottom of the system. We will discuss the different levels/subsystems as we progress through this lesson. Visibility, provided through DTAS, is vital in determining war fighting capabilities. b. As the S-1, your knowledge of DTAS is critical as you Direct Personnel Accountability (PA) and Strength Reporting (SR) on the battlefield. PA and SR has a direct impact on the tactical employment and sustainment of the force. The commander requires timely and accurate strength data for short and long range planning and decision making. c. DTAS is the vehicle in which PA and SR is accomplished. DTAS provides a standardized and systematic approach to keeping accurate, up-to-date information on all Soldiers and Marines in theater. DTAS should accurately reflect all Unit Identification Code (UIC) information from company to theater level as well as strengths across all echelons. Employ the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS)
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Employ the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) Conditions: In a classroom environment, with internet connectivity and the DTAS mobile training application loaded, DTAS functional guidance, and scenarios. Standard: Students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy, when they: 1. Identify the objectives of DTAS 2. Recognize the three sub-systems of DTAS 3. Analyze the S-1 responsibilities and planning considerations 4. Input unit personnel files to the DTAS database 5. Update personnel and unit status in the DTAS database 6. Identify system deactivation and synchronization procedures 7. Create personnel reports utilizing DTAS SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Read and discuss the TLO with the students. NOTE: Checks on Learning will be discussed through the Lesson Plan.
References DTAS Functional Guidance (current version)
DTAS Mobile Application User Manual (current version) select Soldier Program Services Division and then Accountability Branch Applicable HR Field Manuals and References SHOW SLIDE 3: REFERENCES a. References for this instruction include: (1) DTAS Functional Guidance (current version) (2) DTAS Mobile Application User Manual (current version) (3) (select Soldier Program Services Division and then Accountability Branch) to access the DTAS website and resource material (4) Applicable HR Field Manuals and Resource.
Learning Activities Identify the objectives of DTAS
Recognize the three levels of DTAS Analyze S-1 responsibilities and planning considerations Input unit personnel files to the DTAS database Update personnel and unit status in the DTAS database Identify system deactivation and synchronization procedures Create personnel reports utilizing DTAS SHOW SLIDE 4: LEARNING ACTIVITIES b. This lesson is organized around two basic concepts: (1) An introduction to DTAS, including the, objective, capabilities, architecture, battlefield flow and DTAS system requirements. (2) DTAS database functions, including system deactivation and synchronization, DTAS personnel and unit updates, generating DTAS reports and S-1 responsibilities and planning considerations. NOTE: Review Learning activities with the class.
Introduction to DTAS (1 of 2)
DTAS is the standard Army system for deployed personnel accountability The DTAS application is a software package designed to account for military and civilian personnel in a deployed theater by NAME, UNIT, LOCATION, and DATE DTAS is comprised of three (3) distinct levels or sub-systems and they are: Enterprise Theater Mobile SHOW SLIDE 5: INTRODUCTION TO DTAS (1 of 1) a. Prior to the advent of DTAS, S-1s performed PA and SR functions, for deployed Soldiers, utilizing various management tools. Each S-1 created a version of tracking deployed personnel utilizing excel spreadsheets, word processing and access programs. Because of the multitude of experience and systems, it was discovered that human error factored in to our inability to properly account for personnel during OEF/OIF. DTAS is the vehicle, or the software program, enabling the S-1s to utilize one standardized system with established procedures for accounting for personnel. b. DTAS is a software application to designed to account for military and civilian personnel in a deployed theater by NAME, UNIT, LOCATION and DATE. Presently the Army and Marine Corps utilize DTAS; however, if a unit has Air force or Navy personnel assigned or attached, these personnel will be added to DTAS. c. DTAS is comprised of three distinct levels or sub-systems and they are (1) Enterprise (2) Theater (3) Mobile
Introduction to DTAS (2 of 2)
DTAS is the “vehicle” to capture what the Commanders and 1SGs know DTAS resolves the by-name accountability deficiency that currently exists in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and the Horn of Africa (HOA) DTAS is the cornerstone of accurate accountability of the deployed force SHOW SLIDE 6: INTRODUCTION TO DTAS (1 of 2) d DTAS is the "vehicle" to capture what the Commanders and 1SGs know regarding the strength and HR assets of their organizations. DTAS resolves the by-name accountability deficiency that currently exists in OIF, OEF and the HOA. The proper utilization of DTAS is imperative, as DTAS is the cornerstone of accurate accountability of the deployed force. 6
DTAS Objectives The primary objectives of DTAS are to:
Provide a corporate database for DA/DoD inquiries Provide accurate and timely deployed personnel accounting data to the Army Staff, Department of Defense and Warfighting Commanders Enable deployed commanders, at all echelons, to account for personnel by name, unit, location and date Improve accountability near-term with focus on OIF/OEF/HOA (multi-theater capable) Provide a standard accountability tool and a standard procedure to capture 1SG/CDR knowledge (effort is to simplify the process) SHOW SLIDE 7: DTAS OBJECTIVES e. The primary objectives of DTAS, for the Army, are to provide PA of military personnel and civilians, and report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment, location as of a particular date and time. This system provides readiness managers at all levels the data necessary to analyze personnel strength as a component of personnel combat power. f. The primary objectives of DTAS are to: (1) Provide a corporate database for DA/DoD inquiries. (2) Provide accurate and timely deployed personnel accounting data to the Army Staff, Department of Defense and War fighting Commanders. (3) Enable deployed commanders, at all echelons, to account for personnel by name, unit, location and date. (4) Improve accountability near-term with focus on OIF/OEF/HOA (multi-theater capable). (5) Provide a standard accountability tool and a standard procedure to capture 1SG/CDR knowledge (effort is to simplify the process).
DTAS Functional Tenets
The functional tenets of DTAS include: Providing daily PA reports to units that are close to real-time Synchronizing information from the bottom to the top (no excel nightmares) Tracking personnel deployment history Providing disconnected operations capabilities Producing manifests that provide in-transit theater visibility Capabilities exist for multi-service SHOW SLIDE 8: Functional Tenets g. The functional tenets of DTAS include: (1) Providing daily PA reports to units that are close to real-time (2) Synchronizing information from the bottom to the top (no excel nightmares) (3) Tracking personnel deployment history (4) Providing disconnected operations capabilities (5) The production of manifests that provide in-transit theater visibility NOTE: Capabilities exist for multi-service usage NOTE: Ask the students if anyone has ever utilized DTAS. Discuss student answers to determine their prior knowledge and experience with DTAS. Encourage students to share real-world experiences that will help clarify DTAS capabilities and use. Ensure students fully understand the objectives of DTAS. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the mission of DTAS? A: The mission of the Army's DTAS system is to provide personnel accountability of military personnel and civilians; report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment and location.
DTAS System Sub-System Levels
Enterprise (G-1/HRC, Pentagon) - serves as the “Strategic” or top level database of deployed service member data (resides on the SIPRNet) Theater (Kuwait) – serves as the “Operational” level database for OIF/OEF/HOA Mobile (Unit) - serves as the “Tactical” level database of deployed service member data for that particular unit SHOW SLIDE 9: DTAS SUB-SYSTEM LEVELS a. There are three distinct levels of DTAS. This functional guidance is divided into these three levels: (1) The Enterprise Database houses the central database, which contains Soldier data obtained from Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) as well as information on current Soldier location and duty status as entered into mobile systems and passed to the enterprise database system. The enterprise database also interfaces—through a secure High Assurance Guard (HAG) or trusted gateway—with eMILPO and receives data from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) and the Marine Corps Operations Data Store Enterprise (ODSE). In addition, the enterprise database includes an integration broker that manages the messaging among DTAS component systems. The enterprise database also houses a data warehouse that contains historical data for each deployed Soldier, such as a transaction history of those attributes for which DTAS is the authoritative source. Adhoc reporting is configured to run against the DTAS Enterprise data warehouse. (2) The Theater Database consists of the theater manager application and a core database. The theater manager application allows theater-level users to manage mobile systems and UIC structure, and provides reporting capabilities, such as the Joint Personnel Status (JPERSTAT) report and support for adhoc queries. The theater database is a subset of the enterprise database. The theater database communicates with both the enterprise and mobile systems. Message queuing is used for communications between the theater and enterprise databases. The theater database uses web services to support data communications with occasionally connected DTAS mobile systems. (3) The Mobile System provides the company level with a micro-database, reporting capabilities, and personnel accounting tools. The mobile database contains information on the Soldier’s current location and duty status as well as a mini-record, and allows the user to update location and duty status, while providing several predefined, roster-based reports. The mobile system is deployed on laptop or desktop computer and communicates using web services because these systems may only occasionally be connected to the network. While a mobile system is disconnected, any DTAS work performed is stored in a message in its micro-database. When the mobile system is connected, the stored messages are sent to the theater database via web services in the order they were produced.
Architecture Electronic Military Personnel Office Operational Data Store Enterprise Defense Manpower Data Center Synchronized Pre Deployment Operational Tracker G1/HRC PENTAGON MANIFEST SITE TPS PPP/CRC EMILPO ODSE DMDC Domain Solution SIPRNET CONUS ENTERPRISE SYSTEM NIPRNET ARCENT G1, ARIFJAN, KUWAIT APOD MANIFEST SITE IN TPS SIPRNET KUWAIT ONE WAY TRANSFER VIA DISK THEATER SYSTEM SHOW SLIDE 10: ARCHITECTURE b. DTAS is comprised of three distinct sub-system levels: Mobile which is located at every Bn size unit, Theater which is at ARCENT G1, and Enterprise which is the historical database located at Fort Belvoir. c. DTAS uses the following authoritative systems to validate information and populate data fields: (1) Army - eMILPO (Electronic Military Personnel Office) (2) Marine - ODSE (Operation DataStore Enterprise) (3) Air Force - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) (4) Navy - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) (5) Civilians - DMDC (Defense Manpower Data Center) d. Currently there are over 450 DTAS Mobile Systems activated across the CENTCOM AOR with over 3500 DUICs being managed. MNFI/MNCI IRAQ CJTF-76 AFGHANISTAN MARINE MASTER MOBILE MARCENT CORPS ARCENT KUWAIT CJOA-HOA DJIBOUTI DIV BDE BDE BDE BDE BDE BN BN BN BN BN MOBILE SYSTEM
The Users Point of View. . . But Technically, It’s This:
Looks Like This: BDE CORPS DIV THEATER HQ BN DIV BN BDE THEATER HQ BN - CORPS - - DIV - - BDE - - BN - SHOW SLIDE 11: THE USER POINTS OF VIEW e. This slide depicts DTAS as it "should be" vs. "as it is". BN BDE BN DIV BN BN DIV BN CORPS BDE
f. Commanders account for Soldiers by reporting strength accountability and duty status changes though DTAS. This software is not always at the lowest echelon due to connectivity limitations. Units below the connectivity level send the accountability and duty status changes to the level of connectivity. These entries flow directly to the theater database and are then visible to the all levels of command.
Capabilities Mobile – Unit Level Enterprise – Theater Level
Simple front end user tool – BN S-1 Disconnected operations Synchronized Generation of reports Relevant data set Near real-time deployed data Historical deployed data Asset-level of detail Supports all services/types of personnel Powerful querying tool & robust datastore Responsive to Task Orgs. Provides accountability Eliminates double counting Acts as a locator service Validates pay SHOW SLIDE 13: CAPABILITIES g. This slide simply further depicts what we have previously discussed. But here you see the two extremes the Mobile and Enterprise Level. Please note the sub-bullets on the bottom-left portion of your screen. DTAS also acts as a locator and may be utilized to validate pay.
Limitations Requires commander’s support to ensure compliance
Requires user discipline and network availability Requires high bandwidth/low latency Reports only near real-time data Requires access to SIPRNET Data transfer to NIPRNET systems COGNOS not intuitive SHOW SLIDE 14: LIMITATIONS h. As with any other system, there are limitations to the use of DTAS. First and foremost Commander's must ensure the strict adherence to compliance; further, DTAS requires user discipline. In other words, user's most standardize their entries, comply with the business rules consistently. i. Connectivity is required to transmit data to the theater level and SIPRNET access is required. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the purpose of mass add wizard? A: The mass add wizard allows users to add personnel from other systems via a floppy disk or other removable and transportable media. 14
S-1 Planning Considerations
Coordinate with S6 for SIPRNET connectivity Identify classified computer w/rights capabilities and downloaded software from Field Services Division (FSD) Provide task organization (UIC hierarchy) to theater manager Obtain theater IP address from theater manager Prepare personnel file to upload (eMILPO, TPS, EXCEL) Determine when DTAS operator deploys (ADVON) Train S-1 personnel (BDE and BN) Brief chalk commanders Include DTAS in OPORD SHOW SLIDE 15: S-1 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS S-1s should consider all planning factors when preparing their unit's for deployment. (1) Coordinate with S6 for SIPRNET connectivity (2) Identify classified computer w/rights capabilities and downloaded software from HRC (3) Provide task organization (UIC hierarchy) to theater manager (4) Obtain theater IP address from theater manager (5) Prepare personnel file to upload (eMILPO, TPS, EXCEL) (6) Determine when DTAS operator deploys (ADVON) (7) Train S-1 personnel (BDE and BN) (8) Brief chalk commanders (9) Include DTAS in OPORD NOTE: Ask the students what additional factors might they have to take in planning. Also, ask how they might ensure that their units receive DTAS training prior to arrival at the mobilization site. In response to this question refer students to the slide below for SYSTEM Requirements. 15
S-1 Responsibilities (1 of 3)
Reconciles DTAS with JPERSTAT Generates a daily “Morning Report” (JPERSTAT) Ensures that updates are sent to the theater DTAS APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE 17: S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (1 of 3) d. S-1 are responsible for generating the daily JPERSTAT and ensuring that updates are captured in the theater sub-system. Prior to doing this, there are certain factors that must be considered to ensure that only the most reliable and confirmed personnel updates are being transmitted. First, the S-1s must reconcile the DTAS with the JPERSTAT. Optimum Path LAPTOP Theater DTAS 17
S-1 Responsibilities (2 of 3)
Ensures that DTAS is continually updated to coincide with the current picture on the ground (by NAME, UNIT, LOCATION and DATE Confirms the S-1/APOD swipes/entries are validating arrivals to theater APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE 18: S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (2 of 3) e. S-1 must ensure that DTAS is continually updated and at all times best reflects the current status of the units being represented. One factor to be considered is to ensure that the S-1/APOD swipes are validated. We should know that personnel enter into theater through APOD (Ali Al Salem) where they are entered into DTAS by R5 Team Personnel. When their is movement, the S1 must execute changes within DTAS and move personnel to their module and make changes where necessary (i.e., updating physical location). When individuals depart theater, they are removed from the system at the APOD by the R5 Team personnel. Optimum Path LAPTOP Theater DTAS 18
S-1 Responsibilities (3 of 3)
Adds, when required, a record for joint service, DoD civilian, contractor, coalition forces, foreign nationals Changes Duty Status (PDY, Hosp, R&R Leave, Casualty Categories) Attaches units and personnel Updates other personnel and unit data elements as necessary APOD/SPOD Validated Arrival to Theater SHOW SLIDE 19: S-1 RESPONSIBILITIES (3 of 3) f. S-1s will continually oversee input to unit and personnel entries within DTAS. All accomplished in an effort to provide continual factual reporting to the local Commander and to the top of the system. S-1s can begin to properly comply with the standards by first knowing who is and is not accounted for in DTAS. Optimum Path LAPTOP Theater DTAS 19
Accounted Personnel US Military (Active, Guard, and Reserve) Civilians
Army, Marine (Air Force and Navy units if attached to Army units) Deployed (Rotational) Assigned, Attached, and OPCON Civilians DoD Civilians US Contractors Other Civilians - Civilians not employed by DoD but deployed in support of the Service Component or JTF (i.e. USO, Red Cross, Consultants) SHOW SLIDE 20: ACCOUNTED PERSONNEL NOTE: Briefly discuss the personnel statuses listed on the slide. Also indicate that with the next version of DTAS or DTAS 3.5, it is anticipated that we will be accounting for all personnel mobilized and CONUS.
Non-Accounted Personnel
Personnel who are under Tactical Control (TACON) or Administrative Control (ADCON) to a unit Exception: units with no OPCON reporting chain in Theater default to ADCON reporting for DTAS and JPERSTAT Third country national or host nation civilians Special Operations Forces (SOF) and personnel supporting SOF SHOW SLIDE 21: NON-ACCOUNTED PERSONNEL NOTE: Briefly discuss those personnel who are not accounted for in DTAS. Also speak to TACON and ADCON and indicate that these categories will be further discussed in unit manning. If unit manning has previously been taught, ensure that students understand the difference. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What are the deactivation procedures? A: Coordinate deactivation with Theater Manager. Do not deactivate until approval and permission is received from Theater Manager. Q: What does the synchronization function allow users to view? A: This function allows users to view system generated messages awaiting upload to the theater system and a synchronization log with two tabs of message queue and synchronization log.
DTAS Mobile System Initialization
DTAS Mobile System Setup
Personnel Pre-deployment Processing (PPP) CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) 1 MANIFEST SITE S-1 obtains TRN File from manifest site at CRC or at APOD/SPOD, or S-1 can download eMILPO file prior to deploying Manifest a Service member, Joint Service Member, DoD Civilian, Contractor, Foreign Nationals 3 2 Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) Sea Port of Debarkation (SPOD) Mobile System Users Synchronize with DTAS Theater Database SHOW SLIDE 23: DTAS MOBILE SYSTEM SET-UP a. Manifest Site (1) S-1 obtains TRN Files from the manifest site at CRC or at the APO/SPOS, or the S-1 can down load eMILPO files prior to deploying. (2) Manifest a Soldier, Joint Service Member, DoD Civilian, Contractor or Foreign Nationals. b. APOD/SPOD - Mobile System users must coordinate the following with the Theater Manager: (1) UIC placed in hierarchy on the Theater System. (2) Wartime requirements documentation loaded to theater. (3) Obtain Theater System IP Address and Mobile System Activation Key. c. Mobile System Users must ensure that the following occurs: (1) S-1 Personnel have access to and connect with SIPERNET. (2) Initialize DTAS system. (3) Add personnel to DTAS via Add Personnel Function, or Mass Add using TPS(TRN) eMILPO (XML), or Excel (CSV) load file. BN BDE CJTF Mobile System users must coordinate the following with the Theater Manager: UIC placed in hierarchy on Theater System Wartime requirements documentation loaded to theater Obtain Theater System IP Address and Mobile System Activation Key Division S-1 Personnel plug into SIPRNET Initialize DTAS system Add personnel to DTAS via Add Personnel Function, or Mass Add using a TPS (TRN), eMILPO (XML), or Excel (CSV) Load file.
UIC Hierarchy UIC Hierarchy must be established prior to deploying.
Ensure completed Hierarchy is turned into Theater Manager. Higher Element to the Left SHOW SLIDE 26: UIC HIERARCHY f. As a reiteration, the UIC hierarchy must be established prior to deploying and provided to the theater manager. This prepares your unit to properly utilize the DTAS database upon arrival. When you open DTAS and begin downloading unit and personnel files, the hierarchy should be depicted as illustrated here. Please notice the reporting format. 26
The Main Screen and Tabs
g. The Display Grid is viewed when one opens DTAS. This grid it is the main screen but the technical term is "Display Grid". Let's take a moment and briefly discuss the configuration of this screen. We will go into most of the areas in more detail through the lesson plan. Please draw your attention to the top left hand of the screen. The four tabs allow us to do the following: (1) People Tab - Allows for viewing of personnel and selecting personnel for updating. (2) Location Tab - Identifies locations within the deployed area. Locations are managed by the Theater DTAS Manager. (3) Reports Tab - Displays the available reports accessible for generation and they are: (a) Gains/Losses (b) In Transit Reports (c) PERSTAT Reports (d) Unit Roster (4) Management Tab - Allows for the management of equipment. NOTE: Remind personnel that the DTAS 3.3 Functional Guidance well provides more in-depth instruction on the functionalities and business rules of DTAS. h. Please note the buttons and the bottom of the display grid. These buttons allow you to select a personnel function. Alternately, you can right click from within the display grid to access a pop-up menu. 28
DTAS – The Display Grid UIC Hierarchy Extended
SHOW SLIDE 29: DTAS - THE DISPLAY GRID UIC HIERARCHY EXTENDED i. This slide simply depicts where your UIC hierarchy would appear and the view that you would expect to see. NOTE: Ask the students to whom or where is their brigade's unit hierarchy information provided and when. 29
Adding Personnel There are four ways to add personnel into your DTAS Mobile System: Add individual person Mass add via TRN file (TPS) Mass add via XML file (eMILPO) Mass add via CSV file (Excel) SHOW SLIDE 30: ADDING PERSONNEL j. This slide depicts the four ways to add personnel to the DTAS database. NOTE: Ask the students to explain what they think may be the difference between an individual vs. mass add.
j. When selecting the Display Grid Locations Tab your screen will open up to a view similar to what you are viewing on this screen shot. The locations tab displays data related to locations within the theater. Locations are managed, including adding and editing locations, by the theater manager. k. One can sort in alphabetical order by location name or sequence by country name by clicking on the top of the "Location Name" and "Country" columns respectively. 42
DTAS – Reports Tab Select this box if you wish to include sub-unit data to your report. The “View” function allows you to view the “Army” or “Marine” view. SHOW SLIDE 43: DTAS - REPORTS TAB l. When preparing to generate a report, select reports from the Display Gird. Once opened your computer screen view should resemble this screen shot. To generate a report perform the following steps: (1) Select a UIC from the Select UIC pick list (also sub units if desired) (2) Click the "radio button" to the left of the report you wish to generate. (3) Click "view report" to generate the report. (4) DTAS displays the report in Microsoft Excel. At this point you can print or save the file as a new name by selecting the appropriate functions at the top of the screen "print" or "save as" respectively. 43
q. Allows the S-1 to maintain and update an inventory of equipment assigned to unit personnel. 44
Mass Add Wizard SHOW SLIDE 45: MASS ADD WIZARD NOTE: Transition Slide
NOTE: Transition Slide a. The Mass Assign Wizard function allows you to load data to your DTAS database using an eMILPO XML load file, a TPS TRN file, or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. The XML and TRN files are created in eMILPO to TPS, respectively, and are saved to a disk or other removable/transportable media. To load data from a file, perform the following steps:
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (1 of 9)
From the Tools menu select “Mass Add Wizard”. SHOW SLIDE 46: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (1 of 9) b. From the tools menu select "Mass Assign Wizard".
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (2 of 9)
Click the “Select File” tab. SHOW SLIDE 47: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (2 of 9) c. A dialogue box appears that prompts you to select a file. Click the "Select File" tab.
DTAS Mass Ad Wizard (3 of 9)
Browse for the file. SHOW SLIDE 48: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (3 of 9) d. After you click the "Select File" tab, another dialogue box opens which will allow you to browse to the location of the file that contains the information to allow you to "Mass Add" personnel to DTAS.
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (4 of 9)
After file selection is confirmed select “Select Next”. SHOW SLIDE 49: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (4 of 9) e. After you have "found" and "selected" the file containing the information that you wish to download to DTAS using the "Mass Add" function. You will see the file name appear in the dialogue box as seen on this screen shot. Select "Next".
Select “Select All” and then
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (5 of 9) SHOW SLIDE 50: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (5 of 9) f. After selecting next, you will see a list of names appear in the dialogue box. At this time you can select only those names you desire to download, or you can either choose the option "Select All" or "Deselect All". After you have identified personnel to "Mass Add" to DTAS then click select "Next". Select “Select All” and then select “Next”.
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (6 of 9)
Select the Operation from the drop-down box and then select “Next”. SHOW SLIDE 51: MASS ADD WIZARD (6 of 9) g. A dialogue box appears prompting the user for the "Operation". Select the desired "Operation" then select "Next". NOTE: The data and time group defaults to the current date and time.
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (7 of 9)
Select the Locations from the drop-down box and then select “Next”. SHOW SLIDE 52: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (7 of 9) h. A dialogue box appears prompting you for "Location" information. Type in the location information on the left hand side. This entry automatically updates the right hand side. Select "Next".
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (8 of 9)
SHOW SLIDE 53: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (8 of 9) i. A dialogue box appears prompting the user to enter "Tour Status" , "Tour Status Subtype" and "Number of Days". Provide the requested information and select "Finish". Select the Tour Status and Tour Status Sub-Type from the drop-down box and then select “Finish”.
DTAS Mass Add Wizard (9 of 9)
SHOW SLIDE 54: DTAS MASS ADD WIZARD (9 of 9) i. The downloaded personnel files should appear. At this time you may manipulate the personnel data.
NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE j. The Mass Attach Wizard function allows you to load data to your DTAS database using an eMILPO XML load file, a TPS TRN file, or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. The XML and TRN files are created in eMILPO and TPS, respectively, and are saved to a disk or other removable/transportable media.
DTAS Mass Attach Wizard
From the Tools menu select “Mass Attach Wizard” and then follow the prompts as with the “Mass Add Wizard”. SHOW SLIDE 56: DTAS - MASS ATTACH WIZARD k. Loading data to DTAS through the "Mass Attach" wizard largely resembles the steps just completed for "Mass Add". From the tools menu select "Mass Attach Wizard" and continue with the steps that were previously followed for "Mass Add Wizard". NOTE: If you should receive a message error indicating that your files are problematic, trouble shoot using the Functional Guidance. Remember knowing the business rules always provides for more proficient use of the system. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the Update Duty Status function? A: Update Duty Status function allows users to update a person’s deployed duty status as it changes.
NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE a. The "Assign Personnel" function allows you to add personnel as they are assigned to your UIC. This function is set up using a wizard process that will guide you through the steps needed to assign personnel. To add an individual perform the following steps.
DTAS - Assign Personnel (1 of 4)
Select “Assign Personnel” from the Buttons menu. SHOW SLIDE 58: DTAS - ASSIGN PERSONNEL (1 of 4) b. Select the "Assign Personnel" button from the Display Grid.
DTAS - Assign Personnel (2 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 59: DTAS - ASSIGN PERSONNEL (2 of 4) c. A dialogue box appears requesting fields of information. The information required will vary depending on fields selected. As a minimum some of the required fields are: (1) Type of person being added (2) Date of Birth (3) Sex (4) Last Name (5) First Name (6) Middle Name (7) DOD Component (8) Rank (9) Operation NOTE: Required fields are annotated by an asterisk. All users of DTAS should refer to the business rules for each function until familiarity is gained. The business rules may be found in the DTAS functional guidance. Complete the required data fields and then select “Next”.
DTAS - Assign Personnel (3 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 60: DTAS - ASSIGN PERSONNEL (3 of 4) d. A dialogue box appears requesting additional information relative to the Soldier is presented. Mandatory element field are preceded by an asterisk. Some of the files required are: (1) Duty Status (2) Location (3) Tour Status (4) Number of Days on Tour e. After all required fields are completed select "Finish". Complete the required data fields and then select “Finish”. 60
DTAS - Assign Personnel (4 of 4)
The Soldier’s name and other data elements should be visible in the DTAS database. SHOW SLIDE 61: DTAS - ASSIGN PERSONNEL (4 of 4) f. The Soldier's name as well as all other required data elements should appear. At his point you can begin making additional updates as required. g. The Add Personnel function is performed at the lowest level of SIPRNET connectivity. (1) In the event an incorrect mini-record is pulled down due to incorrect SSN entry, the record can not be deleted. Instead, submit a duty status update changing the Soldier’s duty status to ‘Redeployed - Erroneously Added’. The record will ‘age off’ the mobile system 24 hours later. Then add the correct SSN. (2) There is no departure transaction in DTAS. If a person is reassigned from a unit to another unit in theater, the gaining unit will submit an ‘Add Personnel’ transaction which will remove the associated mini-record from the losing unit’s mobile system. NOTE: After there is an entry in the DTAS database all "Buttons" at the bottom of the screen are now illuminated. 61
DTAS - Assign then Search
When assigning a new Soldier ensure that the Soldier has been added by “Searching” for their name. SHOW SLIDE 62: ASSIGN THEN SEARCH h. After assigning a new person, it is always good to search for that person to make sure they were assigned properly. If assigning a new person fails, then the appropriate resolution is that the DTAS user at the APOD must research the theater database to determine the reason for failure. The DTAS (APOD) user will resubmit the update if necessary. If the DTAS (APOD) user is unable to resolve the error, the user will contact the theater help desk for resolution.
NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE r. The "Update Duty Status" function allows you to change the duty status for a Soldier and to provide the reason and effective date for the change.
DTAS - Update Duty Status (1 of 6)
The Update Duty Status function allows you to update the duty status for the individual and to provide the reason and effective date for the change You may update the duty status on one individual or a group of individuals You have multiple methods to search for the name of the Soldier whose duty status is being updated SHOW SLIDE 74: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (1 of 6) s. The Update Duty Status function allows one to update the duty status for the Soldier and to provide the reason and effective date for the change. One may update the duty status of one Soldier or a group of Soldiers. There are multiple methods to search for the name of the Soldier whose record is being updated.
DTAS - Update Duty Status (2 of 6)
Present for Duty Temporary Duty In-transit Confined by Military Authorities Missing Missing Killed in Action Wounded in Action Death (other) Duty status whereabouts unknown Hospitalized (battle incurred) Hospitalized (non-battle incurred) Re-Deployed Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Convalescent Leave SHOW SLIDE 75: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (2 of 6) t. This slide depicts types of "Duty Statuses". Please always refer to the Functional Guidance for a clearer understanding on all transactions within DTAS.
DTAS - Update Duty Status (3 of 6)
SHOW SLIDE 76: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (3 of 6) u. Please draw your attention to those areas highlighted in yellow on this screen. To update a "Duty Status" you must: (1) Select the button at the bottom of the screen labeled "Update Duty Status. (2) Select a Soldier or group of Soldiers to whose duty status will be updated. (3) Select the appropriate box at the top left-hand corner of the dialogue box. (4) Select "OK". NOTE: In this example we are updating the duty status of BARBOUR, KEVIN. His name is highlighted in blue. Select the “Update Duty Status” button. 76
DTAS - Update Duty Status (4 of 6)
Complete the required fields and then select “Next”. SHOW SLIDE 77: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (4 of 6) (5) Select the type of "Duty Status" update. (6) Select the type for "Reason" of update. (7) Select "Next". 77
DTAS - Update Duty Status (5 of 6)
Complete the required fields and then select “OK”. SHOW SLIDE 78: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (5 of 6) (8) Select the "Location". (9) Select the "Type" if known. (10) Select "OK". 78
DTAS - Update Duty Status (6 of 6)
The Duty Status has been changed to reflect “Captured or CAP”. SHOW SLIDE 79: DTAS - UPDATE DUTY STATUS (6 of 6) v. Please note that the duty status has been changed to "CAP" for CAPTURED for BARBOUR, KEVIN. 79
DTAS Update Location (1 of 4)
The Update Location function allows one to update the assigned and physical locations for a selected person You may update the location on one individual or a group SHOW SLIDE 81: DTAS - UPDATE LOCATION (1 of 4) w. The "Update Location" function allows you to update the assigned and physical location of one individual or a group of individuals.
DTAS - Update Location (2 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 82: DTAS - UPDATE LOCATION (2 of 4) x. To update the location assignment of an individual or group one must accomplish the following: (1) Select the button entitled "Update Location". (2) Select an individual(s) or click on the "Select All" button to select all. NOTE: In this screen shot we have selected ADKINS RYAN. Select the “Update Location” button. 82
DTAS - Update Location (3 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 83: DTAS - UPDATE LOCATION (3 of 4) (3) Under "Assigned" select the updated location. (4) Under "Physical" select the updated location. (5) Select "OK". NOTE: In this screen shot we have updated the location to read AD DIWANIYAH, IZ. Complete the required fields and then select “OK”. 83
DTAS - Update Location (4 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 84: DTAS - UPDATE LOCATION (4 of 4) y. This screen shot depicts that the update has indeed occurred. ADKINS according to DTAS is now assigned and located physically in AD DKIWANIYAH, IZ. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is View Mini Record? A: View Mini-Record provides an abbreviated personnel record for the selected individual. 84
NOTE: Transition Slide
DTAS - Reports Tab Select this box if you wish to include sub-unit data to your report. SHOW SLIDE 86: DTAS - REPORTS TAB a. This is the main view for the DTAS reports that may be generated by the USER. Select any report you wish to generate by selecting the "Radio Button" to the left of the report names. Let's take a moment and review a few special features. The “View” function allows you to view the “Army” or “Marine” view. 86
DTAS Reports - Gains/Losses
You can “print” or “save” a report by selecting the appropriate icon from the menu bar. NOSHOW SLIDE 87: DTAS REPORTS - GAINS/LOSSES b. The Gains/Losses Report is divided into two worksheets (1) The Gains portion of the report lists personnel who have arrived in the current 24-hour reporting period as a gain to the unit. This is determined by the person's arrival date and arrival time to the unit. (2) The Losses portion of the report lists those personnel who are no longer an asset to the organization. These personnel became a non-asset during the current reporting period. NOTE: Data elements and business rules are further defined in the functional guidance. 87
DTAS Reports – In Transit
SHOW SLIDE 88: DTAS REPORTS - IN TRANSIT c. This report provides information on personnel in transit. Additionally, you may "print" or "save" the report by selecting the appropriate icon from the menu bar. 88
DTAS Reports Personnel Status Report - PERSTAT
Embedded worksheets provide additional information. SHOW SLIDE 89: DTAS REPORTS - PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT - PERSTAT d. The PERSTAT report provides a daily summary of the unit’s personnel strength by personnel status. NOTE: There are several business rules that govern the data that are reported on the PERSTAT Report. The business rules should always be referenced. Please refer students to the business rules. 89
DTAS Reports - Unit Roster
Data elements continue to be reported beyond this screen view. SHOW SLIDE 90: DTAS REPORTS - UNIT ROSTER e. The Unit Roster Report comprises the overall Unit Roster. The data displayed varies depending on whether the Army or Marines view is selected. NOTE: With the Unit Roster Report you have an additional function available to you prior to generating the report. This function allows you to sore the data by selected category. Business rules should be referenced for more information on the data elements contained within the Unit Roster Report. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Embedded worksheets provide additional information. 90
NOTE: Transition Slide
View Synchronization (1 of 4)
The View Synchronization function allows one to view system-generated messages awaiting upload to the theater database The Synchronization Log allows one to view the date and time of each of the user’s synchronizations SHOW SLIDE 92: DTAS - VIEW SYNCHRONIZATION (1 of 4) a. The View Synchronization feature allows users to view system generated messages awaiting upload to the Theater system and a synchronization log with two tabs of Message Queue and Synchronization Log. The S-1 would view this to see what has been input into the system, to know what was received by the theater database, and what is still on hold. This feature works well, especially when the SIPRNET is down or the system is disconnected. 92
DTAS - View Synchronization (2 of 4)
Select “View Synchronization” from the Tools menu. SHOW SLIDE 93: DTAS - VIEW SYNCHRONIZATION (2 of 4) b. Select "View Synchronization" from the tools menu. 93
DTAS - View Synchronization (3 of 4)
A view of the “Message Queue” tab. SHOW SLIDE 94: DTAS - VIEW SYNCHRONIZATION (3 of 4) c. Click on message queue tab to view message queue information. 94
DTAS - View Synchronization (4 of 4)
SHOW SLIDE 95: DTAS - VIEW SYNCHRONIZATION (4 of 4) d. Click on the Synchronization Log tab to view the data and time of each synchronization. 95
NOTE: Transition Slide
Email Theater Manager (1 of 3)
The “Help Menu” provides the user with the capability to contact the theater manager by for assistance, for items such as: Synchronization issues and concerns Addition of location(s) to the DTAS “Locations” table Requisition of updated 6 digit grid coordinates from G-3 Improper functioning of DTAS SHOW SLIDE 97: THEATER MANAGER (1 of 3) e. For any problems or questions utilize the help menu to contact the theater manager. Some common examples of when users may need help are when DTAS is not synchronizing properly, to add a 6-digit grid coordination location to DTAS tables, and when DTAS is not working properly. 97
Email Theater Manager (2 of 3)
Select “ Theater Manager” from the Help menu. SHOW SLIDE 98: THEATER MANAGER (2 of 3) f. Click on the help tab and scroll down to " Theater Manager" for assistance. 98
Email Theater Manager (3 of 3)
The issue is expressed in this area and sent directly to the Theater Manager. Or if one prefers to contact the Theater Manager through another internet connectivity the address is: SHOW SLIDE 99: THEATER MANAGER (3 of 3) g. You will be prompted by a fully prepared to send your issues forward to the Theater Manger 99
NOTE: Transition Slide
DTAS – Deactivating the System
Deactivating DTAS: Is executed only when directed by the Theater Manager Allows one to reset the DTAS system Removes all existing personnel and unit files in the DTAS database SHOW SLIDE 101: DEACTIVATING THE SYSTEM NOTE: (No Hands-on) Explain to students that Deactivate System will remove the existing DTAS database. h. Deactivation resets DTAS and removes the existing database. Mobile system users should coordinate deactivation with the Theater Manager. Users must not deactivate until approval and permission is received from the Theater Manager. 101
DTAS - Challenges Educating S1/Personnel Officers
Maintain <2% variance between JPERSTAT and DTAS numbers Timeliness of duty status changes Task organization must match DTAS hierarchy Finding all the contractors and associating them with a DUIC “Leakage” as personnel do not transit an APOD with R5 Team Personnel SHOW SLIDE 104: DTAS CHALLENGES NOTE: Ask the student what challenges they have encountered or what challenges they anticipate.
DTAS - Solutions Educate S1/Personnel Officers through G1/S1 Conferences, Unit Assistance Visits, S1 Course at Camp Buerhing, DTAS Fragos, and PASR Website Verify task organizations match DTAS hierarchy Ensure all Bn level units use DTAS Implement Army Audit Agency recommendations to better account for contractors Reconcile DTAS data with Personnel Asset Inventory SHOW SLIDE 105: DTAS SOLUTIONS NOTE: Ask the student what they have done or will do to ensure that DTAS is working most effectively and efficiently.
DTAS Resources SHOW SLIDE 106: DTAS RESOURCES k. For more information on DTAS access this website.
DTAS Web Based Training
SHOW SLIDE 107: DTAS WEB BASED TRAINING l. DTAS training is available on this website.
Contact Information Theater Manager phone number DSN: /6068 FSD Website SHOW SLIDE 108: DTAS CONTACT INFORMATION For more information on DTAS call the Theater Manager. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the objective of DTAS? A: The mission of the Army's DTAS system is to provide personnel accountability of military personnel and civilians; report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment and location. Q: What does the synchronization function allow users to view? A: This function allows users to view system generated messages awaiting upload to the theater system and a synchronization log with two tabs of message queue and synchronization log. Q: What does the Management tab do? A: The Management tab allows a user to manage personal equipment issued to an individual, such as night vision goggles (NVGs) and weapons. There are additional blank columns that allow the user to store additional, unit-specific, user-defined data.
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Demonstrate the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) Conditions: In a classroom environment, with internet connectivity and the DTAS mobile training application loaded, DTAS functional guidance, and scenarios. Standard: Students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy, when they: 1. Identify the objectives of DTAS 2. Recognize the three sub-systems of DTAS 3. Analyze the S-1 responsibilities and planning considerations 4. Input unit personnel files to the DTAS database 5. Update personnel and unit status in the DTAS database 6. Identify system deactivation and synchronization procedures 7. Create personnel reports utilizing DTAS SHOW SLIDE 109: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Restate the TLO to the students. a. It is critical to the success of your unit on the battlefield for you to be able to direct Personnel Accountability (PA) and Strength Reporting (SR) efficiently and effectively. PA and SR has a direct impact on the tactical employment and sustainment of the force. The commander requires timely and accurate strength data for short and long range planning and decision-making. DTAS helps to do this by keeping accurate, up-to-date data on all Soldiers in theater. END OF TRAINING 109
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