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Applying to a CD Graduate Program

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1 Applying to a CD Graduate Program
Presented to NSSLHA September 2015 By Linda Spencer PhD Amelia Rau PhD

2 Choose Your Programs Become familiar with their websites, explore:
Faculty Expertise and Labs Program Details Application Information GRE, GPA, Deadlines, etc. Online or Paper? Application costs

3 Polish your Resume Competitive students show high levels of:
Scholarship Collegiate engagement Extra-curricular activities Service Related to the Field

4 Request letters of recommendation
Choose individuals who know you well Hierarchy CD Professor/instructor Other Professor/instructor Non-instructional – personal reference

5 Choosing Recommenders
Consider your past interaction with intended recommender Grade achieved in class Positive/negative interactions Inquire directly “Would you feel comfortable writing a positive letter?”

6 Prepare your LOR packets
Include a concise cover letter of thanks with details for the writer to include: Length and nature of relationship GPA Highlights Outline the application due dates of all universities being applied to.

7 Include: Outlined due dates of all universities being applied to, in additiont o instructions on how the letter is to be submitted for each university Most generate LOR links sent to your reommendars address Some still require sealed letters, paper rating forms Personal Statement Unofficial Transcripts

8 Waive Right of Access Sign and agree to waive right of access
Letter is signed and sealed Cannot under any situation read letter Do not sign – do not waive right of access Letter likely to be more objective – no subjective information LESS weight assigned to letter

9 Deliver LOR Packets Give packets of LOR information to your writers no later than the last day of finals, fall term. Be sure to have paid your application fees so LOR links are generated for your writers Don’t forget any paper rating forms or self-addressed stamped envelops if needed. Deliver in ONE COMPLETE LARGE MANILA ENVELOPE with CHECKLIST AND WAIVER

10 Writing a personal statement
Presented to NSSLHA September 2015 By Linda Spencer PhD

11 What is a personal statement?
It is a chance to introduce an admissions committee to you It is your opportunity to “sell yourself” There are two categories of Personal Statements that CD programs tend to request: 1) A general, comprehensive personal statement (most common) General statement allows maximum freedom in terms of what you write Specific Response personal statement Requires you to address a specific question

12 Before You Compose Your Statement…(http://owl. english. purdue
Make a list of special, unique, distinctive, and/or impressive attributes about you and your life story Identify the details of your life (personal or family situation, history, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) Identify when and why you became interested in this field and what have you learned about it (and about yourself) Explain what piqued your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field?

13 Possible points to share
Employment you have sustained in your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for example) how that work contributed to your growth Your career goals Explain gaps or discrepancies in your academic record (great so-so GRE scores, a distinct upward pattern to your GPA once you found your niche) Any unusual obstacles or hardships (for example, economic, familial, or physical) in your life

14 Considerations, cont Personal characteristics (integrity, compassion, and/or persistence) Share of these characteristics—awards, write-ups in news etc. Unique Skills you have (leadership, communicative, analytical) Illustrate why you are a stronger candidate than other applicants Share compelling reasons that the admissions committee should be interested in you

15 Additional pieces of wisdom http://owl. english. purdue
Give complete answers to the questions that are asked on the application Be sure your answer fits the question being asked Don't be tempted to use the same statement for all applications—Tell each school why you are interested in THEIR program

16 Personal Statement Vs Statement of Purpose
According to Carnegie Mellon University There is not a consensus on how they differ Personal statements tend to be more oriented to past, autobiographical, anecdotal and then future, where Statements of Purpose are more are more future oriented Introduction is important Personal Hook Intro—When I was 5 years old my best friend was deaf… Direct Intro--- I am applying to the communication disorser program at NMSU with the interest in becoming ….. If you do have a lapse in your work, don’t lie, don’t ignore and explain what you learned from the experience

17 Also… Avoid some subjects Tell what you know
The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field Demonstrate your knowledge of the field --classes, conversations with people in the field, books you've read, seminars you've attended Avoid some subjects There are certain things best left out of personal statements. For example, references to experiences or accomplishments in high school or earlier are generally not a good idea. Don't mention potentially controversial subjects (for example, controversial religious or political issues). Provide ample white space ---1 inch margins, short, readable paragraphs, at least 12 point font, space between paragraphs

18 Finally Do some research, if needed Write well and correctly
Pinpoint why THAT school and not another school Is the school in a geographical or cultural change area for you? If so explain why it is your choice Write well and correctly Meticulous; no longer than 2 pages; Avoid clichés Avoid often-repeated or tired statements I am a people person….YAWN….

19 Examples McNair Program applicants for graduate school
Which are too long? How do you feel as you read them? Note: statements will be added as the semester wears on…not all links are active as yet **the Mcnair program was named after Ronald McNair, who perished in the Challenger mission. The program mentors first generation students in their endeavor to achieve a position in graduate programs

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