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Do Now If you owe me work, please show it to me.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now If you owe me work, please show it to me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now If you owe me work, please show it to me.
Get ready for the quiz. Please do not ask me when you will get these back. 

2 After the quiz FYI Livelihood: a way of supporting your living
1.Check your quiz over. 2. Place it face down on the back table. 3. Take an activity from the back table. 4. Open the book to page 126 and copy the definition of Maurya Empire. 4. In your own words, how would you describe an “accomplishment”? 5. Below are three articles about Chandragupta, a ruler in ancient India. Think about what events you would consider accomplishments of Chandragupta. List those accomplishments on the back. DON’T GO PAST LISTING ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

3 Maurya Empire An Indian empire founded by Chandragupta, beginning with his kingdom in northeastern India and spreading to most of northern and central India

4 In your own words, how would you describe an “accomplishment”?
Can include good or bad things Success in your eyes Completed and you are proud of Goal, big or small, good or bad Something that you did that you’re proud of Did well or right, or good deed Feel good about yourself

5 Accomplishments? Of Chandragupta
He started the Maurya Empire and united the fighting states. His army was huge and powerful. The empire was successful in economics (farming, trade). Lots of art and architecture He used the empire’s wealth to improve the empire: Irrigation projects More farmland More crafts and mining More roads created for more trade

6 Do Now Check out the HW board for this week.
Take out your notes from last week on Chandragupta. On the white board, write one “accomplishment” of Chandragupta. When your entire group is done, work on the last three questions together on the back of the Chandragupta activity. How can rulers impact their empire (good and bad) *If you get stuck, think about the president of the U.S. as a comparison. How was Chandragupta a positive ruler for his empire? How was Chandragupta a negative ruler for his empire? Use evidence from your resources.

7 Accomplishments (?) Of Chandragupta
He started the Maurya Empire and united the fighting states. His army was huge and powerful. The empire was successful in economics (farming, trade). Lots of art and architecture He used the empire’s wealth to improve the empire: Irrigation projects More farmland More crafts and mining More roads created for more trade

8 With your group How can rulers impact their empire?
How was Chandragupta a positive ruler for the Indian people? How was Chandragupta a negative ruler for the Indian people? Calling colors

9 How can rulers can impact their empire? (Good and bad)
How was Chandragupta a positive ruler for the Indian people? Spent money to improve the empire (new farms, irrigation systems, more food) New roads for more trade Peace and order How was Chandragupta a negative ruler for the Indian people? Army of spies (not cool) Put down revolts

10 Overall, Chandragupta was a positive and effective ruler for India.
4 corners Overall, Chandragupta was a positive and effective ruler for India.

11 Discussion What responsibilities to their people do you think our rulers should have today?


13 Vocab words Convert: to change one’s beliefs, in particular, from one religion to another Tolerance: freedom from prejudice Prejudice: is having an opinion or idea about someone based upon their race , gender, age, or where they are from without enough knowledge about that person

14 With your group, read pages 128 and 129 about the ruler Asoka.
Imagine that you are Asoka in the time after the Battle of Kalinga. You are going to create an edict (formal announcement). The edict will be written on large pillars and placed around India, so everyone knows what you want them to do. Include the things Asoka did throughout his empire after he became a Buddhist. Introduction sentence 7+ new laws based on Buddhism Concluding sentence Picture at the top Asoka the Ruler Chandragupta passed the leadership of the Maurya Empire on to his son. After the son died in 273 BC, Chandragupta’s grandson, Asoka, gained power. Asoka, whose name means “without sorrow,” further expanded his grandfather’s empire into new territory.

15 Asoka the ruler Chandragupta’s grandson, who expanded the empire’s borders very far At first, Asoka was as warlike as his grandfather After the bloody Battle of Kalinga, however, Asoka was filled with sorrow over the bloodshed He gave up war and violence He freed his prisoners and gave them back their land

16 Asoka He converted to Buddhism and ruled as a Buddhist
Did not sacrifice animals Gave up hunting Treated his people like his children Built hospitals and wells for water (for travelers and animals) Wrote moral advice for his kingdom “Honor your parents” “Don’t kill animals” “Be truthful and tolerant” Sent Buddhist missionaries far and wide


18 Closure Who? Did what? To whom? When? Where? Why? And How?

19 Do Now COPY the HW: Section 4 quiz on Thursday. WHIL due Friday.
In your DO NOW section, respond: How did Buddhism influence Asoka’s rule?

20 Illegal = animal sacrifice
Hospitals Wells for water Moral advice Taught tolerance Sent out Buddhist missionaries Asoka ruled using the teachings of Buddhism He encouraged good behavior and discouraged violence.

21 The Edicts of Asoka With your group, you will receive a copy of ONE of his edicts. Turn that edict into a public service announcement. Your ad must communicate the same values that the edict expresses. Your ad must include: Three images to illustrate the edict (one side) Words/sentences to explain the edict so that your viewers will understand it Asoka put his edicts in public places where people could read and learn from them. If Asoka were here today, he might spread his words in TV public service announcements, similar to ads you may have seen that encourage people not to smoke, or to vote.

22 The Edicts of Asoka After each group presents, write down the message that Asoka was telling to his people. BIG IDEA…. So how did Buddhism change the government and way of life for Indians under Asoka’s rule?

23 What message is Asoka trying to tell his audience?
Respect your parents, friends, and others. Do not harm animals. Respect nature and be kind to others. Follow your dharma and behavior well towards slaves. Government officials will be respectful and fair.

24 So how did Buddhism change the government and way of life for Indians under Asoka’s rule?

25 Do Now Copy the HW: Quiz on section 4 Thursday WHIL due Friday
Do Now response: Who was a better ruler? Chandragupta or Asoka?

26 Who is the better ruler? Chandragupta? Asoka?
Look back at your notes on these two rulers. You have 5 minutes to decide who you think was a better ruler. I will split you up into teams. With your team, you are going to create a CERC organizer.

27 CERC The Question: Who was the more effective ruler?
Claim: Asoka/Chandragupta was a more effective ruler. Evidence: Accurate/sufficient. Reasoning: Explain what your evidence means and how it relates to the claim. Conclusion: 1 sentence that sums up your claim.

28 Present your CERC As each group presents, mark down things you agree with or disagree. Be prepared to defend your claim.

29 So… who has a better argument?
Disagreements? Why?

30 Activities for Today: Page 130
With your group, read about the fall of the Maurya Empire and the Gupta Empire on page 130. Write a short newspaper article about how both the Maurya and Gupta empires fell. 3+ sentences and include a picture. Write a short newspaper article about the advances in learning made in the Gupta Empire. 4+ sentences Cloth Philosophy Writers Math Why this is important And include a picture.

31 Do Now Copy the HW: Ch. 4 test Friday!
Take out your finished study guide! Once I have checked it, clear and separate your desks and get ready for the quiz.

32 After the quiz Check it over. Place it face-down on the back table.
Take out your study guide. Brainstorm possible questions on the test.

33 Study Guide review 1. subcontinent: a large landmass that juts out from a continent 2. monsoon: a strong wind that blows across East Asia at certain times of the year 3. citadel: a fortress in a city 4. migrate: to move from one place to settle in another area 5. caste: a social class of people 6. brahman: a single spiritual power that Hindus believe lives in everything 7.avatar: a representation of a Hindu god or goddess in human or animal form

34 8. reincarnation: the rebirth of the soul in the body of another living being
9. dharma: the religious and moral duties of Hindus 10. ahisma: the Hindu idea of nonviolence 11. meditate: to focus the mind inward in order to find spiritual awareness or relaxation 12. nirvana: the lasting peace that Buddhists seek by giving up selfish desires 13. missionary: a person who spreads his or her religious beliefs to others

35 14. Maurya Empire: Indian empire founded by Chandragupta, beginning with his kingdom in northeastern India and spreading to most of northern and central India 15. convert: change one’s beliefs; in particular, to change from one religion to another 16. tolerance: freedom from prejudice

36 17. What effect did India’s mountains and oceans have on its development?
They isolated the Indians from other parts of the world. 18. What effect did the summer monsoon have on India’s people? Provided rain for their crops. 19. Which two important rivers are found in India? Ganges and Indus. 20. What is a negative effect of the summer monsoons? It can cause flooding and famine.

37 21. How do we know Mohenjo-Daro was a carefully planned city?
It was built with blocks of homes and buildings, and had a drainage system 22. Hinduism is the blend of which two cultures? Aryan and Indian. 23. How is Hinduism different from other major religions? It has no single founder. 24. What are the Upanishads? Hindu religious texts.

38 25. In Buddhism, how does a person cure human suffering?
Give up selfish desires. 26. Explain how Siddhartha Gautama’s life changed, which led to Buddhism. He left his mansion (in which he was protected from illness and suffering) and saw sickness and death. He decided he would then spend his life looking for the cause of human suffering. This led to the beginning of Buddhism.

39 27. How are Buddhism and Hinduism alike? How are they different?
Alike: Both agree it is wrong to harm living things; dharma; cycle of rebirth. Different: Some Hindus honor Buddha as a reincarnation of Vishnu, but most do not; Buddhist do not believe in the Hindu texts. 28. How was Chandragupta like an Egyptian pharaoh? Both believed in the absolute power of a ruler. 29. List the accomplishments of Asoka. Spread the empire all throughout India. He was a kind ruler who thought of his people as his children. Built hospitals and dug wells (drinking). Sent out Buddhist missionaries.

40 30. What did the Aryans bring to India?
New culture. The idea of a caste system.    31. How did Asoka spread Buddhism throughout his empire?  He issued writings of moral advice (example: honor your parents, don’t kill animals, etc.) 32. Name three specific ways Asoka showed he was a Buddhist? 1. Did not sacrifice animals. 2. Gave up hunting. 3. Issued writings of moral advice to his empire.

41 33. What would be a good heading for the second column of this table?
Time of Empire 34.Which two civilizations started around the same time? China and Greece 35. According to the table, which civilizations started first? Fertile Crescent 36. How many years passed between the founding of India and the founding of China? 500 years

42 Quiz Game! Using your study guide, create _______ possible questions for the test. Multiple choice Short answer Fill in the blank

43 Do Now Copy the HW: India test tomorrow!!!!
Take out your study guide and any quiz questions you made already!

44 Quiz Game! Using your study guide, create _______ possible questions for the test. Multiple choice Short answer Fill in the blank

45 Do Now Clear and separate your desks. Get ready for the test!

46 When you are finished Check it over!
Put the test face-down on the back table. Read or do something QUIETLY 

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