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Second Grade Curriculum Night

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1 Second Grade Curriculum Night

2 Reading

3 Why do leopards climb trees?
Why is a leopard's fur important?

4 Reading

5 Reading Level Expectations


7 60 Minutes Small Group Rotations
90 Minute Literacy Block 30 Minutes Whole Group Instruction Working on a reading skill/Strategy. 60 Minutes Small Group Rotations 20 minutes small group with the teacher 40 minutes working with reading centers focused on phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension based on the students needs.

8 Fundations Some students in second grade will receive asystematic program in critical foundational skills, emphasizing: Phonemic awareness Phonics/ word study High frequency word study Reading fluency Vocabulary Comprehension strategies Handwriting Spelling

9 LLI-Leveled Literacy Interventions
Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. LLI turns struggling readers into successful readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.

10 Writing The emphasis on writing is in response to reading, science and social studies. All types of writing will be taught throughout the year. Samples will be taken as follows: October-Personal narrative January-Opinion May-Informational

11 Writing-what are we looking for?
Personal narrative: 3 detailed events in order Transition words-first, then, suddenly,etc. Closure Complete sentences using proper punctuation & capitalization

12 Opinion writing elements
Opinion is clear 2-3 supporting reasons include details Linking words: because, also, in addition Closing statements Complete sentences with proper punctuation and capital letters

13 Informational writing elements
Clearly introduces topic Uses facts, definitions and details to develop 2-3 main ideas Concluding statement Complete sentences with proper punctuation and capital letters

Spelling Stages: (assessed September, January, May) Initial & final consonants Short vowel sounds Digraphs (sh, th, ch, wh) Blends (sl, st, dr, fr, cr, tr, bl, -mp,) Long vowel patterns ( a_e, ai, ay, ee, ea, igh, oa) Other vowel patterns (ew, aw, or, ou, ow, oi, ir) Endings ( adding -s, -es, -ed, ing, changing y to i) WORDS THEIR WAY PROGRAM AS WELL AS WILSON FUNDATIONS

15 Math Number and Operation Patterns and Functions Data and Probability
Second Grade Math Standards Number and Operation Patterns and Functions Data and Probability Geometry Measurement

16 Number and Operation Coin values Number line Place value
Addition and Subtraction Fractions Word Problems Some library books were returned on Thursday. 49 library books were returned on Friday. If 93 books were returned in all on Thursday and Friday, how many books were returned on Thursday?

17 Patterns and Functions
Growing Patterns Tables Repeating Patterns Number of People Total number of Eyes 1 2 4 3 6 8 5 10

18 Data and Probability Data collection (survey) Organizing Data
Favorite Pet Number of students Dog 6 Cat 4 Turtle 2 Data collection (survey) Organizing Data Line Plot Graphs Talking About Data pizza Burgers Taco

19 Geometry Shapes Naming Polygons Right Angles Quadrilaterals 3-D shapes

20 Measurement Measure Length in inches and centimeters
Telling Time to the nearest 5 minutes

21 Math How can I help my child? Fact Fluency Problem Solving
Time and Money Basic Measurement

22 Questions? Thank you for coming! Thank you so much for all the supplies you sent in for our new STEM lab.

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