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Purchase Requisitions and Receiving

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1 Purchase Requisitions and Receiving
Non Vendor Catalog Presented by the College of Arts and Sciences Business Center November 7, 2018

2 Ground Rules Please put cell phones on vibrate, don’t answer in class. If urgent, please step outside the classroom. Please do not perform work including while the class is in session. Feel free to ask questions at any time. Questions may be answered immediately, tabled to be addressed later in class or placed in “Parking Lot” to be researched and answered at a later time. Schedule/Breaks: There will be 2 breaks time permitting. This class is scheduled to run 4 hours. Bathroom location. Food, beverage rules or access.

3 Safety Emergency Location of exits. Evacuation procedure for location.

4 Introduction / Overview
Agenda Introduction / Overview Introduction/Overview Creating a New Purchase Requisition Managing a Purchase Requisition Creating a Receipt Summary/Review

5 Class Introductions Who are you? Where do you work?
Name something positive you are anticipating with the transition to People Soft.

6 Our Goals Our primary goal is to provide you a strong foundation for you to address your operational requirements in the new Connect Carolina environment. Learn in a safe environment Observe demonstrations Practice class exercises Build Confidence This is a safe learning environment, so ask questions! If we don’t know the answer we can find someone who does. We can also show you how to find out the information for yourself. Connect Carolina has detailed help documents available online. We can give you some exposure to what you will be working with in the form of demonstrations and class exercises. We will try to instill confidence that you will be able to succeed in the next few months and beyond. We can’t show you how to do your jobs. We can’t just provide examples, demos, or step by step guides that will assure 100% of people they will know everything about a new system. The transition will take work from everyone involved. You are still responsible for your job duties and learning how to adapt to the new financial environment. Picture: Japanese symbol for strength.

7 What will be different:
Reality Check What will be different: Application software Accounting structure Terminology What will stay the same: Processes Operations Things that will be different: Applications, We will be working with streamlined PeopleSoft applications for most transactions. This application portal will look different than what you are used to working with. But, as you will see, it really just uses the same information! Accounting Structure, We now have a 12 phrase chartfield string that eclipses the old 6 character FRS number. But all of the extra information we will have to become accustomed to already existed in UNC’s accounting structure! Each PeopleSoft chartfield string field (that is now in the open) were simply in the background of every transaction you ever processed—whether you knew it or not. This is not a reinvention of the wheel, we are just exposing more details about individual transactions. Terminology, People Soft also changes some of the accounting terminology. For example, object code is now called account ID but they essentially serve the same descriptive purpose. Another example is the PeopleSoft department ID now has 6 digits instead of 4. But the good news is that most of the department names have stayed the same! Things that will stay the same: Processes, Financial processes might be called something different in Connect Carolina but you will still process invoice payments, reimbursements, SOP, etc. For example, check requests are now called campus vouchers. But this is still the same form of payment request and it will still serve the same purpose. Operations, Your day to day operations in your department will not change dramatically. People will still submit receipts for reimbursement and you will still need to accurately and promptly process their request. Faculty will still need to purchase supplies or equipment. The applications used will be different but your responsibility to effectively manage department finances will remain the same.

8 Who we are: Who we are not: Disclaimer We are trainers
We are not programmers We are not developers/consultants We are not People Soft experts We are trainers. We will help you learn how to navigate the new system. We will help you prepare for the transition to PeopleSoft. We are not programmers, developers, consultants, or People Soft experts. Do not expect us to understand everything about the new system. Do not expect us to be able to answer every one of your questions. We will do our best to guide you and advise you but our knowledge is limited to what our training has prepared us for!

9 Knowledge Check To gain the most out of today’s training you should already have an understanding of basic Connect Carolina concepts. You need to know: Chartfields Commitment Control Budget Exceptions It is expected that students have already studied these concepts. This training will not spend extra time covering these topics. If you are not familiar with these topics please let the instructor know now.

10 High Level Process Departmental Requester or Central Receiving
Approvers Purchasing Agent Purchasing Director Inspector Create a requisition and submit it for approval The system distributes the requisition via workflow for review, and approval or rejection Review the requisition and take appropriate action Create a purchase order (PO) with reference to state/UTC contract Create a PO with reference to the requisition Create a bid document and work with the department to evaluate the responses and pick the vendor Send a noncompetitive bid to a vendor, enter the response and send PO to that vendor Approve any PO greater than $50,000 Creates a receipt -If the vendor ships the goods to the warehouse, Central Receiving creates the receipt -Otherwise, the department creates the receipt If the goods require inspection, perform the inspection and record the results

11 Training Materials Student Guide Instructor PowerPoint Exercise Guide
Quick Reference Card

12 Creating a New Purchase Requisition
Agenda Creating a New Purchase Requisition Introduction/Overview Managing a Purchase Requisition Creating a Receipt Summary/Review

13 Creating a Requisition - Key Details
Create a non vendor catalog requisition in either of these situations: The total amount of goods or services purchased > $,5000 The total amount of goods or services purchased < $5,000, but the vendor is not in the vendor catalog and requires a purchase order Requester Defaults

14 Demonstration: Creating a Purchase Requisition
Demonstration and Exercise Demonstration: Creating a Purchase Requisition Follow on page 8 of your Student Guide. Exercise 1a: Creating a Purchase Requisition Go to page 3 in your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance Menu> eProcurement> Create Requisition Exercise Key for Create a Requisition Exercise 1a (1st do an as an instructor demo, then go back through and complete the exercise again on the screen as the students complete it at the same time) Use the example from the screenshots in the handout Add Items and Services Tab Item: Laser Printer Price: 2,500 Currency: USD Quantity: 3 Unit of Measure: EA Category: (or click the magnifying glass and search by description and type in “laser printer)” Due Date: (Enter the date 7 days from today’s date) Vendor ID: Click the magnifying glass, type in “IBM” in the Name field, and click Find then click on the Vendor ID for location 1. Click Add Item and then create a 2nd item Item: Printer Cabinet Price: 1,500 Quantity: 1 Category: (or click the magnifying glass and search by description and type in “printer cabinet”) Click Add Item Click the Review and Submit tab. Fund: 22193; Source: 14001; Account: ; Dept:

15 Exercise 1b Creating a Purchase Requisition
Creating a Purchase Requisition Exercise Exercise 1b Creating a Purchase Requisition Go to page 4 of your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance Menu> eProcurement> Create Requisition

16 Managing a Purchase Requisition
Agenda Managing a Purchase Requisition Introduction/Overview Creating a New Purchase Requisition Creating a Receipt Summary/Review

17 Managing a Requisition Key Details
Use the Manage Requisitions page to search for requisitions that have already been created. Once you have found the requisition you can: Copy the requisition Print the requisition View the reason the requisition was rejected Modify the requisition Cancel the requisition

18 Demonstration: Copy a Purchase Requisition
Managing a Req Demo and Exercise Demonstration: Copy a Purchase Requisition Follow on page 33 in your Student Guide. Exercise 2: Copy a Purchase Requisition Go to page 6 of your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance menu> eProcurement> Manage Requisitions

19 Demonstration: Editing a Purchase Requisition
Editing a Req Demo and Exercise Demonstration: Editing a Purchase Requisition Follow on page 37 in your Student Guide. Exercise 3: Editing a Purchase Requisition Go to page 7 in your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance menu> eProcurement> Manage Requisitions

20 Demonstration: Cancelling a Purchase Requisition
Canceling a Req Demo and Exercise Demonstration: Cancelling a Purchase Requisition Follow on page 39 in your Student Guide. Exercise 4: Cancelling a Purchase Requisition Go to page 8 in your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance menu> eProcurement> Manage Requisitions

21 Agenda Creating a Receipt Introduction/Overview
Creating a New Purchase Requisition Managing a Purchase Requisition Summary/Review Take a break! Give the students 10 minutes and run the PO Auto Sourcing Job. Follow these steps to run the PO Auto Sourcing Process Go to Main Menu – Finance Menu - Purchasing - Purchase Orders - Stage/ Source_Requests - PO Auto Souring Go to the Add a New Value Tab Create a new Run Control ID and give it a unique name and click Add **Note: The next time you need to run the process you can use the Find an Existing Value tab to find a previously created Run Control. On the Objectives tab, check the box beside “Approved Requisitions” and ensure all the other boxes are unchecked. Click the magnifying glass next to “Buyer” and select mbhall. Click the Options tab at the top of the page Click the Expand All button Uncheck the Item ID Required box In the Business Unit field, select the business unit that students used on their requisitions, this will typically be UNCCH. At the bottom of the page, mark the checkbox next to Run Budget Check and also mark the checkbox next to Run PO Dispatch. Do not change any of the other checkboxes. Click the Run button at the top of the page Click the OK button Click the Results tab at the top of the page Continue to click the Retrieve tab every few seconds until the Process Run Status is “Success”. The Stage Status for all requisition lines will show as “Complete.” Note: Each time this process runs, all open requisitions in the training environment are sourced to POs. Another department on campus may have already sourced your student’s requisitions to POs, if they run the process before you do. That will not cause a problem as the only goal of running the PO Auto Sourcing page is to create POs so that your students can practice receiving. Explain that even if a status of a created requisition is changed from Approved to PO Dispatched it will not cause a problem in training. None of the Manage Requisition exercises will be affected because students and instructors won’t run the budget checking process on these requisitions. Explain that in the real system, buyers will review your requisition and manually turn it in to a purchase order and send it to the vendor. Once the vendor sends the department the goods, they will need to create a receipt in the system (also known as receiving). Note that if the goods are shipped to the warehouse, Central Receiving will create the receipt in the system. Mention that receiving is done for both goods and services.

22 Creating a Receipt Key Details
Create a receipt in the system after the goods arrive The vendor will not be paid until the receipt is created Departments do not need to create receipts for goods shipped to the warehouse (central receiving will create the receipt) Create a receipt for services, in order for the vendor to be paid Instructors run the PO Auto Sourcing Process in class to turn the requisitions into purchasing orders so students can create receipts

23 Demonstration: Creating a Receipt Exercise 5: Creating a Receipt
Creating a Receipt Demo and Exercise Demonstration: Creating a Receipt Follow on page 46 in your Student Guide. Exercise 5: Creating a Receipt Go to page 9 in your Exercise Workbook. Menu Path Main Menu> Finance menu> eProcurement> Manage Requisitions Tell the students to imagine that the PO has been created and sent to the vendor and that the vendor just shipped the goods to your department. Tell them to follow these steps to see the Purchase Order. Go to Main Menu> Finance Menu> eProcurement> Manage Requisitions Search for the requisition(s) that they completed before the break. They can also search by the Request Status box of PO(s) Created Click on the triangle to the left of the Requisition line to open up more detail. Click on the Purchase Orders icon, which is in color. Write down the Purchase Order number for that particular requisition. Once they have the PO number, they can refer to the Creating Receipts section of the student guide or follow these steps to receive the items. Go to Main Menu> Finance Menu> Purchasing> Receipts> Add/Update Receipts On the Add a New Value tab, make sure the Business Unit is UNCCH, the Receipt Number is NEXT and the PO Receipt box is checked. Click the Add Button. Enter the POID in the ID field. In the Receipt Quantity Options section select Ordered Qty Click the Search button Mark the checkbox in the row of the appropriate PO and click OK. Ensure that the populated quantity is correct or enter the number received (assume that in this example all items were delivered and should be received) Click the Save button.

24 Agenda Summary/Review Introduction/Overview
Creating a New Purchase Requisition Managing a Purchase Requisition Creating a Receipt

25 Summary/Review Under what circumstances should a non-vendor catalog purchase requisition be created? When should a department create a receipt in the system? What happens when you click the back button on your browser while in the PeopleSoft application system? Under what circumstances should a non-vendor catalog purchase requisition be created? When the total amount of goods or services purchased is greater than $5,000; When the total amount of goods or services purchased is less than $5,000 but the vendor is not in the vendor catalog and requires a purchase order. When should a department create a receipt in the system? When the shipments from a purchase order arrives at a department address (not when shipped to central warehouse receiving). Do not create a receipt for vendor catalog, voucher, or P-Card transactions.

26 Questions & Answers

27 What Next? Complete the online survey. Project website:
Training environment URL:

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