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24 April 2018 Janice Bryant, Strategic Innovation Manager

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Presentation on theme: "24 April 2018 Janice Bryant, Strategic Innovation Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Technology Exchange Group: Navy Robotics Initiative for Ship Assessment and Repair
24 April 2018 Janice Bryant, Strategic Innovation Manager Steve McKee, Strategic Project Lead Susan Simms, Tactical Innovation Manager DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release.

2 Problem Statement Advances in robotics technologies within the Navy and the Department of Defense (DoD) present transformative methods for ship assessments and repair to reduce the time and resources required for critical path maintenance. Ongoing advancements are poised to further accelerate these capabilities.

3 Actions Completed To Date
Completion of Analysis of Alternatives (Nov17) Completion of Cyber Assessment (Dec17) Briefing to DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Forum (Dec17) Portsmouth Naval Shipyard begins leading effort (Mar18)

4 Fielding of Shipboard Robotic Repair Solutions
Lead Shipyard: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Naval maintenance enterprise must deliberately advance in tandem with robotic capabilities across DoD and industry to field systems to reduce time and resources required for critical path maintenance and modernization. IATT/ATO Wave 9 IATT/ATO Partners: NUWC Newport – Cyber documentation support NSWC Panama City – AI support ONR – Corrosion Detection Algorithms OSD MR&MP – DoD integration OSD CPO Office – Corrosion Potential: DOE, NASA, Coast Guard, Army, and Air Force IATT/ATO Wave 7 IATT/ATO IATT/ATO ESWBS: –Sea Water Systems (?) Conceptual Fielded Capabilities Progression: Traverse large unobstructed areas with payload* (tethered) Traverse obstructed spaces with payload* (tethered) Autonomous traversing of large unobstructed areas with payload* Autonomous traversing of obstructed areas with payload* Autonomous traverse of mechanical systems Robots that can stay in shipboard systems for extended duration *payload refers to inspection, repair, and/or restoration system(s) Wave 5 IATT/ATO ESWBS: – Tanks, Trunks and Enclosures (?) ATO Wave 3 ESWBS: – Tanks, Trunks and Enclosures (?) PIT Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense for Material Readiness and Maintenance Policy ESWBS: 593XX – Bilge and Oily Waste System PIT Wave 1 ESWBS: – Hull Structure PIT Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Success Attributes for Naval Maintenance Community: Rapid identification of new solutions from across DoD Rapid development of processes to use new solutions Rapid cyber and contracting actions Rapid alignment and adoption across all maintenance activities FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Official start date 1 March 2018 As of: 29 March 2018

5 Wave 1 Projected Delivery Date ~1OCT18
Hull crawling system Vacuum system with winch to ensure contact with difficult exterior geometries Various payloads for assessments Full document packet (cyber, operations, procurement…) development underway Wave 2 Projected Delivery Date ~1JAN19 Bilge cleaning system Resultant from MANTECH project (Z2528) Nov13 Determining alternate payload configurations

6 Upcoming Actions DoD-Sponsored Event (Jun/Jul18)
Location: TBD (Mark Center - Alexandria, VA?) Outputs: Integrated roadmap showing capabilities sought by milestone Expected application bumper/hull/tail number (or installation) expecting to use the capability within the upcoming 2-year horizon Statements of work for near term projects that have been funded by resource sponsor(s) Include DOE, DHS, NASA stakeholders Artificial Intelligence assessment in process through NSWC Panama City (ECD Aug18)



9 AoA Results 1 of 2

10 AoA Results 2 of 2 Recommended solutions to demonstrate shipboard in the near term Phase 1A – Inspection, tethered/controlled, simple geometry Phase 1B – Inspection, tethered/controlled, complex geometry Phase 1C – Apply end effectors on 1A and 1B Identified advances that need to be accelerated and harnessed Discussed how to integrate deep learning approach into advances Lorenz brief “…[C]urrent technology has advanced to a point that a quantum leap in ship tank inspection and repair is possible. If a concerted, well-funded effort is initiated now, initial, substantial cost savings can be expected by 2020, with robots assisting humans in the most tedious and dangerous portions of dry tank inspection and repair.”

11 Components of each wave (times in months)
Successive Waves Waves at 3-month interval (4 waves / year) Unified cyber, production, procurement team to form each wave Potentially shorten ATO cycle with accelerated document submittals Given rate of technology advancements, do not anticipate ATO package resubmittal at 3-year mark Steve brief Propelling solutions into maintenance  Components of each wave (times in months) S 6 12 18 24 30 36 Demo outside Navy site IATT Submittal IATT Testing ATO Processing Solution Fielded (S+31)

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