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Lessons From Lot Pilgrim’s Regress

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1 Lessons From Lot Pilgrim’s Regress
Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Lessons From Lot Pilgrim’s Regress 1

2 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Lessons From Lot
Lesson #1 – How low can you go? Lot looked toward Sodom. Lot moved to Sodom. Lot was a leader in Sodom. Lot’s wife had an affinity for Sodom. Lot offered up his daughters to Sodom. Lot’s daughters did the unthinkable. Temptation  desire  sin  death James 1:13-15 cf. Hebrews 2:6-7 2

3 James 1: (NASB) 13  Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. 14  But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15  Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.

4 Hebrews 2:6-7 (NASB) 6 But one has testified somewhere, saying,
“What is man, that You remember him? Or the son of man, that You are concerned about him? 7  “You have made him for a little while lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And have appointed him over the works of Your hands;”

5 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Lessons From Lot
Lesson #2 – The sins of the father Sin, no matter how bad, is the seedbed of even more sin and trouble – Exodus 20:5. 3

6 Exodus 20:5 (NASB) 5  “You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,”

7 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Lessons From Lot
Lesson #2 – The sins of the father Sin, no matter how bad, is the seedbed of even more sin and trouble – Exodus 20:5. Lot’s choice affected his wife and daughters. This account emphasizes Moab (from father) and Ben-Ammi (son of my people). They will be at war with Israel but … From Moab will come Ruth. From Ammon will come Naamah, the mother of Rehoboam. 3

8 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Lessons From Lot
Lesson #3 – Death or Resurrection? It does not appear that Lot ever repents. What if the mountains that the angels were telling him to go to were the Oaks of Mamre? Lot eventually makes it to the mountains but which ones? Lot is not like the prodigal son because he never admits to his poor choice, never returns to his Father, and never confesses his sin. 4

9 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Pilgrim’s Regress Abraham, a sinner too!
This event is here as a parallel to Lot! God’s obedient ones still sin! Two characteristics of Abraham’s sin – It was cowardly and put others at risk. It was dishonoring to God. God’s people are not intrinsically better than those who are not His people. 5

10 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Pilgrim’s Regress An old sin repeated!
There are similarities with the two kings. There are also differences. Jehovah is used in both cases to emphasize God’s covenant keeping promises in the protection of Sarah. Elohim is only used in the prayer for the king. When we have built in compromises with sin. there will always be failure down the road. 6

11 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Pilgrim’s Regress When faith fails
Abraham’s sin, like ours, is always a lack of faith. We want to view our lives in separate, watertight compartments. This belief leads to the effects of our sin spilling over into other areas of our lives. It also spills over to others around us. As our view of God decreases, our view of ourselves increases. 7

12 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Pilgrim’s Regress When faith fails
Abraham’s sin, like ours, is always a lack of faith. We want to view our lives in separate, watertight compartments. This belief leads to the effects of our sin spilling over into other areas of our lives. It also spills over to others around us. As our view of God decreases, our view of ourselves increases. That is a problem! As our view of ourselves increases, our sensitivity to others decreases. 7

13 Déjà vu? Genesis 20 Application
What areas of your life are being affected by your sin? What role does unbelief play in your sin? Who else is being affected by your sin? What are you going to do about it? 8

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