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1 17 Project Management

2 Learning Objectives Discuss the behavioral aspects of projects in terms of project personnel and the project manager. Discuss the nature and importance of a work breakdown structure in project management. Give a general description of PERT/CPM techniques. Construct simple network diagrams.

3 Learning Objectives List the kinds of information that a PERT or CPM analysis can provide. Analyze networks with deterministic times. Analyze networks with probabilistic times. Describe activity “crashing” and solve typical problems.

4 Projects Build A A Done Build B B Done Build C C Done Build D Ship JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN On time! Unique, one-time operations designed to accomplish a specific set of objectives in a limited time frame.

5 Project Management How is it different? Why is it used?
Limited time frame Narrow focus, specific objectives Less bureaucratic Why is it used? Special needs Pressures for new or improves products or services

6 Project Management What are the Key Metrics
Time Cost Performance objectives What are the Key Success Factors? Top-down commitment Having a capable project manager Having time to plan Careful tracking and control Good communications

7 Project Management What are the Major Administrative Issues?
Executive responsibilities Project selection Project manager selection Organizational structure Organizational alternatives Manage within functional unit Assign a coordinator Use a matrix organization with a project leader

8 Project Management What are the tools? Work breakdown structure
Network diagram Gantt charts Risk management

9 Planning and Scheduling
MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Locate new facilities Interview staff Hire and train staff Select and order furniture Remodel and install phones Move in/startup Gantt Chart

10 Key Decisions Deciding which projects to implement
Selecting a project manager Selecting a project team Planning and designing the project Managing and controlling project resources Deciding if and when a project should be terminated

11 Project Manager Responsible for: Work Quality Human Resources Time
Communications Costs

12 Ethical Issues Temptation to understate costs Withhold information
Misleading status reports Falsifying records Comprising workers’ safety Approving substandard work

13 Project Life Cycle Concept Feasibility Planning Execution Termination

14 Work Breakdown Structure
Figure 17.2 Project X Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

15 PERT and CPM PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique
CPM: Critical Path Method Graphically displays project activities Estimates how long the project will take Indicates most critical activities Show where delays will not affect project

16 The Network Diagram Network (precedence) diagram – diagram of project activities that shows sequential relationships by the use of arrows and nodes. Activity-on-arrow (AOA) – a network diagram convention in which arrows designate activities. Activity-on-node (AON) – a network diagram convention in which nodes designate activities. Activities – steps in the project that consume resources and/or time. Events – the starting and finishing of activities, designated by nodes in the AOA convention.

17 The Network Diagram (cont’d)
Path Sequence of activities that leads from the starting node to the finishing node Critical path The longest path; determines expected project duration Critical activities Activities on the critical path Slack Allowable slippage for path; the difference the length of path and the length of critical path

18 Project Network – Activity on Arrow
Figure 17.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Locate facilities Order furniture Furniture setup Interview Hire and train Remodel Move in AOA

19 Project Network – Activity on Node
Figure 17.4 1 2 3 5 6 Locate facilities Order furniture Furniture setup Interview Remodel Move in 4 Hire and train 7 S AON

20 Network Conventions a b c d Dummy activity

21 Time Estimates Deterministic Probabilistic
Time estimates that are fairly certain Probabilistic Estimates of times that allow for variation

22 Example 1 Figure 17.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Deterministic time estimates 6 weeks
Locate facilities Order furniture Furniture setup Interview Hire and train Remodel Move in Deterministic time estimates

23 Example 1 Solution Critical Path

24 Computing Algorithm Network activities Used to determine
ES: early start EF: early finish LS: late start LF: late finish Used to determine Expected project duration Slack time Critical path

25 Probabilistic Time Estimates
Optimistic time Time required under optimal conditions Pessimistic time Time required under worst conditions Most likely time Most probable length of time that will be required

26 Probabilistic Estimates
Figure 17.8 Beta Distribution Activity start Optimistic time Most likely time (mode) Pessimistic time to tp tm te

27 Expected Time te = to + 4tm +tp 6 te = expected time
to = optimistic time tm = most likely time tp = pessimistic time

28 Variance (tp – to)2 2 = 36 2 = variance to = optimistic time
2 = (tp – to)2 36 2 = variance to = optimistic time tp = pessimistic time

29 Example 5 1-3-4 a 3-4-5 d 3-5-7 e 5-7-9 f 2-4-6 b 4-6-8 h 2-3-6 g
3-4-6 i 2-3-5 c Optimistic time Most likely Pessimistic

30 Example 5 Time Estimates
Tabc = 10.0 Tdef = 16.0 Tghi = 13.50 2.83 a 4.00 d 5.0 e 7.0 f b 6.0 h 3.33 g 4.17 i 3.17 c

31 Path Probabilities Z = Specified time – Path mean
Path standard deviation Z indicates how many standard deviations of the path distribution the specified tine is beyond the expected path duration.

32 Example 6 17 Weeks 10.0 16.0 13.5 1.00 a-b-c d-e-f g-h-i

33 Time-cost Trade-offs: Crashing
Crash – shortening activity duration Procedure for crashing Crash the project one period at a time Only an activity on the critical path Crash the least expensive activity Multiple critical paths: find the sum of crashing the least expensive activity on each critical path

34 Time-Cost Trade-Offs: Crashing
Figure 17.11 Total cost Shorten Cumulative cost of crashing Expected indirect costs Optimum CRASH

35 Example 7 6 a 4 d 5 c 10 b 9 e 2 f

36 Advantages of PERT Forces managers to organize
Provides graphic display of activities Identifies Critical activities Slack activities 1 2 3 4 5 6

37 Limitations of PERT Important activities may be omitted
Precedence relationships may not be correct Estimates may include a fudge factor May focus solely on critical path 1 2 3 4 5 6 142 weeks

38 Goldratt’s Critical Chain
Goldratt’s insight on project management Time estimates are often pessimistic Activities finished ahead of schedule often go unreported With multiple projects, resources needed for one project may be in use on another

39 Project Management Software
Computer aided design (CAD) Groupware (Lotus Notes) CA Super Project Harvard Total Manager MS Project Sure Track Project Manager Time Line

40 Advantages of PM Software
Imposes a methodology Provides logical planning structure Enhances team communication Flag constraint violations Automatic report formats Multiple levels of reports Enables what-if scenarios Generates various chart types

41 Project Risk Management
Risk: occurrence of events that have undesirable consequences Delays Increased costs Inability to meet specifications Project termination

42 Risk Management Identify potential risks Analyze and assess risks
Work to minimize occurrence of risk Establish contingency plans

43 Summary Projects are a unique set of activities
Projects go through life cycles PERT and CPM are two common techniques Network diagrams Project management software available

44 Video: Work Breakdown

45 Video: Project Materials/Delays

46 Video: Project Scheduling

47 Video: PERT/CPM

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