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Voices of Protest.

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1 Voices of Protest

2 The Warren Court Chief Justice Earl Warren
Began conservative, but beliefs became more liberal over the years Tried to correct what the Court saw as the nation’s social ills Believed in equal justice under the law for African Americans, a poor person, an accused criminal, an immigrant, or a city dweller

3 Women’s Movement Betty Freidan wrote The Feminine Mystique in 1963
- Stated that women were not “only suited for low paying jobs” - Women’s achievements could also be measured as wives and mothers Many women supported these ideas and began looking for alternatives to marriage, childbearing, and homemaking Many women opposed these ideas as well. They supported traditional roles for women

4 Women’s Issues in the 60’s
For every $1 a man earned a female earned $0.59 Women only held 5% of the legislative seats in the country 13 women were in Congress The FDA approved birth control allowing couples to plan their families Formation of NOW – National Organization for Women in 1966

5 Women in the 1970’s In 1970, the Labor Department required employers to hire a certain percentage of women Education Amendments Act – outlawed sexual discrimination in education - school boards had to rewrite policies that limited girls to cooking classes and boys to shop classes - asked school to support girls’ athletics 1976 West Point and Annapolis (military academies) open to females 1923 – 1982 fight for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Failed in 1982 1973 Roe v Wade = Abortions

6 Hispanic Americans Numbers of Hispanic Americans increased dramatically in the 1960s – 1970s Very little representation in the state legislatures and Congress Bilingual education was a controversial topic - some believed it delayed assimilation (the melting pot) The Supreme Court upheld rulings that schools had to meet the needs of its students

7 Cesar Chavez 1927 – 1993 He was a community and labor activist in the 1950s He founded the National Farm Workers of America in 1962 In 1968, he called for a boycott of California table grapes due to poor working conditions and improved pay - this lasted for 5 years until he won

8 Cesar Chavez In 1972, he merged his union with another union to form The United Farm Workers He encouraged nonviolent protests (inspired by Gandhi and MLK, Jr.) He often went on hunger strikes to help bring attention to his causes Mini Bio Video

9 Native American Civil Rights
In your textbooks, please read pages Answer the following questions: What major problems did the Native Americans face during the 1960’s and 1970’s? How did Native Americans try to address these problems?

10 LGBT Civil Rights Movement
1924 First documented gay right association in the U.S. – Society for Human Rights 1953 Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Executive Order 10450 Ordering the dismissal of all government employees who engage in “sexual perversion” and other immoral acts. Did not specifically state gay/lesbians, but hundreds lost their jobs 1962 Illinois 1st state to decriminalize homosexuality between consenting adults in private 1969 Stonewall Riots – Stonewall Inn was a gay bar that police would often raid, this time the patrons protested – Defining movement in LGBT rights

11 LGBT Civil Rights Movement
1970 First Gay Pride March – on first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots 1973 American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from it mental illness list 1979 March on Washington for LGBT rights over 100,000 people marched 1986 Supreme Court case Bower v Hardwick upholds the right of each state to criminalize same-sex acts

12 LGBT Civil Rights Movement
1993 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell = military involvement Repealed in 2008 – can now openly serve 1996 Pres. Clinton signs Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) = 1 man + 1 woman 1999 – present = individual states are legalizing same-sex marriage or civil unions 2011 Obama admisistration will no longer support DOMA 2013 Supreme Court rules that some parts of DOMA are unconstitutional Gay couples are entitled to federal benefits – social security survival benefits and family leave

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