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Chapter 12: The Excretory System Waggy

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1 Chapter 12: The Excretory System Waggy
Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 12: The Excretory System Waggy

2 Key Concepts

3 The Kidney

4 The principal function of the kidney is to
1) urea 2) uric acid 3) creatinine

5 The kidneys are more than excretory organs:
That is why a doctor can tell so much from a urine sample.

6 Parts of the Excretory System
Kidneys: Ureters: Urinary bladder: Urethra:

7 Structure of the Kidney
Each kidney is composed of three sections: 1. Renal cortex: 2. Renal medulla: 3. Renal pelvis:

8 Renal Pelvis Renal Artery Renal Medulla Renal Vein Ureter Renal Cortex

9 How blood is Filtered Nephrons:

10 Parts of the Nephron Each nephron consists of the following parts:
1) glomerulus: 2) Bowman’s capsule: 3) proximal tubule: 4) loop of Henle: 5) distal tubule: 6) collecting duct:

11 1 2 3 5 6 4

12 Trace the pathway of blood filtration:
Blood pressure forces some blood plasma and small particles into the surrounding capsule —this is called the nephric filtrate

13 The filtrate moves to the distal tubule where tubular secretion occurs
When the filtrate reaches the end of the proximal tubule it is isotonic with the surrounding cells The filtrate moves to the distal tubule where tubular secretion occurs Secretion:


15 Characteristics of Urine
Physical characteristics: Chemical characteristics: Microscopic exam

16 1. Physical Characteristics:
Color: Abnormal Urine colors: Colorless - Orange - Green - Red/Brown - Black -

17 Turbidity: Odor:

18 Chemical Characteristics
pH: Glucose: Bilirubin: Ketone:

19 Microscopic Exam

20 Disorders of the Excretory System
Normal urine production: Anuria: Oliguria: Polyuria: Nocturia:

21 UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

22 Kidney Infections NOTE: If left untreated, all UTI’s can lead to permanent kidney damage and possible kidney failure.

23 Kidney Stones Factors

24 The End

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