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Year 9 exams A time to shine. Important dates: The following exams are all in the hall/gym. You will also need to complete some exams during lessons (check.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 exams A time to shine. Important dates: The following exams are all in the hall/gym. You will also need to complete some exams during lessons (check."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 exams A time to shine

2 Important dates: The following exams are all in the hall/gym. You will also need to complete some exams during lessons (check with your subject teacher when they are) WEEK A Wednesday 3/7/13 P1/P2 Science (90mins) P3 Normal lessons P4 Maths Paper 1 (1hr) P5 Normal Lessons WEEK B Monday 8/7/13 P1 English (45mins) P2 Maths Paper 2 (1hr)

3 Why are we doing these tests? These tests are being set for a number of reasons: 1)To help YOU get used to exam routines, this will mean you will feel confident and prepared when it comes to your real GCSE exams 2)It gives us information on how well you are doing and what we need to do to help you improve

4 Are these tests important? YES – they will provide important information for your Y10 teacher. They will be the starting point for your GCSE classes. NO – they will not affect the rest of your life, if you do badly we can talk to you to make sure we get it right for your GCSEs YES – you should always try to achieve the best you can in any school work

5 What can you do to prepare? Check with your teacher what will be in the exams and revise these topics Work hard and listen in lessons Have a good nights sleep the night before Have a sensible breakfast (many experts recommend a banana – no one recommends red bull!) Arrive promptly at your exam, with all the correct equipment

6 When you go into the exam hall you MUST…. Line up outside the Hall/Gym in silence on the paving/field Hand in your Mobile Phone (they will be returned straight after the exam) Sit in the correct seat You MUST NOT talk or turn round Bring the right equipment. You can NOT borrow in exams. You need: Black Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Ruler, Protractor & Compasses (Maths only), Calculator ( Maths Paper 2 & Science)

7 Important during exams we have to Follow Exam Board routines. You will need to line up and go into the hall in silence. You must not communicate to other students during the full exam – (this is why we keep mobile phones secure during exams). If you need anything put your hand up, wait for a member of staff to come to you and ask the staff QUIETLY

8 REMEMBER Exam rules apply even if you are taking an exam in a classroom – you must not communicate with others (even to borrow equipment) You must remain silent, and in your chair, throughout the duration of the exam. Any test should be treated as an exam.

9 What can you do in the exam to help you achieve Read every question carefully (underline key words if it helps) Answer every question (even if you use a sensible guess) Re-read the question and check you have answered what it asked. If you finish check you have answered every question, check your answers are sensible.

10 The Maths & Science Papers You will NOT be lent any equipment. You CANNOT borrow in exams. Make sure you have: 2 Black Pens Pencil Eraser Ruler Protractor (Maths only) Compasses (Maths only) Calculator (for Paper 2 and Science)

11 What is in the Maths test The exam is an official KS3 SATs paper – similar to those you sat in Y6 - but aimed at Y9 students. You may not have covered every topic in the exam, but neither will others. Do NOT worry, if you cant do a question move on as you may be able to answer later questions which are on different topics. The test is based on EVERYTHING you could have done in the last 4 years. All areas of maths are covered so everyone should be able to answer SOMETHING. Relax, read the questions carefully and do your best.

12 What is in the Science test The exam is an official KS4 GCSE paper – similar to those you will sit in the future but only covering Y9 topics. Do NOT worry, if you cant do a question move on as you may be able to answer later questions which are on different topics. The test is based on EVERYTHING you should have done in the last year. Relax, read the questions carefully and do your best.

13 The English Test The examination will enable you to show your understanding of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. These skills will be important next year when you are developing your writing during the GCSE course. You will be required to write on the question paper and if you do not know an answer then you should move on to the next question. During your lessons you will be focussing on the key areas of this test. You will need a black pen to complete the test.

14 Where do you go Lists of seat numbers will go up on Friday evening. Make a note of your seat number and the venue (Hall or Gym). It is important you sit in the correct seat as there are a number of different tests happening.

15 What happens next in Maths. We want you to do well. If we decide you have taken the wrong paper we will give you the opportunity to sit the additional questions from a higher or lower paper. We will work out the best score from the two papers and record this score. Your teacher will go through some of the paper in class where it is felt that this is of use.

16 Next Year in Maths Next year we will place students in bands based on their option choices. You will not stay in the same maths classes, or with the same teacher. We will use this result to help us decide which class to place you in. If you feel the work in your new class is too easy or too hard speak to your class teacher or Miss Anderson to sort this out. Focus on the level of the work being covered, not the set number, person you are sitting next to or teachers hairstyle.

17 What happens next in Science. We want you to do well. Your teacher will go through the paper in class to help you for the future. If you have not taken triple science we will set you for next year based on: Your results of the science tests throughout the year Your teachers advice Your results of the Y9 exam

18 Good Luck !!

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