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A method and guide to teach you how to save someone's life.

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Presentation on theme: "A method and guide to teach you how to save someone's life."— Presentation transcript:

1 A method and guide to teach you how to save someone's life.
First Aid- How to Treat: ~ A Snake Bite ~ A Broken Bone ~ A Graze ~ A Burn A method and guide to teach you how to save someone's life.

2 How To Treat a Snake Bite
The first thing to do is call emergency services or call for extra help. Catch a glimpse of the snake if you can, so you can describe it to the emergency operator / paramedics. Move away from the snake, to a place where the snake is unlikely to return. Keep the victim still, support and imobolise the area the snake has bitten. Remove any clothing or jewelry as the venom could cause rapid swelling, causing loss of blood supply to the constricted body parts. Clean the wound, but do not flush it with water. Place a bandage or cloth on top of the wound. All you can do now is wait for medical assistance. But make sure you do not try to suck the venom out, ice the wound or let them drink caffeine or alcohol (keep them hydrated with water).

3 How To Treat a Broken Bone
Call for emergency help. Stop or reduce as much bleeding as you can, by applying pressure to the fracture or brake. Keep the injured arm/leg/foot as still as possible, do not try to move the bone, just place a splint or something stable above or below the wound. Apply ice (if available, not directly on the skin, but in a towel or cloth) to the fracture/brake to reduce pain and swelling. Treat the patient for shock of they feel faint or short of breath.

4 How To Treat a Graze Clean the graze with (preferably warm) water, to remove dirt. Dry the graze with a cloth, that will not allow fibres to stick to the wound. Apply a moisturiser or antiseptic cream to the graze. Cover the wound with a light non stick dressing. Change the dressing when necessary.

5 How To Treat a Burn Soak the burn in cool water for no less then 5 minutes. Take pain relief. Apply an anesthetic or Aloe Vera cream to soothe the burn. Apply an antibiotic ointment to gauze (or breathable bandage/band aid) to protect and let the would heal.

6 It is important to have a knowledge and understanding of how to perform CPR/ DRSABCD. So in the case of an emergency you are able to help save someone’s life.

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