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Corporate Parenting Kerryann Curnow Carefree

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1 Corporate Parenting Kerryann Curnow Carefree
David Roose Head Of Service Children in Care and Care Leavers

2 Who am I and why am I here…
Kerryann Curnow, professional with care experience who supports young people to participate fully in the services they receive

3 What is Carefree? An independent Cornish charity providing services to care leavers, helping young people feel less isolated and have positive emotional health and wellbeing. Our services include; Personal advisors for care leavers Children in Care and Care Leaver’s councils Groups and participation events where care leavers can have their say and influence decisions Positive, group activities which encourage friendship and increase self-esteem Support for young people who are not in education or work Opportunities to mentor or volunteer with other young people Apprenticeships

4 What young people say about us
'Carefree is like a kind of family' ‘You get to socialise and make friends with people like you' ‘You can share experiences, good and bad' ‘You don't feel like you’re the only one' ‘You get to talk to managers and influence stuff, like interviewing new social workers and training them' ‘You have your voice heard' ‘It's about making a better life for the next care leavers'

5 Corporate Parenting Sally Hawken - Lead Member, Children “The heart of corporate parenting is asking ourselves, would this be good enough if she or he was my own child,”.

6 Children and Social Work Bill 2017
The DFE sets out what it expects from a local authority to be a good corporate parent. This is in guidance published in February 2018 and includes principles it expects councils to follow.

7 Relevant partners include
We wanted to make this a bit more cool!

8 Corporate Parenting principles
The Principles are: to act in the best interests, and promote the physical and mental health and well-being, of those children and young people to encourage those children and young people to express their views, wishes and feelings to take into account the views, wishes and feelings of those children and young people

9 Corporate Parenting principles
to help those children and young people gain access to, and make the best use of, services provided by the local authority and its relevant partners to promote high aspirations, and seek to secure the best outcomes, for those children and young people for those children and young people to be safe, and for stability in their home lives, relationships and education or work; and to prepare those children and young people for adulthood and independent living.

10 Children and Social Work Act 2017
The principles will apply to Children’s Services department Housing Services Leisure Services Health Services Police and Youth Justice Wider council and partners e.g. through apprenticeships

11 Why are we corporate parents?
Children come into care because they have been: Physically Abused Emotionally Abused Sexually Abused Neglected Local authority shares parental responsibility either voluntarily or through a court order. We become Corporate Parents!

12 The Numbers at 415 Children inn Care – 302 care leavers (will expand by 240 when duties increased to 25) Adoption top 10% Leaving Care Joint 1st 75.9% EET 98% in Touch. 270 in house foster care placements 70 Independent placements 33 Residential placements

13 Young People’s message to those who work with them
THIS IS US Young People’s message to those who work with them

14 Pledges To Children In Care
1. Find best available placement 2. Keep Safe 3. Stay healthy 4. Make the transition to adult life (Leave Care) 5. Good education 6. Stay in touch with family and friends 7. Help children have a voice and participate in decision making.

15 Care Leavers Ofsted inspection Judgement : Good
Council has exempted care leavers from Council tax until 25. These are young people who move into independence much earlier than their peers. They also are much more likely to experience debt difficulties. The exemption is part of an overall strategy to improve the outcomes for care leavers so that they are more able to participate positively in the local community.

16 Summary As members bear in mind Children in Care and care leavers.
Within and outside the Council, ask if they have been considered when providing services e.g. Housing, leisure, health Including apprenticeships within the Council and beyond

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