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2017-18 NFHS Spirit Rules PowerPoint
National federation of state high school associations (NFHS)
National Federation of State High School Associations
NFHS (located in Indianapolis, IN – Est. 1920): National leadership organization for high school sports and fine arts activities; National authority on interscholastic activity programs. Conducts national meetings; Sanctions interstate events; Produces national publication for high school administrators; National source for interscholastic coach training and national information center.
National Federation of State High School Associations
Membership = 50 member state associations and D.C. NFHS reaches more than 19,000 high schools and 12 million participants in high school activity programs, including more than 7.8 million in high school sports.
NFHS Rules Review Committee
The NFHS Rules Review Committee is chaired by the chief operating officer and composed of all rules editors. After each committee concludes its deliberations and has adopted its recommended changes for the subsequent year, such revisions will be evaluated by the Rules Review Committee. Davis Whitfield Chief Operating Officer Bob Colgate Football and Sports Medicine Sandy Searcy Softball and Swimming & Diving Elliot Hopkins Baseball and Wrestling Mark Koski Field Hockey Julie Cochran Cross Country, Gymnastics, Volleyball and Track & Field James Weaver Boys and Girls Lacrosse and Spirit Theresia Wynns Basketball and Soccer Dan Schuster Ice Hockey
National Federation of State High School Associations
The NFHS writes playing rules for 17 sports for boys and girls at the high school level. Publishes 4 million pieces of materials annually.
NFHS Rules Book as e-Books
E-books features: Searchable Highlight areas of interest Make notes Easy navigation Adjustable viewing size Immediate availability
NEW NFHS Rules App Rules App features: Searchable Highlight notes
Bookmarks Quizzes for all sports Easy navigation Immediate availability Free to paid members of the NFHS Coaches and Officials Associations for more information Comment on Slide: App is free to download Each book subscription is $6.99 NFHS Coaches and Officials Association paid members get all books for free 100% states members get books for free in sports designated by their state New in 2017 – Rules apps for all NFHS rules books and case books available on iTunes and Google Play. Rules books and case books will be cross-linked. Searchable content.
Next, let's review the makeup of our rules committee. The NFHS Spirit Rules Writing Committees consist of experts in the given sport and each member is nominated by state associations, as is the chairperson, who guides the members through their work. Each committee member represents one of the eight sections of the United States as divided by the NFHS Bylaws. To allow for equal representation, there is also a member of the NFHS Coaches Association and the NFHS Officials Association on the committee. Each committee member serves a four-year term. All NFHS committee meetings are hosted in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rule 1 - Definitions Deletes definitions for downward inversion, front drop, knee/seat/thigh drop, split drop, sponge and swan dive. Adds definitions for braced flip, braced inversion, braced roll, prep level and swing roll down (teddy bear roll down). Revises definition for switch liberty.
2017-2018 NFHS Spirit Rules Changes
Next, let's review the changes to Rules 2, 3 and 4 - This year's book reflects the new split to add Rule 4 - Dance/Drill/Pom There are no changes to Rule 2 - General Risk Management remains the same for all Spirit groups. RULE 2 – GENERAL RISK MANAGEMENT RULE 3 – CHEER RULE 4 – DANCE/DRILL/POM
Rule and ART Spirit participants shall remain outside of the playing area during a 30-second or less time-out during a basketball game. ART Spirit participants shall stand outside the free-throw lane lines extended toward the sidelines throughout a basketball game. Revised language to match basketball rules book on cheer squad location during basketball games. The rule has not changed, the language was revised to match the basketball rule books.
Rule and 4-2-7 ART A spotter is required for extended stunts or transitions that stop in an extended position except for the following: Adds the words "extended stunts that stop" to allow for show-and-go and up-and-over stunts without a spotter. Rationale: The stunts allowed without a spotter that do not end in an extended position. ( P) ART A spotter is required for extended stunts or transitions that stop in an extended position except for the following: a. Chair b. Russian lift c. Torch d. Double-base split catch e. Double-base vertical T-lift f. Triple-base stunts in which the top person is horizontal g. Triple-base suspended splits h. Triple-base straddle sit provided the top person has both hands in contact with a post
Rule and 4-3-2 ART An inverted top person may pass through an extended position but must not begin, end, pause or stop in an extended inverted position. Removes the word static and clarifies article 2. The intent of the rule has not changed.
Rule and 4-3-3 ART Braced inversions in a pyramid that do not flip or roll are permitted provided the following conditions are met: a. The inverted top person shall have at least two bases or a base and a spotter. b. If the inverted top person is released the following conditions shall be met: 1. The skills/stunts before and after the release are permitted. 2. Each bracer is at prep level or below. If in a prep or shoulder stand, the bracer(s) shall have two bases or a base and a spotter. 3. The bracers do not provide primary support for the top person. 4. The top person and base(s) make no more than a ¼ turn around the bracer in a continuous movement. 5. The top person is caught by original base(s). 6. The top person does not land in an inverted position. Reorganizes and clarifies braced inversions in a pyramid. When executing inversions that do not flip or roll in a pyramid, the bracer can be in a double based prep without a spotter or a shoulder stand with a spotter.
Rule 3-3-3 and 4-3-3
When executing inversion that do not flip or roll in a pyramid , the bracer can be in a double based prep with a spotter or a shoulder stand with a spotter. The picture on the left shows a prep without a spotter bracing an inversion in a pyramid.
Rule and 4-3-4 ART Braced rolls in a pyramid are permitted provided the following conditions are met: a. The inverted top person has at least two bases or a base and a spotter. b. The bracer(s) have two bases or a base and a spotter. Reorganizes and clarifies braced rolls in a pyramid. When executing braced rolls, the bracer can be in a double based prep without a spotter or a shoulder stand with a spotter.
Rule 3-3-5b-d ART Braced flips in a pyramid are permitted provided all the following conditions are met: b. The top person shall have at least three people involved who were the original bases or spotters. c. If the flip ends in a cradle, the bracers may release the top person once he/ she begins to descend and is no longer inverted. d. The top person ends in a non-inverted position. The criteria for braced flips is the same, but the rule clarifies that 3 stunt personnel must be involved as the original bases or spotters. All personnel do not have to catch the top person. There can be two spotters that are in a position to protect the head neck and shoulders, who are not touching the top person.
Rule 3-3-6a, b and 4-3-6a, B ART. 6 . . . In all other inversions:
a. Inversions may release to the following provided there is a spotter: 1. Dismounts with no more than a ½ turn. 2. Loading position with no more than ½ turn. 3. A stunt at prep level or below. b. In inversions where the base of support begins and remains below prep level, at least one person shall be in a position to protect the head/neck of the top person and shall maintain contact with the top person's upper body (waist and above, which may include arms/hands) until the top person is no longer inverted or his/her hands are on the performing surface. The contact shall be sufficient to stabilize/control the top person's position. 3.3.6a Conditions for inversions that are released were clarified. An inversion can be released with ½ turn to a load position or a dismount (cradle or performance surface) which is an increase from a ¼ turn. An inversion (inversion beginning on the ground or in a stunt) can be released to a stunt at prep level of below. Please note the rule does not allow for rotation during the release from an inverted stunt or inversion on the ground to stunt. 3.3.6b In inversions where the base of support is below prep level only one person must be in a position to protect the head neck and shoulders. This not a change in the rule but a change in the language used to describe the criteria.
Rule 3-3-6C and 4-3-6C c. Inversions where the base of support begins at or passes through prep level: 1. Require two bases or a base and a spotter. 2. At least two people on the performing surface must be in a position to protect the head/neck of the top person, one of whom must maintain contact with the top person's upper body (waist and above, which may include arms/hands) until the top person is no longer inverted or his/her hands are on the performing surface. The contact must be sufficient to stabilize/control to top person's position. EXCEPTIONS: 1. A foldover that begins at or below prep level and does not stop in an extended position is allowed. 2. In a single-base suspended roll, there must be continuous hands-to-hands contact between the base and top person. 3. The top person must not go directly to an inverted position on the performing surface from prep level or higher. 4. If caught in a cradle, load or stunt by catchers who are not original bases, the new catchers are in place and are not involved with any other skill when the transition is initiated. 3.3.6c This section now includes the rules for suspended rolls. In inversions where the base of support begins at or passes through the prep level must have two bases or a base and a spotter. Two people must be in a position to protect the HNS but only person must maintain contact with the top person. The exceptions are as follows: 1.Is the same, foldovers are allowed and do not require contact at the initiation of the skill. 2. In single base suspended rolls, there must be hands to hands contact with a base, both hands of the top person must be in contact with the base. 3.Same...cannot go to the ground on their hands in an inverted position from skill prep level or higher. 4. If the skill is caught in a cradle,load, or stunt by new catchers, they have to be in place and not involved in another skill when the transition is initiated.
Rule and 4-3-8 ART A Swing Roll Down stunt is not permitted. Prohibits a swing roll-down stunt. A swing up to a stunt is allowed per following Rule 3.6.5
Rule and ART In pyramids where one extended stunt braces another extended stunt, the connection must not be hand/arm to foot/leg. ART In pyramids where one extended stunt braces another extended stunt, the connection must not be hand/arm to foot/leg. Removes the word static and clarifies the connection. This allows for movement in connected skills, skills can move from prep level to extended and back to prep level while connected. Tops can also change their level and body position at the same time and it would be considered legal as long as the connection is NOT hand/arm to foot/leg.
Rule 3-4-3 and 4-4-11 Illegal Legal
Removes the word static and clarifies the connection. 1st pic- Illegal because the connection is hand to foot 2nd pics- Legal, extended skill with arm to arm/shoulder connection. Illegal Legal
Rule 3-5-5c ART Release transitions are permitted provided all of the following conditions are met throughout the transition: c. Each bracer is at prep level or below. If at prep level, the bracer(s) shall have two bases or a base and a spotter. Removes the requirement for spotter a in a double-based prep. May perform ball backs, tick tocks, and other release skills in a pyramid, with a bracer that is in a double based prep without spotter or bracer in shoulder stand with a spotter.
Rule and 4-6-2 ART Non-braced suspended splits that originate from or pass through prep level or above are permitted provided all the following conditions are met: a. At least three bases slow the momentum of the top person. b. The top person has both hands in contact with a base(s) once she reaches the full split position. EXCEPTION: Top person may release one hand to grasp the hand of another base to adjust his/her position. Adds an exception to allow the top to release to grab another base to adjust position. One hand may be released momentarily to grab the hand of another base.
Rule 3-6-2 and 4-6-2
In the middle picture the top is releasing one hand to grab the hand of the base behind her.
Rule and 4-8-2 ART Tumbling while holding props is not permitted except for the following: a. a forward roll, backward roll. b. holding pom(s) during airborne tumbling skills in which the hand(s) are not being used for support. Allows poms to be held during airborne tumbling skills.
Rule 4-4-2 ART Stunts/lifts in which base(s) support(s) an extended top person under the foot/feet and stop in an extended position are not permitted in Dance/Drill/Pom. Removes the word static. Rule remains the same, Dance/Pom/Drill are not permitted to do extended stunts (e.g.; extensions, liberties)
Rule and 4-7-8 ART A skill (e.g., toe touch, twist, etc.) must not be performed to a cradle in dance/drill/pom. ART A twist to the performing surface must not involve more than 1¼ rotations. Prohibits skills to a cradle. Skills to the performing surface are allowed.
ART When transitioning from a prop to a stunt/lift, the new bases must be in contact with the top person before he/she leaves the prop. Requires bases to be in contact with the top person when transitioning from a prop.
NFHS Officials Association Central Hub
Contains: Sport information Rules information Rules library Searchable rules book Video content on officiating sport, competition situations and interpretations
NFHS Officials education Course and videos
Ideal for new officials or those in first few years of officiating 30-45 minutes to complete Topics include: Basics of Becoming and Staying an Official, Science of Officiating, Art of Officiating Course is FREE to NFHS Officials Association members, non-members fee is $20 Sports such as soccer, basketball and baseball offer direct illustrations of the rules book, including rules references and officials signals Animated mechanics videos for softball, and baseball umpires Video interpretation of the NFHS Basketball Rules Book created through a partnership with the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials Comment on Slide: See comments on slide.
NFHS Officials education Course and videos
Additional courses available in… Officiating Basketball Officiating Volleyball: Ball Handling Umpiring Softball Courses Coming Soon… Officiating Swimming and Diving Officiating Soccer: Fouls and Misconduct Comment on Slide: See comments on slide.
NFHS Learning Center
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Examples of FREE courses include: Bullying, Hazing and Inappropriate Behaviors Social Media Introduction to Interscholastic Music Concussion in Sports Heat Illness Prevention Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sportsmanship Sports Nutrition Coaching Unified Sports Positive Sport Parenting NCAA Eligibility
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