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Conestoga Valley High School Aviation Technology

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1 Conestoga Valley High School Aviation Technology
The Airfoil Conestoga Valley High School Aviation Technology Originally commissioned in 1966, the SR-71, nicknamed "Blackbird," flew missions for over 30 years, becoming one of the most storied aircraft of all time. Capable of traveling at speeds in excess of Mach 3 (over 2000 mph), at altitudes of up to 85,000 feet, and with a combat range of nearly 3000 miles, the SR-71 was a technological marvel at the time of its creation.

2 The Airfoil Airfoil Cross-sectional shape of a wing
Develops lift when air flows around it Two Types Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Symmetrical Unsymmetrical

3 Air as a Fluid? Air = Fluid Bernoulli’s Principle Changing Pressure
Mass Flows and can push on an object Holds no shape when pushed on Bernoulli’s Principle Air travels faster over camber to create a lower pressure Changing Pressure Caused by increasing speed over the airfoil Lift Increase speed and AOA Airfoil Stall 3

4 Airfoil Types Symmetrical Unsymmetrical
Same shape on the top and bottom Advantages same lift performance upside down as right side up Better design for stunts Disadvantages No lift at 0 degrees AOA Lower lift to drag ratio at the same AOA then unsymmetrical Unsymmetrical Not the same shape on the top and bottom Advantages has lift at O degrees AOA higher lift to drag ratio at the same AOA then symmetrical Disadvantages Not as good at acrobatic maneuvers Air show Yak-54

5 Review Questions Review Questions What is an airfoil?
What are the two types of airfoils? What causes the pressure changes across the wing? Why does an unsymmetrical wing have more lift at 0 degree AOA? Which type of airfoil would a stunt plane use? Cross-sectional shape of a wing Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical Increasing speed Bernoulli’s Law is in effect more Symmetrical 5

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