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Review 1: From the Lithosphere to the Atmosphere Answers

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1 Review 1: From the Lithosphere to the Atmosphere Answers

2 Question 1 What is the primary role of ocean circulation?
Helps to regulate the Earth’s climate. The ocean circulations help to compensate for the uneven distribution of solar energy by moving some of that heat energy up to the polar regions.

3 Question 2a Draw a diagram of the soil and name each layer.
   Organic matter Topsoil Subsoil Fragmented Parent Rock Unaltered Parent Rock

4 Question 2 b) & c) b) What causes the topsoil to be darker than the layers beneath it? The amount of organic matter (humus) in the soil, the more organic matter the darker it is and the more nutrients it has c) Some regions of Québec are known for being very fertile, while others are much less fertile even though they are exposed to the same climate. What are the three conditions for soil fertility? a sufficient amount of mineral adequate moisture an appropriate soil pH (for plant growth).

5 Question 3 Burning fossil fuels creates products that cause environmental problems. Name 3 of these products and the damage they cause. CO2 → primary greenhouse gas behind global warming CH4→ very strong greenhouse gas SO2 and NOx are responsible for acid rain

6 Question 4 Name three factors that affect ocean circulation.
Winds, water salinity and water temperature The last two affect circulation due to changes in density, denser water sinks (cold or more saline), less dense water rises (warm or less saline)

7 Question 5 Why can living organisms not live at very high altitudes?
At very high altitudes, there is very little air pressure which means that there are few air particles to breathe

8 Question 6 What are the differences between an anticyclone and a depression? Anticyclone: high pressure area, winds turn clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, associated with dry , sunny, calm weather

9 Question 6 What are the differences between an anticyclone and a depression? Depression: low pressure area, winds turn counter-clockwise, associated with cloudy, wet weather

10 Question 8 A community in Gaspé is researching the environmental impact of two different energy technologies: a tidal power plant and a coal power plant. Tidal Power Plant – renewable / tidal barrages can disrupt marine life Coal Power Plant – non-renewable / releases greenhouse gases

11 Question 9 Explain how the greenhouse effect is essential for life on Earth. Greenhouse gases are necessary to keep the temperature and the climate around Earth stable. By trapping some of the sun’s rays reflected of the surface of the Earth, the atmosphere around us remains warm and stable, necessary for sustaining life.

12 Now try these... a) Which type of current is the Gulf Stream, and what causes it? Surface currents caused by the wind. B) What is thermohaline circulation?  The mechanism that moves surface and subsurface currents around the world.

13 Now try these... What kind of weather is usually associated with a cold front? What kind of weather is usually associated with a warm front? Cold front: Showers occur and then good weather arrives, dry and cold. Warm front: Lengthy rain showers, high humidity and low pressure.

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